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Holy Carp. Big life changes with in 72hrs.

MamaFox's picture

I have an interview tomorrow in FDH' s town, which I am sure I will get the job. We found a 3BEDROOM HOUSE in the town that we can afford, that's less than three miles from both jobs, that is lease to own, and we know we qualify for a loan for the down payment. Plus, our check mate to BM on Saturday!

WOW! Pray for us Ladies!!!!


MamaFox's picture

I am so excited!! It's a very pretty mobile home, sitting on over an acre of land, there are three mimosa trees in the backyard.

I have a plan to set the front yard/driveway up nicely, and have a gravel u shape driveway? And set up one of those cute little white picket fences and plant tulips by the skirting of the house. Maybe repaint the shutters from blue to white. My own little white picket fence and pretty yard! Ohhh... and install a pretty gas lamp looking solar light near the drive way entrance.

Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile

JingerVZ's picture

Woohoo!! I am so happy for you.
A toast to all wonderful things - and good luck for tomorrow. Smile

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

Someone sounds excited!!! Wow! I'm really happy for you! Change is exciting! Woo-hooooo!

~ Moon

Starla's picture

Fantastic news, good luck tomorrow and Congratulations!! Change like that is exciting. Wink