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Dear LadyFace - Thank you. That is all.

moeilijk's picture

Cut-and-pasted your snarky letter about vaccines on yet another ridiculous FB post. I expect comment may be deleted... possibly FB 'friendship' ended. Oh well. Then I don't have to see pseudo-science/opinions based on nothing anymore.

Interestingly, it was the same person who seriously wanted to 'debate' the 'finding' that circumscision causes autism. Which was NOT the finding and thus wth is there to debate?



moeilijk's picture

Well... if 90% of Africa is male, and 100% of them are circumcised, then yes.

Because it is the 'trauma' of circumcision that causes autism.

I'm not sure how girls get autism though.

Stupidity gives me a headache!

SecondGeneration's picture

Oh wait I thought they were trying to say kids get autism if you vaccinate? now its circumcision? Cant keep up lol

kathc's picture

apparently they are just trying to find a way to keep blame on the parents for something they could not have helped.