Has anyone seen my libido??
I seem to have lost it around the start of skids' summer hols (surely a coincidence).Since there's never any action when they are here anyway, it seems to have taken itself off somewhere. Maybe I'll post an ad for it.
No doubt DH will expect it to return 10mins after they leave us this evening, but I'm just not in the mood. Could that be due to 3 weeks of seeing him kissing and cuddling SD while I just get a quick peck on the lips? Anything to do with the filthy mess they leave everytime they use the bathroom? The fact that they never ever leave the house, even to go into the garden, and then complain they are bored?
Anyone else shutting up shop for a little while?
- MaryKate's blog
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first of all, I'm so sorry to
first of all, I'm so sorry to hear you're dealing with a mini wife (from whatnot sounds like anyway)
second, um, yeh. I'll join you in that! I was thinking of posting exactly the same thing actually :/ ..I just always hesitate to post, and then just try and forget about it..
my lovely DH is always the one who initiates, and it makes me feel loved/ wanted/ desired.. With that in mind, I try to think "ok, next time, *I* will start the "sexxi taaam" haha! in order to make *him* feel loved/ wanted/ desired..
but I just never really, um, want to.. I guess. it's weird as when we are intimate it's always amazing, but I kinda just feel like I can't be bothered most of the time.
it's nothing to do with Disney parenting, (DH is very strict with SS) so I just don't know what it is. I mentioned it briefly to my BFF but she just said "with a new baby it's natural" ..well DD is 9 months old now, I duno about "new" baby :/
I didn't even think to look
I didn't even think to look there! *dives under couch cushions*
Mine moved out awhile ago.
Mine moved out awhile ago. It's probably on a cruise with some sexy hunk with no ex wife and skids. He's sporting six pack abs and sitting in a hot tub. }:)
Thanks for that HadEnoughx5.
Thanks for that HadEnoughx5. I'm now sitting in the office unable to concentrate, but thinking about your libido's hot tub hunk. You up for sharing?
Anytime. I figure the cruise
Anytime. I figure the cruise is in the Caribbean and he's drinking some really great drink with an umbrella in it.
I am planning a cruise... do
I am planning a cruise... do you think I can find a hunk like you described?? My libido could really use a little something something!! LMAO
HadEnoughx5, you've created a
HadEnoughx5, you've created a character that will be forever burned on the minds of those that read this. Thank you!
And thanks for all the laughs this afternoon ladies. I'll be toasting you all, and hot-tub hunk, with a mojito this weekend. Make sure you all do something nice for yourselves too. xx
I'm post menopausal and had
I'm post menopausal and had ZERO libido until I started taking bioidenticals. It took about 3 months for me to get a tiny bit of desire back.
Of course Chef doesn't help with his beer gut, his past record of going into rotten drunk rages, his quick temper and complete lack of patience for ANYTHING.
Now attractive to me are also men with a bank account, a retirement account and no kids!!