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She exudes laziness!

EvilAngel's picture

DH takes SD16 to the bus stop in the morning when he goes to work. We live in the sticks but the driveway is really NOT that long. It's less than 1/2 a mile. Every afternoon I have to drive down there and get her. Yeah...I'm not doing anything else but I don't understand why she can't just WALK! It's not going to hurt her! When we aren't here to get her she does it so I don't know why she can't do it everyday! I understand if it's raining...that's different. But when it's a nice day...get some damn exercise kid! I really want to just be an asshole and not go pick her up but I know it would make DH think I am a was just being mean to be mean. Am I petty or what? LOL


Ninji's picture

I grew up in the sticks too. We walked our butts to the bus stop everyday. And if we missed the bus, there was hell to pay.

EvilAngel's picture

She's too precious to have to walk that far I guess. I never had a super long driveway to walk but if it had ass would have been hoofing it to the bus stop!

EvilAngel's picture

That's actually a good idea...but then I would have to talk to her on the way back. In the car there isn't much time for talk because it takes about 2 seconds to get back to the house. LOL

hereiam's picture

Actually, it's petty of your DH to be mad if you didn't pick her up. This is ridiculous and I wouldn't do it.

As far as rain, there's these really cool things called umbrellas.

EvilAngel's picture

HAHAHA I just about ruined my computer spitting my water out! I have seen these cool inventions and actually have a few...she's so ditsy she would never remember to take it with her. Of course that is not MY problem.

EvilAngel's picture

You will not catch me in a car with her! Her dad can ride with her all he likes but I'm not. She's not the brightest bulb on the tree. She doesn't have her license yet nor is she concerned with getting it. She is only concerned with telling daddy what kind of expensive stereo system she wants in it. Over my dead body...

EvilAngel's picture

I'm not getting up to walk her to the bus stop in the way. DH takes her but he's going to work anyway. She'd never be able to walk if she missed the bus. The school is miles from here. She's 16...def old enough to walk alone.

EvilAngel's picture

Yes yes...I know! LOL

She won't get raped coming up our driveway. There are 4 other houses on the road and none of those people are going to get her. I think I might just start walking down to her. I walk during the day anyway so I won't mind that...she however will be pissy but like I care.

misSTEP's picture

Any particular reason why she doesn't have a permit and working on a license so she can haul her OWN butt around??

EvilAngel's picture

Did I mention she is lazy? LOL She has no desire to get her license. All she has to do is go to the DMV and take the test. Although I would be shocked if she actually passed it. She's 16 but has the mind of maybe a 5 yr old. At least that's how it appears to me. She is VERY immature for her age. When she gets a license and car...she's getting a J-O-B!

Tuff Noogies's picture

oh jeez, i was walking 3/4 of a mile from the damn busstop at the age of FIVE.

what a lazyass.