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SD22 is turning into a GUBM! AARGH!

AllySkoo's picture

SD22 has an almost-two-year old son. SD22 lives with BioDad (although not married). SD22 is "in college" (although out for the summer) and is otherwise a SAHM - Dad works two jobs to support the three of them and pay for her college costs.

So SD22 posts this gem on FB today. (I'm paraphrasing here since some of it was in comments.)

Feeling pissed off! My man expects me to clean the house while I have son to take care of, because he was having friends come over! I spend all day taking care of your child, if you want a clean house CLEAN IT YOURSELF!

GAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! I cannot even tell you how much I want to post on that stauts "Get. A. JOB." (Her SO would LOVE me if I did! He's been after her for AGES to get a damn job.)

The sense of entitlement is strong in this one.


moeilijk's picture

Well - he's still not going to have a clean house. If she goes to work, she's got no time to clean either.

And tbh, I'm a SAHM and do very little cleaning. But then I have health issues.

OTOH, I would never ever bash my DH on FB, even if he was completely wrong (which happens a LOT, even though he further compounds his wrong by denying it). Why? What kind of people DO stuff like that? Arrrgh. (I'm Canadian, that's just me saying the letter "R". Like a pirate.)

AllySkoo's picture

On the other hand, if she gets a job then maybe he can afford to quit one of his TWO (did I mention TWO?) full-time jobs and then he can help clean!

SD has no health issues other than laziness. And she doesn't even have her son 24/7 - she has BM "babysit" every afternoon so she can "get a break". (Why yes, my eyes just rolled clear out of the room!)

moeilijk's picture

Yikes! I missed the TWO fulltime jobs part!!

In my own situation, I wouldn't let that happen because I'd miss my DH too much.

What a selfish cow.

My DH has no problem supporting me... I'm the one who has a problem with it, because I'm, you know, an independent adult capable of working full-time. (But at the cost of my health, so then no happy life, just income... for us we decided not worth it while DD is still little. But that's us, not the point, lol!)

omgstop's picture

^^^THIS^^^ with the partner-bashing...What. The Actual. FUCK. is wrong with people.

EDIT: misspelling

moeilijk's picture

IKR??? Like, is it even possible to do more damage to your marriage and friendships than by trashing one to the other? Everyone just feels mistrust and resentment - a recipe for unrest and arguments!

Yes, it is possible - do it publicly and for posterity, on FB!

DaizyDuke's picture

um wow! Did anyone actually agree with her??

I work full time and manage to do pretty much everything with BS5 (baths, school stuff, lunches, entertainment etc) AND I manage to keep the house clean, do laundry, run the dishwasher AND take care of horses. And I can honestly say I rarely feel overwhelmed... I still find the time to kayak, run, walk etc. Maybe because I don't let things go?? I just don't get how taking care of 1 two year old is soooooo stressful... especially with no job!??

AllySkoo's picture

Yep, all her friends were posting "you tell him!" and other such nonsense. The only person with any damn sense who posted is DH's sister, who pointed out that perhaps this was not the most mature way to handle the disagreement and maybe she should let it go.

I know! I work full time, have THREE kids ages 6 and under, and DH and I split all the house chores. If she were contributing in any way to the household then I could see her point, but she doesn't. According to her, "being a mom" should be her one and ONLY job and her SO should take care of everything else.

Strengthh's picture

A lot of days at that age you just cannot get anything done, SAHM or not. You are lucky just to have basic meals and basic laundry because child care is that time consuming.

I agree, with a toddler, expecting a clean house worthy of guests it unrealistic. But then that's the old stereotype, the SAHM and " what do you do all day long", and I just saw it " I do it, and more, why can't you?"

AllySkoo's picture

Don't get me wrong, I have TONS of respect for SAHMs! I couldn't do it, I know my limits. But SD takes it too far. She has ONE child, that child goes to his grandmother's (BM's) EVERY day so SD can "get a break", and she actually does not think she and her SO should split the chores - she has said that she cannot do ANY chores because taking care of her son is a "full time job". For which I call BULLSHIT.

Nope, there are SAHM's who totally kick ass and take names, but SD is not one of them. Sadly.

Oh, and this is the SAME SD who was honest-to-god pissed off because her SO wouldn't take money out of their kid's college fund (yep, Dad is putting money in a college fund for his kid too!) to buy her new clothes. *sigh*

misSTEP's picture

It kind of reminds me of our BM. Although she would take the skids to daycare even though she didn't have a job. She didn't clean much either but she yelled enough at whatever kids were around to get them to do the majority of it anyway.

hereiam's picture

My SD23 used to think I was a horrible wife because DH cooks and does laundry (and cleans, sometimes). How awful of me, the slave driver, all of that is the woman's job.

She made a point of telling DH that when she got married, she was not going to make her husband do any housework, she would do it all (big laugh, she's lazy as fuck).

Then she got married and had a baby, no job. Her ex-DH did not lift a finger when he was home (lazy and would rather play video games).

Suddenly, all of that was no longer just the woman's job. "Why can't I have a husband that helps with the housework?", she asked DH. "I wish my relationship was like yours and hereiam's."

Yeah, he called her out on that, big time. By the way, every place they lived was a pig sty.