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Oh Sure, I'm the Bad Guy?!

PoshMama's picture

Two weeks ago my SD's ages 7 & 9, went home after a weekend visit with DH & I, and our family. I thought we had a pretty decent weekend, I knocked myself out making sure we did lots of fun outdoor activities and despite my best efforts, the girls wound up with some sunburn on their backs, even though they did use sunscreen. BM had blasted me via text for the sunburn and said the girls claimed that I cursed at them and refused to lotion their backs because I was too busy with my bio sons, ages 3, 2 and 9m. This couldn't have been farther from the truth. I ensured that the children all had the opportunity use the sunscreen. SD7 asked me to assist her with her back and I did. SD9 wanted to do it herself. And they reapplied several times pretending to be Indian Warriors... Long story short, they lied, the ex gobbled up the story, and it's spiraled out of control.

BM told DH that the girls no longer want to come to our home because they don't like me. We were supposed to take a ride up to visit with them and do dinner tmrw evening but the ex told DH that if he's not coming alone, don't come at all. DH stood his ground and told her he's not coming then... I wonder how long he'll stick to his guns about it... I'm so upset and insulted that BM is painting me out to be a monster and SD's totally turned on me!

Granted, our blended family is not perfect. Every time the girls come for a visit - which is every other weekend - we are very uncomfortable here in our home as we know they take as much information as possible back home to their mother, and that info is later used against us - whether it be financial, or personal, etc. Its also difficult for all of us when they visit because SD's get very jealous when they see DH show me and our sons love. I believe this was a contributing factor to SD9's turning against me - we saw a deeper steak of jealousy, worse than ever before, in her during our last visit. I know that BM has very serious jealousy issues and obsessive tendencies herself, so all 3 of them must be going crazy right now that DH is sticking to his guns.

I told DH that I don't want them in my house. I need peace. He said although it hurts him to hear it, he understands and they won't be coming over to our home. However, in time, down the line, (hopefully years from now), he would like to keep the option open for them to visit if things blow over and relationships are mended. I'm taking it one day at a time...

My question to all you brave souls here is, have any of you been through a similar situation where SKIDS (particularly SD's) painted you out to be a monster and didn't want to be around you?! What do you all think of my SD's making this decision at such a young age?! Do you feel it's more so BM making the decision?! I'm really hurt - I though I had decent relationships with my SD's... Also, do any of you have a situation where your DH visits the SKIDs alone? What is your opinion on that?


Flying.Purple.Step.Monster's picture

I think the question is "which of us have not been made to seem like a monster to BM?"

loveandfitness's picture

^Yup. Perhaps you and DH and sit down and talk to the girls and ask them why they would lie. It's possible that BM took a little remark made by one of them way out of control and they followed her lead. Wish my DH would agree about skid not coming over; if I ever even implied something like that he'd throw a sh*t fit.

WTF...REALLY's picture

Perhaps counseling is in order.

And yes, I am fine with my hubby having alone time with his child. I like my alone time with my kids.

But.....this BM is working hard to make sure the kids don't like you. What a complete bitch. She and she alone is creating a situation for them to lose thier dad. Again....she is a worthless mother bitch.

I have no answers. Just love on your hubby and your kids. Treat them with respect should they come back to your home. Be proud of who you are at the end of the day.

WokeUpABug's picture

I'm not so sure they don't want to be around you. What it sounds like is when they were with you they actually had a pretty good time. And when they got back to BM they told her what she wanted to hear, that you were horrible, mean, etc. It's clear she's rewarding them for disliking you. It's also clear that she's the one who is jealous of you - her comment about not bringing you if DH came to dinner was NOT from the skids' minds I think.

I think you are making a mistake by not having the kids to the house again. I believe your BM is waging a PAS campaign. It goes like this "your DH loves his new family more than you. I am the only one that truly loves you." You and DH need to counter that. Not having them to the house again just feeds into it. If you get a chance, read "Divorce Poison." I get that there are some stepkids that are truly toxic and need to be banned, but your situation does not sound like this.

And yeah, all skids report back to BM. I hate it too, but it's just how it is.

Sparklelady's picture

Easy to google Parental Alienation. Your description of your situation sounds like BM is textbook. So sorry, do read up and have your husband do so as well. It's incredibly difficult to overcome and requires steel determination but some people do succeed.

And oh my goodness block her from your phone! Do not trick yourself into thinking you need her to be able to reach you in case of emergency. Block!

dood's picture

I don't know, Bug... I agree with a lot of what you are saying, but I don't agree that OP should be keen on having them back over the house.. NO matter what she and DH do or don't do, say or don't say the PAS campaign is wayyyy in swing here. Any attempts that they make, will be countered with an even further escalated reaction from BM.

I agree with you in theory, but not in practice. I think the crayon is on the wall, there is no erasing it.

PoshMama's picture

To me, him seeing the kids alone is giving BM (and Skids) exactly what they want - the upper hand, and DH away from me and our kids. This is always her MO. I don't think he should feed into her and SD9's jealousy.

Monchichi's picture

If it's on your terms how is that giving them the upper hand? I don't understand the need to turn things in to a power struggle. Pick your battles wisely and protect your own children foremost.

nunya1983's picture

Yes I have! Oh my gosh yes! When sd first moved to her new home, dh said he thought that was really close to where the jail was. BM said no it wasn't. So when we went to drop sd off for the first time at her new home, dh said (with out thinking), "I knew it was close to the jail! Look Nunya, you see that building right there? That's the jail!"

Well apparently sd took this and somehow turned it into me saying it. So she told her mom that I said they live in a scary place and the jail is right there. That she needs to be really scared at night. That she has to make sure all the does and windows are locked.

Nobody said all that (except that the jail is right there, that was dh, not me). Do I think she needs to check her does and windows? Yes, but I think everyone should. Every night I check my home's doors and windows, and I live in a very safe community. I check because break ins happen every where.

nengooseus's picture

We are in a similar situation, in which BM is hateful and nasty about me to the kids. She's hateful and nasty about DH, too, but at least it's the bed he made. The Skids get lots of attention and loving from her as long as they're spewing venom about us, and they get rejected if they say anything nice or God forbid, have fun with us. It sounds like much the same is happening for you.

That said, I'm jealous reading your blog. Your husband gets it and is willing to protect you from their crazy. Every time DH and I try to talk about how I feel about the situation, I'm trying to make him choose between me and his kids. I don't want him to have to choose, but it's not my fault that this is the way his kids behave, it's the horrible ex's. I'm just suffering the consequences.

I get what some of the others are saying about the idea that giving the Skids one-on-one time is what they want. But who wants to fight all the time in their own home?

twoviewpoints's picture

I'll ask the obvious question. Where was Dad? An infant, two toddlers and two little girls need sunscreen. You have two hands. Skids can't do well on their own backs no matter how hard they may try (Adults would have trouble doing a 100% decent job on their own backs).

if you managed to take five kids between 9months and 9yrs out in the sun all weekend and only one came through it with some sunburn on their back, you did pretty well. If SD9 managed to do her own sunscreen and only got some sunburn on her back, SD did pretty well too. But again, where was Dad? Why was Dad not saying to his daughter 'here daughter, let me make sure you got your back, it's a hard place to reach'?

BM is angry at you and girls say you wouldn't help them. Ok. But where was Dad and why is he getting a pass. These young kiddos are his kids. There were there to spend a weekend with him. He was present. It's not too much of a reach to think Dad should have been assisting his older children .....hmmm. Typical. The woman (in this case you the SM) is to do all the 'mommy' stuff, but the male who the children are visiting gets a pass.

You know, if the father were sharing his attention with all the children AND attending to his older ones while you attend to your younger ones, the skids wouldn't feel so left out and jealous. They would have no need to. But now you're the 'bad guy' and the evil SM.

Is the drive up and dinner out a regular scheduled visitation time? If so, load up your vehicle with your family and drive up for the scheduled visitation. If BM refuses to let the kids come out and get in the car to go for dinner (even though you are present) Dad needs to document the refusal.

I think you're wrong to ban the girls of 7 and 9 from your home over what little you've given as a reason. IMO you're also wrong that Dad can bail on these two girls at this young age and that years later aka down the road they'll come to desire a relationship with him. Dad choose to have this many kids and this close together. Now it's up to Dad to figure out how he's going to manage to be father to all the kids four days a month without building a wall between the kids.

Monchichi's picture

tog, I don't agree with refusing to do dinner because SM can't come or is not welcome. I believe the husband should have gone. This is a power play on all fronts. The priority is the children and father seeing each other. It's what my comment about if it's on your terms. I would say darling, I don't want to go. This visit is not about me. The father not going played to the BM and children.

twoviewpoints's picture

I understand your thought line on this, however I think it's important Dad build a relationship between the children. The three babes are the brothers of the older girls. If Dad goes can you imagine him taking his three youngest without SM? The guy couldn't manage to handle/assist Sm with sun screening five kids. How would he do dinner out?

IMO it's a relationship between Dad and all five kids that need work on. I 'get' a guy is going to be overwhelmed even at the thought of 3 babes and two young girls but the answer isn't just leave the babes and SM out. These girls have jealousy issues and Dad needs to stand up and learn to handle all five or the jealousy and the leaving out are just going to get worse. If this was one intact 24/7 365 family, Dad wouldn't get to dump 1/2 the kids. Even in intact families jealousy can develop and exist. It's a parent's 'job' to juggle kids so that everyone feels they belong and are just as 'special' and loved/wanted as the rest. None of them are more deserving nor any of them less deserving than any of the others. The guy took on a lot having so many and having three so close together, but that's a mute issue now. The kids are all here and it's Dad' role to support and build a relationship not only between them and him but between all the children too.

Yes, there may be an occasional father trip up to see the girls if the boys are home sick or as they age they all start having busy activities , but it shouldn't be the norm and it shouldn't be the expectation. There was a family outing planned. BM stomps her foot and now it's come alone or don't come. Way too much power given to the girls via the BM in this. If this is allowed to go forth a whole new set of problems develop.

PoshMama's picture

Hi Twoviewpoints, I' am glad you asked the obvious! DH works on Saturday's and 99% of the time, the SD's go to his parents house (a few blocks away) for 1/2 the day until DH gets out. We got REEMED by BM about 3-4 months ago because SD's were complaining about having to go to their grandparents house while DH worked. Two weeks ago, when this drama happened, was the first time they've stayed with me on a Saturday in years! I can count on one hand the number of times I've done a Saturday babysit... Go figure! Then this happens?!

I applied sunscreen to 4 of the 5 children. SD7 asked for help with her back, and she handled the rest. SD9 was adamant about doing it herself and personally, if she doesn't want me touching her, I'm not going to argue it. That could totally turn into another false allegation! Can you imagine?! ugh... Both SD's reapplied sunscreen 2 or 3 times and laid it on thick like war paint.

Disneyfan's picture

If the grandparents are willing to keep the kids while dad works, then dad needs to stand firm and tell mom to go to hell.

twoviewpoints's picture

BM calls the shots in her home, not yours. Nothing wrong with the girls spending part of Saturday with the grandparents (unless Gma/Gpa can't physically keep up with them). By their age on Saturday mornings I was out on the farm visiting Gma/Gpa and chores started very early out in the barn and chicken house. Some of the best memories I still hold to this day.

Unless Bm has a first rights of refusal in the CO she can squeal all she wants over Saturday but squealing is all it is. Start sending the girls back to visit with their grandparents on Saturday if that's the arrangements that Dad has made and works for them. I sure wouldn't want to babysit two extra kids while I had three little ones by myself. I would think the girls getting to see grandparents until Dad was home (or part of the day) was a win-win for the girls. They get fun at your house as a family when Dad is present and fun at grandparents .

Let me guess. BM doesn't like you and doesn't want them at grandparents she wants them at her house and pretend their Daddy is nobody? You're going to have your hands full with this nut. Back on Saturday's to Gma's they go. Let BM spend $5000 to change and fight the CO if she doesn't like it.

Disneyfan's picture

How will banning a 7 and 9 year old from his home, help with the jealously issue? :? If anything, that just confirms that "daddy loves his new kids more than he loves you".

Dad has to step up and do the work needy to ensure all 5 of kids understand that he loves and cares about them all equally. He can't do that by pushing the older two away.

PoshMama's picture

Ladies, thank you for your thoughts and advice. I respect many of your thoughts that the girls shouldn't be banished from our home - since this is actually the first incident where the girls went home and bashed me. And the very first time I'm ever hearing of the girls disliking me. However, if false allegations continue.... Then what? My primary goals are of course the stability and safety of my sons, and my sanity, and peace in my home. All of which have been suffering because of the turmoil that is caused during visits.

Monchichi's picture

OP, can you be more specific about the turmoil during visits. One incident is hard to comment on for future handling.

Also you don't say how long you and DH have been together. You say your bios and our family. Are all 3 boys his or just the 9 month old?

PoshMama's picture

Hi Monchichi, I had been with my DH for just about 6 years now. All 3 boys are ours together. Turmoil during visits: SD's come in to the house every other weekend and get angry/upset whenever DH shows love/affection to me or the boys. They try to monopolize DH by laying all over him, sitting on his lap, interrupting conversations he has with me/boys... SD7 is hyperactive and behavioral. SD9 has emotional issues. Other contributing factors are: we are on high alert when the girls are over and need to be hyper aware of their interactions with our boys because 1 year ago, they were caught being sexually inappropriate with other little girls in their social circle at BM's. DH and I agreed that they cannot be alone with our sons. SD7 always tries to get bio son 3 into basement playroom...we don't allow it. Another issue is that information goes back to BM and she uses that info against us. Example, if we go out for dinner or buy something, or the girls catch wind of a getaway that we went on, BM starts pounding on us for "extra" money, etc. or belittles us for having a life together. And the latest contributing factor is now that I have to watch everything I say and do x100 when the come for a visit again.

Monchichi's picture

Your SD's were just 3 and 1 when you and your DH got together. Nothing I am about to say is going to be aimed at you but I would like you to think about this. Firstly they will blame you for the break up of their parents. Immaterial of the role you played. Secondly you sound very distant from these children considering it has been 6 years. Almost disconnected. They can and will sense this. They see their father every other weekend, so 4 days a month of which half was spent at their grandparents. So they saw/ see their father for 2 days a month. They have to share this time with 3 other children that they are jealous of and who have their father full time in their view.

These little girls behaviour on the wanting daddy to themselves is quite normal for this small a visitation time. Not alright/ acceptable behaviour but normal. Additionally it sounds like something is going on that is underlying here but not mentioned. Has your husband looked in to this? Are they seeing a therapist?

This is text so I may well be reading this all wrong.

SD7 is hyperactive and behavioral - What does that mean? Does the child have ADHD/ developmental problems/ social problems/ behavioral problems/ all of these.
SD9 has emotional issues - What does this mean?

You're clearly stating these girls have serious problems.

Additionally and I say this as I live it, you did not make this problem. This is your husbands problem. He needs to handle this. Not you. These are not your children. Supervise and care for your boys, let him handle the girls. Get help before shutting any doors.

Disneyfan's picture

What did dad do about the sexual incident? Did he have the girls see anyone? Did he request an investigation? Were his girls the aggressors or the victims?

It seems strange that a parent would not look into/get help for kids for what occurred, instead of just keeping one set of kids away from the other set.

If this were to occur with one of the boys, would his response be to keep one from ever being alone with the other two?

I understand why you are making the decisions you're making. You top priority should always be to protect your kids. However, his choices seem a bit out there because all of the kids are his.

Disneyfan's picture

"Then what"

Your husband deals with it each and every time. :?

What happens in 8 years if one of your boys goes to school and lies abut something that happened at home?(yes, it happens) Will dad ban him from the home or put in the necessary work to correct the behavior?

ej'scrazy's picture

I get where you are coming from as far as bm attacking you and what you say/do (fictitious or not). I've been attacked by bm repeatedly. Sometimes, she's made such wild accusation (and puts them in writing too) that it's laughable. Recently, after it being "my responsibility" as stepmom to watch them when she had to work because "it was only fair that she has free babysitting too," now I am not allowed to be alone with her children because I am not to be trusted (again, laughable because of my career).

What it boils down to is she is angry that she can't control dh anymore. I don't know if it is the same in your dynamic, but it does sound similar with the kids lying so blatantly about a situation. Bm probably doesn't like the fact that you have successfully done what she cannot. You and dh are married longer, have a thriving relationship, and children that are (based on what you have said) well adjusted. Your "success" my be enough to push her over the edge.

I would establish clear boundaries with the kids and bm. I would discuss the situation directly with the girls, asking what they said. It may be that bm is embellishing what they said or maybe they flat out lied. If it's the second, there needs to be a frank discussion as to why lying will not be tolerated as well as the consequences for it. As far as bm, email communications only, unless it is a dire emergency. She calls, screen it. Not an emergency, email a reply. Every.time?

furkidsforme's picture

I think "banning" two kids from the home over an ALLEGED bad mouthing to BM about SM ( which is 100% normal.... all Skids try to play one side against the other) says more about the poster than it does about BM or the SKids.

For all the OP knows, the SKids didn't say a damned thing, BM saw some sunburn and filled the rest in for dramatic flair.