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This is funny

Ninji's picture

I just tried to use one of those child support calculators 0n the internet. I put SO's and BM's income (guessing at BM) and it says that SO should be paying $10,249 a month. He makes less than $50,000 a year. HAHAHAHAHAH

I think a crazy BM must have hacked the site.


mommy0104's picture

HOLY CRAP! After what I just entered the calculator for my state says that for one child my DH should be paying BM, $9,440 a is that even right? He makes less than $45,000 a year?!?!? This can't be right...

zerostepdrama's picture

Are ya all entering the information right? I have never seen those amounts when I have done those caculators! LOL

just.his.wife's picture

Curiousity, if its that far off I want to input DH and BM and send BM a print out of how much she owes us LOL

just_tired's picture

CRAZY!!! If DH only had EOW he would pay $2616 and if we lived in FL with the current CO where she has no visitation it said DH would still have to pay her $350...WTF

DH makes around 56k a year