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A couple questions. One step related.

Willow2010's picture

1). A year or so ago, BM got her and SS a cell phone. (SS is in the military). Both bills come to my house. I have no clue why she did it this way. It is very annoying to see that bill every month but I could take the annoyance. Well now she is getting all kinds of crap there. Junk mail and such. I am getting really sick of half of our mail being addressed to her.

She never lived here. DH bought this house many years after they divorced. Anyone know how to make it stop?

2). A few weeks ago a man hit my suv and made me flip over a guard rail. It was the most terrifying thing that has happened to me to date. I was extremely lucky though. Just bruised and traumatized but not dead.

The man ran from the scene of the accident. However the cops did catch him. No license, no insurance and no English. He was charged with a felony due to the severity of the wreck.

I realize he did not hit me on purpose and so normally I would be able to forgive and move on. But he just left me there. The wreck was terrible. It looked like someone should have died. So when he ran off, he did not know if I was dead or alive. I am very angry about that. The DA asked if I though he should get jail time. So I am confused. I know the man did not intend to hurt me, but he did not even stop to see if I was alive or needed help. So I am conflicted.

Which way would you swing on him getting jail time? And why on earth did they ask me if I thought he should get hard time? That just makes me feel guilty if he does go to jail. UGH..I don't know.


Jsmom's picture

No insurance is not responsible. He should do jail time. He left the scene. If you had died, what would your family say?

People need to be responsible for their actions.

Flying.Purple.Step.Monster's picture

We get junk mail from one company addressed to the husband's ex. It is my house that I owned before I met him! It really pisses me off but DH says I'm overreacting. You can fill out a change of address card for her name at your address and put her address on it?

I would want jail time for him just for the fact that you could have been dying there and he could have been the one to save your life but he ran away! What if he did it again to someone else?

blueorblackink's picture

He left you for dead. No compassion, no empathy, just the need to save his own ass. Don't feel guilty if he gets jail time. If he will do it to you he will do it to someone else.

Willow2010's picture

Thanks gals! I just don't know what to do. I really wish the DA would not have put that on me though.

Gabriels Mom's picture

He needs jail time. He did intend to cause harm. He was driving with no license and no insurance. He behaved in a way that he knew could hurt someone and did so anyway.

My mom was in a terrible accident about 6 years ago. She has a TBI and can't live alone. At first I didn't think he should get jail time but as things unfolded I found out he was speeding, AND texting. So I changed my mind about the jail time.

And the kicker? 2 months before the trial, he died in a car wreck. This idiot had narcolepsy and wasn't taking his meds.

He could have killed someone.

zerostepdrama's picture

He needs jail time. He did intend to cause harm. He was driving with no license and no insurance. He behaved in a way that he knew could hurt someone and did so anyway.


And the fact that he left the scene not knowing if you were dead or alive. That would be the kicker for me.

hereiam's picture

Fill out a change of address form for BM at the post office and tell her to stop using your address for anything.

It was an accident but the guy should not have been driving in the first place, so completely unavoidable, completely irresponsible. Then he left you there. It could have made the difference between life and death for you, he didn't know. I think he should do time and I would not feel bad about it at all.

zerostepdrama's picture

Can Willow fill out the form herself for BM? I thought that BM had to actually sign it.

But she can most def. get the form from the post office and give it to BM.

hereiam's picture

Well, I would damn well try and I would let them know that she has never lived there and did not have permission to use my address in the first place.

Otherwise, every piece of mail with her name on it would go right back to the post office.

See what happens when you let one little annoyance go unchecked?

zerostepdrama's picture

I remember when I had to switch over DH and SS (and mine) when we moved into our house. DH ended up signing for both him and SS.

SS STILL gets mail here even though he hasnt lived here in almost 2 years. Annoys me because its always shit from the courts, tickets, etc. I wanted to do the change of address form myself but didnt want to sign his name and then it come back to haunt me...since you cant trust the skids...LOL

If anything- put Return to Sender- DOES NOT LIVE HERE on the mail and put it right back into the mailbox or drop it off at the post office.

PokaDotty's picture

1) Write Return to Sender - Not at this address on every piece of mail.

2) What kind of advice would you give to your best friend if she was struggling with this decision?

anotherstepmom's picture

1) Try going to the Post Office and filling out a form stating the names of everyone at your address who recieves mail and talk to them about how to block all other names, such as writing down BM's own address and do a forward to something so that all mail in her name goes to her house. Hope that makes sense.

2) I work in the criminal justice system and it is not uncommon for the victim to have input into the sentencing of the offender. If you don't feel comfortable giving input specifically into whether or not the offender should go to jail, just state that you wish the prosecutor to follow the sentencing guidelines in your case file. Personally, I feel he should do jail time, he needs to be held accountable for his actions. If he works or supports a family, he can get Huber priveleges to be released from jail to go to his job and back to jail everyday/evening. I have even seen it happen where the judge will order say 3-4 days jail now and every year on the anniversary of the accident until the offender is off probation so that they are impacted by what they have done and spend the next few years really being impacted by having sit those few days jail. He made the decision to flee, if you chose to say yes to jail time, that is your right to ask he be punished for his decision. Please do not feel guilty for that, you are a victim and you need to be restored as much has the offender and justice system can restore you.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Talk to your mail man or try leaving a note. I did when my ex moved out and thereafter, the mail man only delivered mail addressed to me (the ex, his brother, AND his mother had mail delivered to my house). The ex's (and his brother/mother) stuff was returned to the post office, officially stamped with Return To Sender (and, I think, No Forwarding Address), and sent it back to the sender. Legally, you cannot complete a forwarding form to send the mail to BM because the form is supposed to be signed by the person to whom the mail belongs.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Either cross out her name and scribble RETURN TO SENDER OR Forward all her mail at the Post Office.

Definitely JAIL for the moron that hit you and left you there for dead. Thank God you are ok.

Willow2010's picture

just state that you wish the prosecutor to follow the sentencing guidelines
I like that! I like that a lot.

Thanks everyone. I will certainly put "return to sender" on EVERYTHING from now on.

One more question....I am totally freaked out driving now. It has been a few weeks and is not getting much better. I have never been and anxious person. NEVER. But now I dread my drive to and from work. I am so afraid someone is going to come out of now where and hit me again. It is really working on my nerves. I start getting edgy everyday for the few hours leading up to when I have to drive to and from work. I hate it and it is exhausting! I thought driving everyday would help but so far it has not. Anyone BTDT?

DaizyDuke's picture

1.) anytime I get mail for someone who is not living in our house (BM2 a couple of times at our old address, but sometimes random people on our road or in our town who I don't know) I will write "Return to sender, addressee does not reside here" across the front and put it back in the mailbox. The mailman always takes it, not sure what he does with it after that.. maybe he just chucks it in his fuckit pile for all I know or maybe they actually return it to the sender, but it works.

2. That is awful! Glad that you are OK! I would definitely press charges. I think it's no different than these skids we complain about all the time who never have an consequences to their actions. I think if they DON'T come down hard on him, he will take it lightly and may just kill the next person or people, God forbid.