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Guess what?

aggravated1's picture

Guess who's idiot BM is moving back across the street from her again? Just guess.


DaizyDuke's picture

AGAIN? WTF? In the same dang house?
you lucky dog! hope she was able to find some conditioner for her hair }:)

DaizyDuke's picture

oh and I have to add... it would be a cold day in hell before I would move into a home within a 10 mile radius of my Ex and his new wife.... I mean really? Who does this shit?

FTMandSM's picture

I would hate this!!!!!! I could NEVER imagine living that close. Does she want to be like the show Reba? :sick:

aggravated1's picture

Yep. Ding Ding, I am the lucky recipient of one hard used, brittle haired, pillhead of a neighbor.

And Daizy, I wouldn't do it. I dont know ANYONE who would! I would DIE before I moved into my ex's neighborhood, especially if I looked like her. I mean, I get a front row seat to her shit show every time I am in the garage doing laundry! LOL

aggravated1's picture

Evidently homegirl can't pay her bills again so has to move back into her boyfriends place. It's a long, stupid story.

The neighborhood has smelled great for the past few months. Now there will be that lingering funk of Marlboros, desperation, and unwashed cooch.


Jsmom's picture

I actually have the lovely pleasure of BM living in the subdivision across from us. 3 years and SS graduates and we are gone.

hereiam's picture

I have always been quite happy to have BM live at least 30 minutes away from us. No cross contamination. No running into her out and about. No SD dropping by on a whim.

How can you pretend she doesn't exist with her right across the street, smelling up the neighborhood? Gross.

Just J's picture

Ick, no way. DH and I considered buying his sister's house when she sold it during her divorce. But a big reason we didn't is because it was only 2 blocks from his ex. No thanks!

aggravated1's picture

DD graduates in June and is off to college in August. Time to start making repairs on the house and putting it up for sale.

Honestly, I could give a crap about the fact that she was married to DH, it was 10 years ago. It's the crap that she has done personally to me and how she has PAS'ed the kids against us that makes me hate her with the fire of a thousand suns.

BSgoinon's picture

I can't stand BM living in the neighboring zip code, I would go batshit if she lived across the street.

aggravated1's picture

Well lets see...

last time she lived there she frequented all of my hangouts and then began introducing herself as "Crackhead (insert DH's last name) and went on and on about how she was once married to DH. She was there with her boyfriend when she did this.

I know this because several of my friends told me that was how she introduced herself, and then she sent all of my friends FB friend requests. She is a joke-we did get a good laugh out of it. She made her boyfriend look like an idiot while she tried to ride on DH's "popularity" coattails. He was mortified that people knew he was once married to her.