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BM Demanding Thousands for SD Barbizon Auditions

Living the dream's picture

Anybody ever heard of Barbizon modeling school?

SD15 recently went through their overpriced package of “classes.” Now BM is hitting us up for more than $1,000 for some audition in NYC and a chance to get picked for some cruise (for more money from us, of course) that agents and talent scouts will supposedly also attend.

It seems like every “opportunity” presented by this company costs tons of money, and SD keeps getting “picked” or “tapped” to move on to this or that (all for a fee, of course).

If she “makes it,” she then has the opportunity to pay more to move onto another event. Sounds like BS to me. I’m sure she will keep “making it” as long as BM’s checkbook is out.

I googled Barbizon and the internet is rife with complaints and scam alerts about this chain.

I know it must be a scam because SD is average looking. She sure as hell doesn’t look like a model.


Unfreakingreal's picture

Haha...Reminds me of when BM told DH that SD13 had been scouted by a model agency and that he had to pay $3000.00 for her pictures. I just looked at him and said "Are people still falling for those scams?"

Shut that down real quick.

Living the dream's picture

I swear our BM is the only person on earth who still believes in Nigerian princes. Blum 3

hereiam's picture

Reminds me of the Everyone Loves Raymond episode where Robert fell for that. Hilarious.

Anon2009's picture

I've heard about barbizon. I don't know much about them, though. But if you can't afford to give her money for this, you can't afford it.

Jsmom's picture

Barbizon is a money making scheme. Stay away. If BM wants to do it, fine, CS pays for it. Do not give any extra money. Most of the talent agencies are illegit.

Anon2009's picture

I will also say that I think this is a good opportunity for you (depending on your relationship with her) and DH to teach her that life is not all about looks. It's about who you are and how you treat people. That she will have many more friends by treating people with respect, as opposed to being drop dead gorgeous but mean. Maybe DH could help her find some activities in your area that she can partake in, and that interest her.

DaizyDuke's picture

This is such a scam. GBM and SD15 came to DH like 3 or 4 years ago asking for $3500.00 so SD could do this. DH was like "sorry, don't mean to be a dick, but SD is not THAT "pretty" that I believe this crap for a second." (he of course didn't say that to SD) but bottom line he said no. Thank God that DH has a few more brain cells than GBM and BM1...

Sunflower1's picture

Don't do it! There are start up cost-like any type of job but school is not one of them. Comp cards will cost, test shoots for your portfolio (until you having paying jobs to fill it) will cost, but no don't do the school. A reputable agncy will work with someone who shows promise.

furkidsforme's picture

OMG DH and BM sent SDnow25, but back then about 13 to some modeling class and a few weekend try out type things. She is slender and lean, but she has a teensy tiny head and HUGE WIIIIIIDDDDDDEEEEE hips that look freakish. Not. A. Model.

I finally had to tell DH- really? She's not even pretty.

ctnmom's picture

Barbazon is a legit but decieving outfit that has been around since I was a kid, I'm 49. They hardly churn out models- you have to go to New York , Paris , London or Milan to make it in modeling. Barbazon is kinda like an over priced charm school. They've been saying they will turn girls into models for 60 years- does anyone know ANY real models who went through Barbazon? lol

StarStuff's picture

Don't give money for that bullsh*t. There were girls in my hs who did that and most of them weren't remotely attractive, and of couese nothing ever came of it. If you have to pay for it, it isn't legit.

ltman's picture

Run away, run away. Everything about is designed to separate you from your money. The photography they encourage you to get is over priced and are generally unusable. Auditions are free. Used to work with a real talent agency, saw a lot of modeling scams. Ranks right down there with pageants.