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Wishes, Resolutions, Hopes, Goals for 2015?

zerostepdrama's picture

What are you looking forward to in 2015? What ways are you hoping to improve yourself and your life?


Happy New Year everyone! May 2015 bring you peace and happiness, good health and love.


zerostepdrama's picture

My goals/resolutions:

Work out harder. Eat better. I currently do both but I want to improve on it. Especially the eating better. Its hard when I'm the only one who cooks/shops, I get in a rut, get tired of cooking and rely on fast food, processed food. I would like to work on that.

Better communication with DH in regards to the skids. Sometimes I can say some nasty things to DH when dealing with the pressure of the skids. That is something I really need to work on because I dont want to hurt my DH.

As far as the skids go, I need to just keep doing what I am doing. Accept things as they are. Realize its not ME its them and their choices. While I am close to being there, I hope that 2015 allows me to let go of the resentment and anger and just live my life with DH.

Flying.Purple.Step.Monster's picture

I joined Weight Watchers this week (again) and I plan to get serious about my health. I turned 40 this year and my goal is to be healthier at 45 than I was at 35!

Better communication with DH is a goal and me not getting upset about stupid stuff.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I want to eat healthier, start an exercise program, and take more care of my health. I'll be 50 in less than 2 months. Late in the game to start thinking about this, but better late than never!

And while I don't plan to completely disengage, I need to rethink my thinking for my own sake. I need to stop letting all the BS with PrincASS15 bother me. While I only have to live with him EOWE (and not that often if DH is working), it's usually only 48-96 hours a month. Out of 720 hours? That's really not that much. I will still help with meals because DH is so exhausted with all the hours he's working, but other than that, I won't do anything with the skids and can spend time reading, doing puzzles, enjoying MY kind of thing instead of fretting about that little sh*thead PrincASS15.

Happy New Year, zerostepdrama!!

Sports Fan's picture

DH is back home after two and a half years in CT. He is officially retired and on terminal leave next Monday. I am hoping it will make a difference in our communication since we will actually be in the same house more than 8 days a month.

I really need to continue to concentrate on my health and get my diabetes back under control.

DH is going to try to combat the PASing now that he will be able to take a more active parenting role. He will be able to attend concerts, sporting events, etc. It may be a lost cause since skids are 12 and 15 but he will do the best he can.

Happy New Year's to all my fellow STers!

Evil stepmonster's picture

Eat better, work out more. Fully go to vaporizors(that's a two year plan, I should be nicotine free by mid 2016) Finish school and use the degree I get, be a better mom, be a better wife, repair my credit.

LuckyGirl's picture

Be grateful for all the good things I have in my life (which are many) and try to improve the things that are within my control.

Happy New Year everyone Smile

mommy0104's picture

Generally I don't make resolutions because I never keep them (IE: quit smoking, lose a few pounds..etc.) but I am hoping to let go of some resentment. That's almost harder than keeping resolutions lol. And I wish everyone would have a great 2015.

Sweet T's picture

My son and I just discussed our resolutions for 2015. Mine is to loose 40lbs. In 2014 I managed to loose 48 ( 2 during the holidays when I was on a break from it and just exercising). The rest is to have more patience and be more fiscally responsible. ( I am but I need to start saving hard for a down payment on a house. I wish to buy a townhome in 3 years and have a healthy downpayment.) BS was so funny... he says mom you are really responsible already.

His is to be nicer to me and mind better Smile

misSTEP's picture

I need to focus on my health. I have to lose weight and get in the habit of exercising (although nothing that impacts my knees too much, which limits things). I need to reduce the amount of inflammation my body produces and support my immune system in functioning correctly rather than dealing with autoimmune flares of my health issues.

We are planning on buying property this year and getting out of town. That will help, I hope with the healthy eating part of things. This will be much easier to achieve if we get gazelle intense about paying off the credit cards. We are getting steady payments on the Contract for Deed on our other house in another town. That helps.

We need to organize our possessions and get rid of at least 60-75% of what we have. My DH says that this should wait until AFTER we move but I'd rather not move it to a new place and THEN deal with it!

I am going to rescue a dog to go along with our two cats. I think that will be enough animals for me (except for chickens and maybe a pig or goat after we get our land).

I want to start a website and promote it.

I want to change my focus to gratitude for all I have in my life.

I really don't know if I am biting off more than I can chew or not enough.....

Tiffanyartist11's picture

Like most of you, I would like to let go of resentment (which only hurts me and not them) and work toward disengaging better. Good luck to all of you!