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Little Wussy SD

FMSL's picture

I'm the one who has the SD12 that sprained the tiny tip of her ring finger. That was almost 2 months ago. So 2 months ago, on the day that SD's friend supposedly stepped on her poor wittle finger, we spent hours in the ER with her and she wound up with a full arm cast all the way up to her elbow! It was a finger tip. Her friend stepped on the tip of her finger! A week later, they removed the ridiculous cast and put on a finger splint. The splint would have been more than sufficient in the first place! BUT NOOOOOO..... DH wants to make sure that SD's little tippy finger heals correctly. So, the splint has been on for over 2 weeks so tonight I questioned why she still has the damn splint on. Ooooops, I offended DH! "Ohhh!" He says..."You know she's growing and we have to make sure that bone grows back the right way." WTF? It's a S.P.R.A.I.N. Nothing broke! I'm not being bias because I would never let my bios be this freaking wussy! How in the world did generations before this ever survive??!!

SD has moped around the house pretending to be completely disabled for weeks/months now and quite frankly, I'm tired of it!! But, when I bring it just leads to fighting with DH. OMG, I can predict SD failing to launch forevermore because everyone coddles the shit out of her! This is the same kid who got an F and a D but is "Graduating" into 7th grade while DH thinks he needs to buy her a "Graduation Gift" for 6th grade. Really?? And then DH wonders why I'm stressed and not the same person I was when I first met him. YES, DH, I was a very different person before having a full time SKID. Sorry, but I would not let either of my 2 BDs be this big of a fkng WUSS!!


Ninji's picture

My SD got 5 stitches in her eyebrow about 6 months ago.

My SO actually said it her that it was the worse thing that could have EVER happened to her. She will be scarred for life. He kept brushing her hair back and kissing her forehead all the while saying "My poor baby. You poor thing. Why did this have to happen to you. blah blah blah."

At first I really felt sorry for SD about after the sick show SO was putting on, I started getting pissed off. Come on man, She got a few stitches, she wasn't kidnapped and murdered. That would be the worse thing that could happen to her.

She doesn't have a scar and no one even seems to remember it now.

nunya1983's picture

Omg this sounds like sd10, except bm is a nurse and knows "everything" (baer). Supposedly sd10 broke her nose when her 3yo threw his head back into it (yes I realize this could break her nose) but 3 or 4 days later her nose was miraculously healed and fine.

Did bm take her to the doctor? No,she told sd that it was broken. So I took the liberty to look up broken noses on Google so I could ask her if her nose looked like those, any of them. Big and swollen? No. slightly crooked? No. Bone protruding? No. Was there any bruising for the next few days after the incident? No.

Also, sd dropped something on her foot and it was bruised. Hey mother told her it was a popped blood vessel. When I saw it, it looked like a normal (very small) bruise.

Sd10 got a very small cut on her knee when she was 4, while she was in dh's care. Bm flipped out because dh didn't take her to the ER,because she needed stitches. The scar is smaller than a pencil eraser. Where the heck would they put stitches?

Sd10 screams and cries anytime she falls (even from 3 inches of the ground onto her very heavily cushioned butt). When attempting to learn to ride a bike at 9yo she wore knee guards, shin guards, elbow pads, wrist guards, and a helmet. She would throw her legs out to the side as soon as dh would let go of the bike, so of course she would fall. When she did she screamed bloody murder so loud that I swear I thought the child's am was broken and bones were splintering out of her skin. No, nothing. She was physically fine. The screams that came out were seriously ridiculous.

Drac0's picture

>This is the same kid who got an F and a D but is "Graduating" into 7th grade<

This doesn't surprise me. According to two of my friends who work in the education field, kids are promoted solely based on resource allocation. In otherwords, they can't let a kid fall behind because he'll take up space in a class that is already full. Better to promote him and make him someone else's problem.

By the time the kid is of age and no longer legally required to attend school, he is no longer a burden on the education system. The kid is now society's problem.

momof3smof2's picture

No offense, but a finger sprain is quite painful. I sprained my middle finger (no, not like that, lol) last year. It still bothers me occasionally. Mine was in a splint for around 6-8 weeks.

If the swelling has gone down, she does need to be doing strengthening exercises. For me, that was using a stress ball, mostly.

I've had numerous injuries and surgeries in my life, but finger sprain was one of my least favorite. Especially since most people thought I should just "get over it".

Tuff Noogies's picture

huh. i've never sprained mine, but for years have been developing carpal tunnel syndrome-like symptoms from overuse.

FMSL's picture

To clarify--DH did not demand the cast. He sat in the waiting room while they took SD to put on a cast. At the time, he was assuming she would come walking out with some sort of finger cast. He was as shocked as anyone that they put a full arm cast on. He told them, "Really?? Is that necessary??" The dr said, well I can take it off if you want right now but we want to stabilize it real good just to make sure there is no problem with the joint in the future since she's still growing. DH just said whatever and let the drs take the lead. I would have gone in the room while they were casting it and I probably wouldn't have let them do the entire arm cast. It just bugs me that DH just let them do that.

Oh, and we are on a military base and have Tricare so there's no way in hell we could ever "sue for malpractice." It's a very small base and I personally think the doctors here are bored out of their minds and use patients to practice on. But that's just me and my cynicism.

Disneyfan's picture

Tommar, you know darn well that kid was not hurt. She was faking it. She's good that she even had the doctor wrapped around her little not sprained finger.

IamexhaustedSM's picture

Wow, people have forgotten what life was before technology or medical advancement. Tell those kids to rub some dirt in it and get back out there. Nothing wrong with learning to push through the pain.

I have had serious back pain since I was 18. My back went out while I was pregnant with DD. My ExH who was no more than 129 pounds had to pick my fat, 150 pound pregnant butt up off the floor. I could not move for 2 days. I knew what it was and that my back needed rest. I did not run to the doctor. There was nothing a doctor could do. I am 41 and still have not gone to the doctor for my back. It is what it is. I am just very careful bending, lifting or twisting.

Good for Alpha. That is how you succeed in life. Not by being babied!

Disneyfan's picture

Call me a baby then. There's no way in hell I'm going to sit around in pain and not take my ass to the doctor/hospital.

Then again, I would have beend lumped in with the wussy kids. Growing up my mom would not have thought twice about taking my sister or I to the doctor. What's the point of having insurance if you aren't going to use it?

IamexhaustedSM's picture

If you are directing this insane bs at me you or really to whomever you are directing it at you really should step off.

When I took a patient down on top of me to prevent her from falling because that morning was the morning she could no longer walk, yeah, I hurt my back. I was 18 and had no idea of the problems my back would face in the future and my story is damn sure not to one up someone else's story. I also had no idea about workers comp and the head nurse never even talked to me about it when PT had to rush in to the patients room to help me get her back into bed.

For your information, I am strong. My only recourse will be back surgery. I have known enough people that needed back surgery and they can barely move and the pain is no better. It only gets worse as you get older. So before you try to belittle someone or trash talk them by way of commenting to someone else maybe you should open a medical book or get your head out of your ass.

Back to the OPs post, yes doctors do shit they do not need to do, and kids play games like they are in pain when they need to just push through it and stop looking for someone to coddle them and baby them.

momof3smof2's picture

A Sprain usually takes longer to heal than a break, and it's not smart to not have it evaluated, as you can end up with life long problems if you don't properly rehab the tendons and ligaments. Most require PT, whether on your own or with a physical therapist.

IamexhaustedSM's picture

I am with you on this one Melody. I have twisted my ankle, knee, wrist, and I go and buy my own damn ace bandage and wrap it myself.

There is a reason Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, any drug store sells a huge variety of braces, wraps, etc. Why the hell am I going to pay some doctor a few hundred dollars plus pay a hospital a few more hundred dollars and don't forget paying the ER if it happens when you cannot get into see your doctor and even when you can he/she is still going to send you out to someone else and get an xray, when I can warp it myself.

WTF...REALLY's picture

When a cast is placed and worn for weeks, you get muscle atrophy. I really doubt a doctor would let the arm muscles atopy for a splint finger. Hell no.

So what really happened OP?

Redredwine's picture

I would hazard a guess that ERs do more than necessary these days because of precious kids and the fear of law suits.

And I think it's overprotective parents. My ExH fell while carrying my DS when he was a toddler. DS ended up with a hairline fracture. No cast. No splint. He just crawled again instead of walking for about 2 weeks. But if you listened to ExH at that time his son would probably never walks again, always have trouble, be the kid would couldn't play sports and would always be picked last. None of that is true. The kid is a tree, he has friends, he goes and bikes or plays basketball with them, we just ran a race yesterday. (DS ran his first race as a little guy about six months after the fracture.)

My brother regularly fell down our stairs and my parents would tell him to walk it off. He's a professor now. I don't think the falling down or the lack of care stunted his abilities or success.

IamexhaustedSM's picture

For all the people commenting that this is not possible or that the OP is lying. Why don't you all watch some news once and a while and see how many doctors are scamming insurance, medicaid, and medicare. They are getting paid thousands for unnecessary treatments. I am assuming the OP is probably disengaged and she is not the one that took SD. Her DH or BM is probably the one that took SD and we know from our own experiences that those two people are not always the brightest.

Why lie about something so stupid? Maybe she deals with stupid people that are getting taken for a ride because they actually brought the kid in for a boo boo finger so the doc decided to get paid for it?????

I see so many calling people out on here for the stupidest little bullS***. Seriously, it does not affect our life in the least so why not just walk on by if you do not like someone or do not believe someone???

This site is turning into a bunch of high school bull crap. Bunch of bitchy girls using their fighting words, on the internet, WHY???

FMSL's picture

LOL. Seriously! I do deal with stupid people every day and with a skid who we never know if she is telling a lie or just trying to pull a fast one. I am disengaged and I did let DH handle the entire situation. It's funny how some people on here want the "real story." Truth is stranger than fiction when it comes to this kid.

luchay's picture

Yup, this.

Broke my ankle a few years ago (2012 right before Easter) - went to the ER - it was late evening.

Saw the overnight ER dr, so no specialists on duty, he looked at the x-rays said 2 breaks, BAD - need cast, need to go to bigger hospital following week for appt with ortho specialist, need surgery etc etc.

Went to ortho appt. 1 break, not so bad, still needed cast of course but nowhere near as dire as the ER dr made it out to be.

Ex-OH broke his collar bone last August - out in the country, ended up at a small regional hospital on a Sunday evening. The ER dr there said "oh it may heal on it's own, leave it a week with minimal movement and have another x-ray Friday then see your GP to see how it's healing" He did show us the x-ray....

The next day after thinking on it for a bit I said we are going to the GP now, I don't think given the placement of those two bone ends that it will heal on its own!" (and I am NO expert)

GP took one look at the x-ray and said "go straight to the larger hospital ortho clinic, that will not heal on it's own"

Turned out the bone was in 5 pieces.... Surgery, 2 months off work...

ER Dr's are great frontline people, but they aren't specialists.

IamexhaustedSM's picture

My DD I was 6 when she broke her left wrist on a Friday evening. I took her to the ER. ER did an Xray, wrist is broken, wrapped DD wrist in ace bandage and told me to call an ortho on Monday to get a cast. A 6 yr old, with a clearly broken wrist, no cast. When she was around 9 she broke her right wrist at the skating rink. This time it was a Saturday evening. Trip to different ER, wrist broken exactly the same as the left wrist 3 yrs prior. Again they put on an ace bandage and told me to call an ortho on Monday.

Both times the ortho gave her a water proof cast that she had to wear for several weeks. Once the Ortho removed the casts they put splints on her wrists for a few more weeks.

Everyone has a different story. Maybe they are quick to cast now. Maybe 10+ yrs ago they wrapped instead of casting and too many patients' bones moved from the time the kid was in the ER to when they made it to the ortho appointment.

FMSL's picture

LOL--I've actually thought of that Sally...what will SD ever do if she ever gives birth? Oh man, I'm just waiting for her to be out sick for a week every time she has her period. Uhhh...the thought.

I think my DH is afraid he will be viewed as a bad parent if he doesn't get SD the most medical treatment possible. In a way, it's good he's like that and wants to make sure he does everything the best he can but it can get annoying. I have a BD25 so I'm used to childhood injuries and I know from experience that kids heal very fast and not everything requires lots of medical attention.