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I believe DH first, DH believes Skids first

Redredwine's picture

Had an interesting epiphany with events that happened over a couple of days.

When DH tells me of an infraction done by my kid, I believe DH first and go to talk to my kid based on believing DH's version is correct. It has turned out that DH has been wrong on occassion. I don't go in with guns blazing at my kid, but I do tell him to do/not do something based on what DH said...then it may come out that the situation is different.

When I tell DH of an infraction done by a skid, DH does not believe me and either gives me an excuse or tells me he will go ask the skid. He believes the skid first. I'm assumed to be wrong on all but a few occassions when I can prove the skid is wrong. DH asks and almost hands them the answer that makes it all okay.

I know my kid is frustrated by the fact I take the adult's word on it first. I know he sometimes sees his stepdad excusing his stepbrothers and he doesn't get the same treatment.

I'm tempted to do it DH's way and not believe him and make excuses for my kid. I wonder if he'd notice. I wonder if he'd get it when I pointed out that I changed up how I did it to how he does it.


SMto3's picture

My SO does this sometimes. The other day I saw the tub full of bubbles so I went to SS10 and told him not to use so much soap, he only needs to use about the size of a quarter or 2 quarters (its liquid soap). Right away, SO chimes in and says "Oh it might be because that liquid spurts out really fast." I said "oh, is that the reason why? okay...." He automatically gives them excuses sometimes. He bought them that soap though so I don't care.

Shaman29's picture

Except the DH won't get it. He'll continue to press the point and not see the obvious connection.

Redredwine's picture

That is usually how it goes and then I get crap for "not just pointing it out in the first place."

Redredwine's picture

Already started. We will see how long it takes...but I only have four more years. I hope that's enough.

Newstep's picture

SO believes every word out of SD's mouth. She has lied to him so many times I can't even count. He has caught her straight up lying to him countless times. Yet every word she says is TRUTH.

Me on the other hand he questions everything especially if it has to do with SD then it's an interrogation on me. Then all these excuses on how I must be wrong or mistaken or I forgot something. Drives me crazy :?

The kicker I have never lied to him everything I have said about SD has come out to be 100% true. Yet he still doubts ME ugggggg he's an idiot.