So now she's a Gerber baby….
SD14 now eats the Gerber snacks that I buy for GB. It seems this is her new addiction. So much so, that Saturday night, she actually sent DH a text with a picture of GB's Blueberry Puffs asking him "Daddy PLEEEEEEAAAAAASSSEEEEE buy me these!!!! I don't want to eat all of hers!"
I know it shouldn't bother me, it is petty and I feel really petty even talking about it, but it really did annoy the shit out of me.
So much so that yesterday as I was cleaning up the kitchen, I came across the empty Puffs jar and I showed it to DH and said "So she's an infant now?"
He laughed and said "She's a weirdo."
I laughed it off, but inside I was actually really annoyed.
- Unfreakingreal's blog
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I get BS5 those squeezie
I get BS5 those squeezie fruit pouch things that are in the baby/toddler food aisle and SD17 used to eat them when she lived with us. :?
My OSS drank 9 of the little
My OSS drank 9 of the little baby juice bottles in one night. But my SS denied it to my face.
Tells you something when a teen/tween will take food/drink from a baby.
I would lose my shit
I would lose my shit bearcub25.
Rising - yeah I was pissed,
Rising - yeah I was pissed, but like I said, I felt petty and didn't want DH to think I was being a bitch just to be a bitch. But believe me, I was really annoyed. And even MORE annoyed when I saw the text asking for DADDYYYYYYY to go buy her some!!!
Does she want you to buy her
Does she want you to buy her some ass cream and didies too?
For her next birthday, get an
For her next birthday, get an empty Abercrombie and Fitch box and put a pacifier in it.
Fucking MIL used to rave
Fucking MIL used to rave about how she "LOVED to eat baby food, especially the meat kind, that it was really good for you and high in protein!".... and you MIL are a fucking freak! Eat some GD bacon if you need some protein! :?
MMMM. When can I come
MMMM. When can I come over?
I made boston cream pie with lots of pastry cream lightened with whipped cream and mexican chocolate ganache (velvet cake base)
Hell no, it isn't!
Hell no, it isn't!
Oh GB loves them! The banana
Oh GB loves them! The banana ones, the strawberry ones and the blueberry ones. I enjoy watching her grab them with her two little fingers and struggle to get them in her mouth. So adorable...
Whilst simultaneously downing
Whilst simultaneously downing several sleeves of Oreos, packs of Doritos and a large cheese pizza or two.
Must not live in upstate NY
Must not live in upstate NY where everyone in the Gir's county is a corn-fed heifer.
That sounds like the making
That sounds like the making of a Lifetime movie about eating disorders.
Yes, the baby food helps all
Yes, the baby food helps all the crap get moved through quickly lol
Well…by COMPLETE ACCIDENT, when I grabbed the Puffs jar and felt it was almost empty, SD14 and DH were sitting in the living room and I said OUT LOUD by COMPLETE ACCIDENT "You little bitch, you ate all her snacks??!?!?!"
Both she and DH started laughing and I really TRULY was mortified that I said it out loud. THANKFULLY, they took it as a joke and no one was upset by it, because I did feel bad that I called her a little bitch OUT LOUD.
That made me LOL so hard.
That made me LOL so hard.
LOL! I can see why you'd be
LOL! I can see why you'd be annoyed - those snacks are expensive! But I'll cop to having tried the puff things when my kids were babies. They're actually fairly tasty.
Mairren right now Cheetos
Mairren right now Cheetos makes these limited edition puffs flavored like churros with cinnamon and brown sugar with a slightly buttery after taste.
The ones I used to get for BS
The ones I used to get for BS were almost like a Cheese puff (Cheetos) just smaller and not as dense and a bit blander on the cheese side. I tried them I'll admit, but for pete's sake I wouldn't sit there and scarf down a whole container unless I hadn't eaten in 3 days
Daizy - Yep, totally. It's
Daizy - Yep, totally. It's the fact that SD ate the entire container that's rage-worthy. That's just rude, and a bit mean to do to a baby for god's sake. You ate the baby's snacks?? What is SHE supposed to eat then? Nah, I get trying them (and even thinking they're tasty), but not eating the whole freaking container!
*lol* Maybe. They're little
It wasn't even so much what
It wasn't even so much what they cost but the principal. We only get GB for one overnight a week, so everything we buy her lasts for at least 4 visits. It annoyed me that she ate the whole jar and that I was going to have to go buy more for GB. Lucky for HER, DH actually did go out and buy her TWO jars of the Puffs and replaced the one she ate of GB's too.
Alternatively you could take
Alternatively you could take some peas/carrots, etc. throw it in the blender and tell her that you are now making baby food for GB and offer it to her. BWA HA HA HA
I actually do make baby food
I actually do make baby food for GB. I'll ask SD if she wants some next time she comes over. LOL….
"Eat your strained turnips,
"Eat your strained turnips, dear"
Maireen - it's these. They
Maireen - it's these. They are for babies with no teeth. She gums them and really likes them a lot.
LOL…GB gums them and really
LOL…GB gums them and really enjoys them.
My ten year old was eating
My ten year old was eating the baby's puffs and my SO had a cow and I backed him on it. Baby food is for babies! Apparently they are tasty but there really aren't that many foods a baby with two teeth can eat with her fingers and those suckers are expensive . If my ten year old can be told no and to knock it off "you're being ridiculous" so can your dadddyyyy's girl. Ugh. If I ever hear mine say "DDDDDDDDAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDDYYYYYYYYYY, in that whiny overthe top princess voice" I'll lose my mind
Oh you would flip out if you
Oh you would flip out if you had my SD. She talks in a baby voice "Dadddddddyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!"
He literally took her out for ice cream Saturday night and because the line at the ice cream parlor was too long he took her to Shop Rite instead. They came back with 2 bags full of Talenti Gelato (Expensive as FUCK) wafer cones and all the fixings for ice cream. Along with the 3 Puff jars.
Sounds like you are going to
Sounds like you are going to have to start hiding baby's food.
This would fuck me off
This would fuck me off royally too. It's for an infant for God's sake!!! Not for an adult/teen/preteen etc. I can't even imagine it tastes all that appealing. I would tell her if she wants to eat the baby food she can start wearing a diaper too.
My husband's 13 year old
My husband's 13 year old niece likes GERBER INFANT RICE CEREAL. You know, the cereal that is the FIRST solid for an infant?! SIL informed me of this when they came to visit. Weird. This girl's mother APPROVES of her teenage daughter eating infant food.
I don't get this. My BD won't
I don't get this. My BD won't touch any of my baby's foods, toys or bath stuff. She is adamant she is not a baby and she is not prepared to use it/ eat it. Chucky however CRIED ladies, as in sobbed his head off because he is not allowed to play with my babies toys ...He has asked to eat her food :sick: and wants her bath toys despite having his own. It's a SK thing!!