Damn SS made the cockatoo bird fly away
I have taken the bird outside before. With no harness. DH takes him outside with the harness. The bird is bonded to me, so he has always stayed on my shoulder or my lap. No issues.
SS comes over to borrow some camping stuff. (taking bets on what we get back and what gets ruined). I am outside with bird on my shoulder. I go over to say hi to SS. He points a dang fishing pole at the bird and there goes the bird.
Soaring the in the sky. He did look quite beautiful, not going to lie. Big white and yellow wings. Freedom!
Well he lands in one of our trees. DH gets the ladder, SS climbs up. Bird flies away. He goes 3 houses down but the street behind us. I go running in the neighbors backyard. It had beeing raining a lot here, so the yards are just soaking wet, flooded and I am running in flip flops. Muddy mess. Find the bird on a roof. DH runs over with his ladder. Puts it to the roof, the bird flies away; even further. Thankfully he then landed on the ground and DH was able to get him.
Insert stiff drink into my hand. I was a mess the rest of the night.
It was totally my fault as I should not have had him outside with no harness. (yes they make bird harnesses- lol)Even though I never had any issues at all.
SS was very apologetic about pointing the fishing pole at him. He is just a doofus, stoner, burn out. Wasn't thinking. And honestly if it wasn't for him, we probably wouldnt of gotten the bird back. SS is the one that saw him on the roof (I had given up hope because I didnt see him) and then when he flew off the roof to the ground, SS saw him there where DH didn't.
That was our excitement for the night. Lesson learned. DH said we have to get his wings clipped to be extra safe in case a door gets left open, etc.
- zerostepdrama's blog
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Good to know about the wings
Good to know about the wings clipped they can still fly. Im going to call the vet today to get an appointment.
We do take him in his traveling cage outside and then with the harness. And then of course with me but I will never do that again for sure.
It was comical though
Yup, or you can do it
Yup, or you can do it yourself, throw a towel over it and clip the long feathers at the end, not too close to the base where the blood is. It looks a little funny, but it can still flap short distances. I used to just clip one side, so in the event it was a very zealous one, it would only be able to fly in circles.
yeah DH keeps saying he can
yeah DH keeps saying he can do it himself but I am worried that he would hurt the bird... interesting.. he said he looked it up on YouTube and saw how to do it.
It is pretty easy, especially
It is pretty easy, especially with a larger bird, easier to see what you are doing. They fly kind of like a chicken after they are clipped. They can't get real good lift, but they can sort of glide down from things. Glad you got him back!!
Been there done that, but
Been there done that, but with a parakeet. Whew, chasing birds is fun! Yes, you can clip their wings yourself, it is not hard. I would take the bird to the vet the first time so they can show you how to do it properly, but after that it is easy. We used to let our parakeet roam the house while we were home, and he managed to get out the front door a couple of times when people weren't being cautious.
Glad you got your bird buddy
Glad you got your bird buddy back!
Thanks Ladies! BS doesnt like
Thanks Ladies! BS doesnt like the bird since he "attacked" him. BS is being over dramatic about it, but I do watch them around each other because I know the bird is bonded to me and can get jealous of BS. So I told BS
"The bird is back!" and he said "awwww poo!" LOL.
I think for a nanosecond we
I think for a nanosecond we all looked up to the sky and thought what a beautiful site. LOL. But really that is what the bird should be doing naturally... LOL
Glad you got a laugh
Ha Ha right! Like here you
Ha Ha right! Like here you need camping stuff? How about this crappy van... you can camp in it.. no need to return it.. thank you very much
At least your SS helped look.
At least your SS helped look. My SD would go I DOOOOONNNNNN'T KNOOOOOOOOOOOOOW WHAT TO DO, go back and fill up her face and sit on her ass.
Dang it! So weird. One time I
Dang it! So weird. One time I messaged someone here a link of a picture from FB and they were able to see it.
Yep I had to right click and
Yep I had to right click and copy image URL.
okay give me a few... im
okay give me a few... im going to copy and paste the links. I deleted the other posts with the bad links.
arent u just too cute! what a
arent u just too cute!
what a pretty bird too! i used to know one that would give kisses, she'd sneak up your arm slooowwwllly where u didnt even notice, then reach around and give u a kiss. she'd also put her head down and feathers up so you could scratch underneath them on her neck and head. they are sooo sweet.
LOL yes this bird tries to
LOL yes this bird tries to give me kisses too but I am too afraid he might bite my lips off. LOL. He did kiss me once when I was sleeping, lol, snuck up and kissed my lips. He is very cuddly. I love him!
It worked!
It worked!
That furry white one! Awwww
That furry white one! Awwww so dang cute
Yes he is a big bird. LOL!
All I could think of when I
All I could think of when I saw this post was this:
OMG too funny!
OMG too funny!
that is freaking
that is freaking hilarious!!!! i just sent the link to several girls here they were wondering why i was laughing like a look w/ tears rolling down my cheeks.... LMFAO too funny
I will have to post the link
I will have to post the link to my bird barking and yapping like a little dog. Seriously. Barking and shaking his head and everything. So cute. I will have to do that soon
Here is the photo of my two fur babies. The lighter coloured siamese is the one that SD shot in the butt with a BB gun.