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Holy crap that almost totally backfired on me...

fedupstep's picture

I unexpectedly had to tell DH last night that my family dinner this weekend was cancelled (Please see my 'this week's dilemma' blog for background). DH is on nightshift this week so we only see each other for about 15 minutes a day. He got up a little early yesterday evening and mentioned that he had to call my dad about something before he left. I panicked because I knew that my dad would mention the dinner being rescheduled and DH would wonder why I didn't mention that.

So I said 'funny you should mention my dad...i got an email from him when I was about to leave work. They have to postpone the dinner. Nieces have a piano recital that day.'

He stared at me a moment and replied, 'well that sucks! SD15 was really looking forward to it.' (like I give a flying fuck about disappointing her at this point since she never ceases to disappoint me).

I just shrugged and he added 'when were you going to tell me this?'

'I just found out a couple hours ago. You were still sleeping when I got home.'

He said again that sd15 will be upset for not seeing my nieces. She hasn't seem them since Christmas. This annoyed me and I told him. "That may be true, but it's her choice to only come once a month and my nieces have lives."


Game. Set. Match.


SMof2Girls's picture

I don't understand. In your last blog you said BM won't agree to the extra visit (next weekend for the rescheduled dinner), but you also say it's SD's choice to not visit more than once a month?

I wouldn't be so sure that you're out of the woods just yet.

fedupstep's picture

BM wont agree to an extra visit but might have considered changing it to another weekend with advanced notice.