Wrote a LONG rant...with expletives GONE...MORE EXPLETIVES
Okay....wrote this all once....going to do it again...maybe make it shorter....so maybe not a bad thing...because it did actually end up pretty long.
Wednesday...kids go to "other parents"...shouldn't be and issue...should be NO drama...should be easy peasy...right???? WRONG!!!
recap because I have now had enough wine I am not re writing the whole thing ( although I will have to say....I did write in the way my College English teacher would have liked...description, feeling, etc)....no time now...no patience...pissed off and livid before...even more so now...
The BitchNonster went in to my home while we were gone for my son"s therapy, took my OSS equipment bad, but had access to my whole house unsupervised and then got her son to lie about it....my MIL to lie about it and my MIL to question DH about skids not being available for Christmas this year because of when our family trip is planned...so instead she will have family dinner/Chrstimas with SIL (who just passed away) husband, their two sons (our nephews), my STEPSONS AND BIO
MOM of skids so "they boys (SIL"S kids) can have Christmas as regular as possible" Nephews spend every Christmas with BIL's family. We all had one Christmas together and after that MIL chose to have BM and skids at her home instead of her son and his wife....and is now planning on doing the same thing after a huge fall out where I told MIL off...and she promised her son "SHE WILL NEVER HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH EX FOR HIM AND HIS KID'S SAKE ON CHRISTMAS OR ANY OTHER HOLIDAY" ( She wanted to take exW to our wedding....and MIL refused to attend because of her relationship with BM until the day BEFORE our wedding) so done...so tired
AND DH and I are fighting because I lost it over BM being IN MY HOME>...no reason...don't want her there...no one was home...not even skids...sjhe is a lier...I want her no where near my hone....DH got mad at me when the letter I was going to send her said, "You stay off and out of OUR property. The home IS NOT YOUR home....YOU HAVE NO RIGHT to be there nor enter the property. In the future if choose to enter OUR home without our EXPRESSED PERMISSION IN WRITING you will be charged with trespassing and the police will be called.
DH got mad at me for threatening police action ( I think well deserved) and we argued.
I'm pissed. I wrote a much better explanation prior to deciding (why am I concerned...really???? he's not MY kid and I have NO say....
- hangingbyathread6's blog
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I agree with this - although
I agree with this - although I think I would have everything laid out...that way there's no attack going on, simply - If this happens again, this will be my course of action. If DH chooses not to take steps to prevent it - he will have deal with your choices to make yourself feel safe.
Hope you enjoyed your spirits!
Okay it should have been
Okay it should have been BitchMonster...damn it!!
But it's cool
Who let her in?? SHE let herself in! No one was home. She was supposed to pick up OSS and bring him over to pic up his equipment bag (I have no issues with that...he would not let her in our house) and I offered to drop it at the rink on my way by in the morning but she never responded to me. She had OSS walk from the school to the rink (across a parking lot basically) and SHE texted to say she would be picking up the bag and DH responded that we were out of town (at BS's therapy visit) so she asked where the bag was, and received the response that OSS knows where it is...she said he is at the rink and then was told "you go get him and bring him to get his equipment"
She went in to my house and looked for the bag and found it in the basement where it is kept, and then SHE brought it back to our house and left it in my kitchen.
Pissed at her nerve and then when talking to OSS on the phone she could be heard in the background like she was right behind him as he stuttered and stumbled and she would say things . And I'm pissed at DH for not understanding how absolutely shitty this is and she needs to be informed that it is trespassing and the next time the police will be called. Instead he says "oh hanging let's not go there and start with the police threats again alright" That's what pissed me off...dismissing me and my feelings about his ex wife being in my home when no one was home and that she felt she was able to do so.
Pissed...still fricking pissed...and not speaking to my DH...cuz I'm pissed
How the f*ck did she get IN?
How the f*ck did she get IN? Is there a code and who gave it to her.
Change the locks, change the freaking code and don't even tell your husband. He is being a jerk!
Ok, when you are CALM, sit him down and tell him - calmly, clearly, concisely and with NO argument that she was WAY out of line to enter your home without permission, that HE needs to STFU about your "overreacting" and understand that this was a MAJOR crossing of boundaries and if it had been ANYONE else the police would have been called the INSTANT you both found out about it no questions asked, people do NOT enter your home and take stuff without permission, she did NOT and never will have permission.
And that you are deadly serious about the repercussions if it should ever happen again.
End of discussion, if he doesn't like it he can piss off.