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Jewals's picture

Just venting ...

So I caught the little butt throwing food in my car last night .. I told him to pick it up and that we don't do that ... He immediately starts saying our 2 year old was doing it 1st... I said well you are the unlucky one that got caught & don't follow your brothers foot steps bc he is 2 and if an 8stb9 year old does what a 2 year old does ur gonna get in trouble. I also make my 2 year old clean up his messes when he throws food... However I can't make a 2 year old get out of the car seat and clean it up while I'm driving not did I see him throw food ... I did see the 8 year old throw it in my floor & tell him to stop & he continued.. OBVIOUSLY I'm gonna fuss .. DH says well 2 year old was throwing food .. SERIOUSLY?!?! so he finally tells 8 year old to shut up.. What is wrong with ppl??

Not only does he throw out the well he was doing it but he glared at me & tells me to stop.. Seriously ?? I'm calling you down for throwing food in MY CAR..the car I pay for .. No sir .. You don't get to tell me to stop fussing at you


internaltwist's picture

Very frustrating. My SS18 and SD12stb13 would nag and fight with each other all the time. SS18 was the one that got in trouble the most. Every time I would tell him to not let his little sister outsmart him. No reason you should be fighting with a little girl. Thankfully they don't pester each other much anymore now that they're older and SS18 is gone a lot with friends and work. But boy, it sure is annoying when they get into it!

thinkthrice's picture

Ah Ye Olde Double Standard rears it's ugly head again. The incessant comparing apples to oranges to defend one's one loin fruit and non-existent parenting.

Jewals's picture

I mean I didn't see the little one throw food.. I did see the 8 year old do it ... When we r at home I'm constantly making my kid pick up, he gets in trouble .. They both get in trouble for throwin food ..

thinkthrice's picture

Right, but you have a guilty daddy on your hands. These types could witness their children live on a video stream committing an axe murder and you would STILL hear all the excuses in the book.


Jewals's picture

Oh yea totally..he's doing better than he was with it .. But good grief I'm gonna be crazy

zerostepdrama's picture

An 8 year old knows better (or should) that you dont throw food...period...

Your DH is not doing his son any favors by doing the double standard.

Jewals's picture

My point exactly!!!! I keep saying how am I suppose to expect Bs to behave properly when he sees his older brother misbehave continuously and it's ok