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OT - Contact Info

Sports Fan's picture

The website being down got me thinking that I had no other way to contact anyone on here. I know that some of you are in contact with each other via other ways. If there is a Facebook page or some other way that you communicate, I would love the info.

Maybe we could create a place to share emails, etc.

I know some of us like being anonymous but if you want to share private messaging is always an option as well.


JustAgirl42's picture

I don't have a facebook page, just never had the desire. I would be willing to share my email address.

Sports Fan's picture

Yes, thanks. I don't know how to do the FB group that is invisible but that would be a good idea.

Sports Fan's picture

Could it be a Facebook page where we give you our Facebook names, they are added and then we can go there and share contact info?

Sports Fan's picture

I'm not sure how to set up an invisible page but if you could or message me how I'd be willing to do it.

KiFire's picture

If someone sets up a fb group that would be amazing. I'd join. I've been in. An invisible group before and it was really nice.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I'm up for this too, Melody. Yesterday was a looong day of twitching, checking, and rechecking the site. There are people on here that I "see" on the daily, & I missed everyone!

AllySkoo's picture

I'm in contact with some people, but I'd love a page like this! I'm in a couple of "private groups" on FB for my bios, it'd be nice to have one for the step stuff. Wink

tryingmom's picture

I was lost yesterday! No emotional touchstone of Steptalk! Melody3, I've sent you a PM.

DaizyDuke's picture

I'll be "friends" with any fellow stalkers on FB... just PM me your name! Wink

Those of us that are already "friends" actually have a lot of fun and it was awesome yesterday to have people to commiserate with when STalk was down!