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Someone's SS is at my house right now.....

zerostepdrama's picture

Oh it's DH's SS- my BS.

BS9 is laying in bed playing on his Kindle. He is hungry. He would like a bowl of cereal.

Earlier I was in the kitchen and I asked him if he wanted a bowl of cereal, I was going to make it as I was making my own and he said no.

15 minutes pass and NOW he wants cereal, so he asks me to make it. NOPE.

Ensure the meltdown.

"Please you are closer"

"Why can't you do it, I am sooooo tired"

"I'm so hungry, mom please"



"Oh my god I am so hungry"

"uuugggghhhh mooooommmmmmmm ppplleaaaasssseeee"

I am either ignoring him or telling him he is big enough to make his own cereal.

Which he is. He is 9. And he has before.

Granted I do normally just make his bowl when I make mine as its easier and quicker. But its not like he's never made his own bowl or its not like I have never told him no make his own bowl. No issues before.

We shall see how long this show down lasts.

DH is home and he will lay into BS if he keeps whining and crying about it.

Ah the joys of even bio parenthood.


cfmommyof3's picture

LOL...this cracked me up. Sounds like kids in general. BS6 loves to wait right till I sit down then ask me for some, anything really.

zerostepdrama's picture

Mom please I'm starving

You can make it yourself BS

But you are right there mom (I'm in the living room, maybe 10 feet closer)

Mom but I'm starving

BS I am trying to work and make a living. You are just laying around. Get it yourself.

You dont love me

Dirol And I see how this Friday is going to go :-).................

zerostepdrama's picture

This is totally my BS at times.

I used to say his dad, my ex was Stuart from Mad Tv... Look at me! Look at what I can do! Me! Me! Kind of the same thing.

Summer break has been killing me a little bit this year.... Mom Mom Mom Mom all freaking day!

cfmommyof3's picture

Lol...omg I hate that thing. BS6 heard that on a family guy commercial one day and did it for the rest of the day. I flipped out by dinner time. Hes seriously adhd. Now he will look at me and start to do it slowly with a smile. I give him a certain look and he KNOWS to stop. LOL.

DaizyDuke's picture

LOL this is my BS4. I will be in the kitchen and ask him if he wants anything to eat. Nope, not interested UNTIL I sit down and get comfortable reading, watching TV, eating whatever... then it's MOOOOMMMMMMMMM!!! Then if I tell him that he should have told me when I was in the kitchen and now he's going to have to wait, he gets this sad look, rubs his tummy and says "But, my tummy says I'm starving" Geesh!

Last night DH gave BS4 some medallion thing which BS4 promptly drops and looses somewhere between the house and garden. MOOOOOMMMMM I need you to find my prize daddy gave me! I said "Nope, you haven't even spent one second looking for it YOURSELF, I'm not catering to lazy! Geesh! Damn it I will NOT have another SD16 in my house!

zerostepdrama's picture

Dang it! It's almost my lunch time... Now I am going to have to make him something to eat since I am making myself something. LOL.

kathc's picture

I've gotta say, though, why aren't YOU laying into him to stop it?

Because I've dealt with skids whining before and when I say anything bio gives me shit for it. Are you going to give him crap for it when he tells your kid to quit the whining?

zerostepdrama's picture

Oh I'm just letting him whine about it... until he realizes I am not going to get him the cereal.

I have no issue yelling at my BS if warranted. Oddly though ingorning him usually works best. He likes to go back and forth sometimes. Sometimes I deal with it that way, other days I don't.

And nope no problem at all if DH lays into him for something that he deserves. DH lives here too full time and has to deal with BS. If he doesnt like something he is more then welcomed to speak his mind.

As I am sure with most parents, ours kids whining doesnt bother us as much as it would a non parent. So I probably do let him whine a little more then DH would before yelling at him about something.

But I am not letting him whine to annoy DH or to have DH handle it. (though as soon as DH says something, BS listens- go figure!)