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I just wanted to say....

EvilAngel's picture

I had forgotten how GOOD it felt to have other SMs to vent to that understand! My friends have to get tired of hearing my shit! LOL They don't really know what to say because most of them aren't mothers much less SMs. So thanks ladies! I have really needed this!


EvilAngel's picture

I always get that I am just being mean., I'm not. I am being real. I don't have children of my own for a REASON. I have a dog...he is enough for me!

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

I have four dogs lol. Oh and a SDog that pees in my house. So he's in a diaper. I UNDERSTAND.

~ Moon

EvilAngel's picture

Too funny! I have a SDog too! Can't stand him either! He is also SPOILED ASS ROTTEN!(begs at the table, barks like a freaking maniac whenever he hears a vehicle or the doorbell rings, won't stay off MY BED) Mine is a bit spoiled too but he's a puppy still and if he acts the way my DHs dog does...I will throttle his little ass!

Slavegirl's picture

I have a Scat. It hass peed and pooed all over the brand new, never used, basement floor because SD rarely cleans its litter and doesn't do it thoroughly when she does. WE will have to recarpet the basement if we end up needing to stick a kid or guest down there.

EvilAngel's picture

Oh NO! SD16 wanted a kitten and was told N-O! She already has 2 hamsters that she doesn't take care of. Of course there could be a chain reaction where the cat would eat the hamsters and then SDog would eat the cat. I don't know who is going to eat the SDog though! LOL I am really not that twisted...just annoyed.

mommy0104's picture

This site has saved my sanity. I'm not a fan of my skids...but i'm one of those weirdos (or idiots, whichever term you prefer lol) who fakes nice to the skids, not for their sake or their BM's but for my hubby's sake. So I have a lot of stuff I like to get off my chest and this place is the best place to do that. I have a few friends who are step mom's...but they seem to have the "perfect little step life" or at least fake it very they don't understand my situation..they think I'm mean or that I haven't given the step live "the ole college try" lol..if it wasn't for this site..i'd be in the loony bin!

EvilAngel's picture

It was also my sanity in my last marriage! My husband is always asking me to please just try...for him. And I do but I still need this outlet or I would end up in prison more than likely. I don't have any friends that are steps so no one gets what I am talking about. And some of my ranting is just petty shit...but other steps GET that.

mommy0104's picture

I don't wanna fake it...i really don't..but stupid me, I have no backbone and hate I just go on pretending everything is hunky dory...if not for this site, I would have exploded by now. That's why I tend to even bitch about the tiniest things the skids do...years of resentment..I wish I could tell them how I really feel lol

Slavegirl's picture

Ive been legit nice and faked. Both gets flat rude responses from SD 13. So now I don't do either. I pretend like she doesn't exist because Im not gonna let SD be abusive to me while im being nice to her. It just makes me angry and gives me migraines.

EvilAngel's picture

My faking only goes so far...then I just pretend my puppy has to go potty! Thank god for puppies!

Slavegirl's picture

IKR? I tell my sister who is not a SM a lot of the crap I go thru but Im sure she gets tired of it and doesn't understand/ doesn't see the attitudes of Skids and disney dads

EvilAngel's picture

I talk to a few of my friends who have their OWN kids about it...but they have all the "right" answers. They don't understand I am not dealing with MY own child in this situation.

Glassslipper's picture

That's why I'm here too. Smile
DH the other day saw my phone and said "Oh, your still on that site!"
Um, YEA! its my peer group DH!
No one understands what its like, and no one I know is a step mom!
I have 4-5 divorced friends but non-remarried a man with kids, they all married kidless men and had more kids.

I love this site, I will be here forever!

EvilAngel's picture

My DH has no idea about this site ... Thankfully. He's probably wonder what he was doing wrong then I would feel horrible.

Slavegirl's picture

Ive tried to leave the site before cuz I worry the venting reenforces up my hatred and I waste too much time obsessing over hatred for Skid and ignoring my own bio instead of ignoring it all but i always end up coming back to vent eventually.

Betrayd's picture


Betrayd's picture

Haven't been on in a while but that's exactly why I keep coming back. You guys are the only ones who get it and don't judge.

EvilAngel's picture

For this reason... My SD16 just said ... I'm so exhausted... To her dad. He works 8 plus hours! She does NOTHING! Go fuck yourself kid!

Slavegirl's picture

All the selfie taking, picture editing, shopping for new clothes and tv binge watching must be so hard on these poor teen skids.

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

My SD19 told DH last summer that she could only work three days a week at her PT job because it was too stressful! She works at Subway FFS! And has for 4 years. No upward mobility there!

~ Moon

Cover1W's picture

I have only one friend who admits understanding. She has two BSs. She's Russian. No sentimantality so I can talk with her.