O/T Why did you choose your nickname?
When I found this group and had to choose a nickname, No Saint came to my mind as I thought that I might be the one making a louzy part as a spouse and parent (although step) and that most of my actions were wrong. This group helped me realize that I may not be a Saint, but as a SM, I was close to that. Thanks!
- No saint's blog
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Because every time so crazy
Because every time so crazy thing would happen with BM, hubby and HK14...I would say to my self...WHat the fuck...really????? How can they be like this???
Now I'm curious: why Echo as
Now I'm curious: why Echo as a "sweet" nickname?
Oooh... that's sweet! I get
Oooh... that's sweet! I get it now! thanks for sharing!
That's adorable
That's adorable
My younger sisters are
My younger sisters are identical twins
Crazy train is not obvious
Crazy train is not obvious for me; is that an expression used in the US?
Have to check the song. Hope
Have to check the song.
Hope your fight has been paying off! Living like that is not easy!
Yes it does! \m/
Yes it does!
All Aboard!
All Aboard!
Because I was feeling
Because I was feeling frustrated and sour but when I went to make the account I realized I would have to live with the name for a long time. So I forced myself to reject all the down sounding names that came to mind. I looked around the house and realized (in that moment) I felt like the only one with standards for civilized behavior. So I was the chief grownup.
That sounds like your Indian
That sounds like your Indian name!
No such luck. I'm just the
No such luck.
I'm just the chief grownup around here.
Thanks for sharing that! I
Thanks for sharing that! I originally chose "8 is enough" because there were 9 of us and that seemed like too much and so the 80's sitcom title came to mind. Later, I was having login issues and needed a new name. After observing my skids' BM for awhile, I decided my current screen name fit just as well.
I love that expression and,
I love that expression and, don't really know why (as english is not my mother tongue), it often comes to my mind. Great choice!
Glassslipper, Cinderella...wicked stepmother breaks the glass slipper. Get it.
I always tell DH, "you got it good. They don't write fairytales about you!"
DD likes snow white better because the wicked step mother hates her because she is more beautiful. Lol. Says it fits her situation better, I don't agree, I think her stepmother is beautiful and that maybe DD should change her attitude.lol
It's a great nick! You were
It's a great nick! You were inspired!
SD and her husband told me
SD and her husband told me that they don't consider that I have any type of family relationship with their children.
Consider youeself lucky: she
Consider youeself lucky: she doesn't seem to be the person you'd want as family as well!
My name came from a random
My name came from a random dog I used to take care of house sitting in college. He's a genius Australian Shepard and had the loveliest brown eyes.
My4kidsmom, because after
My4kidsmom, because after raising my 4 plus 3 mostly ungrateful, often destructive PAS'd skids, I reached the point that I only wanted to be MY kids mom.
Now I feel a bit different but that was where I was at the time I joined. My SS17 is a great kid though.
I'm Finnish and, while mine
I'm Finnish and, while mine is taken from letters from my birth name, it was also my great grandmother's nickname.
I married a finn; no one ever
I married a finn; no one ever gets our last name right
My real first name is
My real first name is Finnish. No one gets it right the first time. My last name is French.
My maiden name is Finnish and
My maiden name is Finnish and mispronounced all the time!
People always have a
People always have a difficult time with the double 'A'.
True, because you have double
True, because you have double consonants all the time and people usually don't know they are supposed to read everything.
Read OR pronounce. Typically,
Read OR pronounce. Typically, they just butcher it!
I had Fin friends so I manage
I had Fin friends so I manage not to (that much lol).
Cool! I wondered where yours
Cool! I wondered where yours was from as it sounded Scandinavian like my real first name.
Bark = I have lots of
Bark = I have lots of dogs
Moon = What my real name means
Bark at the Moon = What the SDs and DH do to me. Also, a great heavy metal song by Ozzy. Named my one dog after a Maiden song, too!
~ Moon }:) }:) }:) }:) }:)
So, you rock and just got me
So, you rock and just got me going through names in my mind that mean moon.
I chose my moniker because I
I chose my moniker because I finally woke up and stopped handling my spouse's relationships for him. I was the cruise director of the Titanic, doing all the emotional lifting while getting no appreciation or reciprocity. Now presents go unbought, birthdays ignored, I no longer host special events, and his family rarely sees him. There was no winnable solution for me - so I got off the ship.
Did the "Julie Mccoy's"
Did the "Julie Mccoy's" congeniality go along or do you still manage your relationship with a smile?
Depends on the day
Depends on the day
I am the oldest of 4 girls.
I am the oldest of 4 girls. Not one of four wives... thank GOd! I would have run far far away.
Or have a TV series of your
Or have a TV series of your own!
It's a breakdown of the
It's a breakdown of the nickname we gave to our current home. Then inrealized it can also mean 'take cover' stat!
Fiery passion with a reason
Fiery passion with a reason a.k.a. Blaze with a "why".
Get it? It's kinda punny.
SO made it up for me when I started making videos and podcasts. I used to use my middle name + love, but I believe that blayze is much more fitting.
Got it and love it!
Got it and love it!
Mine's an acronym of my 3
Mine's an acronym of my 3 kids' names, plus the word mom. On my AA online group, I've added my DIL's initial, so there I'm "Ctnomom". They and you guys are the only groups I have time for !
DH used to tell me he treated
DH used to tell me he treated me like a GODESS. I used to be left scratching my head and wondering how he could even say that or believe it when I felt he was treating me like crap. Since this was my first experience ever dealing with step family problems, I was totally CLUELESS. .....godess-clueless.
Oh, how I get you... If a had
Oh, how I get you... If a had a dollar for every time I heard something similar, money wouldn't be so tight this month.
I always visualize you with
I always visualize you with dark hair because you are far from ditzy so I assume the blond was also the opposite.
I wasn't familiar with the
I wasn't familiar with the word "ditzy" so now you've taught me something.
OMG! You love the Pern series
OMG! You love the Pern series too! I've read them all about 20 times through. Such a great story. So, Nerilka and...?
I loved Pern too. My
I loved Pern too. My favourite character was Jaxom particularly in Dragonquest.
Mine is because I truly did
Mine is because I truly did not become a red wine drinker until I became a SM and the lyrics of the song are very appropriate.
It actually makes 2 of us.
It actually makes 2 of us. Really!
Carrie, Dear is how BM often
Carrie, Dear is how BM often addresses me.(Annoying but she is nice for the most part but also loony and I pick my battles) So carriedear is just those two words together.
That sounds condescending as
That sounds condescending as hell but she probably doesn't mean it like that.
lol. It does annoy me. But
lol. It does annoy me. But BM lives on another planet. I gave up trying to understand her a long time ago. Generally she means well. So she may think it is a friendly thing to say.
It is.
It is.
I am honored! ;D LOL I've
I am honored!
I've never heard of the ghost flower, that sounds cool!
Mine is because I feel like
Mine is because I feel like all this wasn't planned.
Before I got married I'd been with DH for 10 years. I'd had minimal interaction with the 3 skids and expected things to stay like that. Then BOOM! Out of nowhere all the drama kicked off and when the dust settled I found myself with YSS living with us full time.
It feels like an accident. Plus it reminds me of the movie "The Accidental Tourist"
I don't envy you...
I don't envy you...
Thanks. Lol. I don't envy me
Thanks. Lol. I don't envy me either.
But I'm happy this morning as I escaped the house for a manicure.
For me, nothing like having
For me, nothing like having my hair washed at the hairdresser's to make me happy! Oh, God, why did you make me pretty instead of filthy rich and pretty?
If you find out let the rest
If you find out let the rest of us STers know.
LOL. Why did he call you
LOL. Why did he call you that??
I figured you weren't; that's
I figured you weren't; that's cute (I guess lol).
My name is from The Massacre
My name is from The Massacre at Two Pines in the Kill Bill movies.
Sorry to hear that...
Sorry to hear that...
I picked mine because that
I picked mine because that was how I felt at the time.
Hope you're feeling better.
Hope you're feeling better.
It reminded me of a simpler
It reminded me of a simpler time in my life where things were cute and cuddly. Where I did not feel like a prickly porcupine or a blithering idiot. When I had control of my home and my life 24/7.
Isn't Monchichi a cartoon
Isn't Monchichi a cartoon character or something?
Monchichi dolls were very
Monchichi dolls were very popular in the 70-80's and came back in when I had my first born
I don't think they were
I don't think they were popular in my country, although the name rings a bell and know that I looked it up, it looks familiar. They are cute!
You are still a Sweet Pea!
You are still a Sweet Pea!
it's a mash up of a few
That's as far as I will say in public...
Amen, sister!
Amen, sister!
Pretty simple, instead of the
Pretty simple, instead of the my waste of space BM, that we never hear from. Can I get a BM that takes SD15 for even an hour...LOL.
Cute...that made me
Cute...that made me laugh...Can I Get a BM.
That's great!!
That's great!!
I originally signed on as
I originally signed on as Forest Rayne. I picked that name as I love nature and rainy weather; I am a pagan and practice a nature based religion so I picked a name representative of nature. Unfortunately, I got carried away with one of my original posts about my SD and because my story about her is very specific and unusual (mental illness, suicide attempts, etc) I got scared that someone would know it was me. I changed my name to Amber Miller because that's not my name; no special story behind it. I do miss being Forest Rayne and wish I could get my name back. I guess I could change it again. I haven't been posting much lately so no one would probably notice if Amber Miller disappeared.
I would notice! Love your
I would notice! Love your posts!
Oh my goodness! Thank you
Oh my goodness! Thank you Ctnmom
That was so sweet of you. I've been reading and following every day but haven't been commenting. I've been having issues with my health and I'm just so darn tired. I want to start engaging more. Well, take care and looking forward to talking with you and everyone again along with participating more.
This is my first handle ever
This is my first handle ever here, I went back to it.
Chokin on lemons because that saying 'When life gives you lemons...'
Had to laugh, sorry!!
Had to laugh, sorry!!
I chose my name because
I chose my name because that's how I felt for a while. The skids completely ignored me unless they wanted to eat. What did they think, a ghost cooked the dinner that magically appeared on the table?
And... I love ghosts LOL!
I've always felt I understood
I've always felt I understood you so well, though I don't know you at all! That nick says it all!
(No subject)
when I joined STalk 3 years
when I joined STalk 3 years ago I was in a very dark place
It felt like I had a huge black cloud above my head everywhere I went (BM!) she pretty much ran the show back then, DH didn't know any different.
I wanted some sunny skies for a change. And with the things DH and I have learnt on STAlk, (keeping BM at a respectable distance, advice on how to cope with being an SM etc) it saved my relationship and I've certainly got my sunny skies now.
I'm very happy most of the time with step life now
Thanks STalk! Thanks you guys! xxx
I'm really glad to hear that
I'm really glad to hear that instead of picking a dark name, as you were in a dark place, who chose a positive nick. That's a valuable example for us all!
aw thankyou STalk is awesome
aw thankyou
STalk is awesome x and also thankyou for asking everyone this! I often wondered how STalk names came about, interesting to find out, and to hear the back stories of all of the amazing people here!
The name: "Indigo" was
The name: "Indigo" was shortened from my more typical "Indigohills."
Years ago I lived on a large cattle and horse ranch which overlooked rolling hills, there was no one within line-of-sight. One morning, I woke up and looked out my window to see stalks of ice-covered grass poking up through the snow. The hills were still shadowed in evening dreams while the crests were highlighted by mornings light. In trying to mentally describe the beauty of that moment, I thought: Indigohills.
Since then, I have used the same email address/identity for years.
That's lovely!
That's lovely!
beautifully written Indigo,
beautifully written Indigo, you have a gorgeous way with words. I felt like I was really there x
Well, it's been years since
Well, it's been years since I've seen the bitch within me; she doesn't have a name, but she's a bad ass!
OMG!!! Once I texted my X in
Once I texted my X in a hurry, telling him I was waiting for him at the shopping center. Don't ask me how, but what I actually sent him was a text saying I was F#%#%#% the plumber. Damn autocorrect (and thank God we don't have a plumber)!
it's something my g-mom says.
it's something my g-mom says. i am more like her than anyone else in the family and pretty much have the same attitude - "if ya don't like it, well, tough noogies!" sorry, too bad, so sad.
dh is the other way - "if u dont like it, what can i do/change/fix to make it better?" so we balance eachother out very well.
Here we have an expression
Here we have an expression that drives most people crazy. It's the correspondent to, in English "we are sorry". It's enough to make people leave the room!
I've loved that expression
I've loved that expression for a long time but usually say, regarding myself, that my relationship was "forever and never".