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So BM Also has a Lexus

step off already's picture

This is the woman who told the judge she ou works 5 hours a week so she can not possibly pay child support and she should actually get spousal support instead. Judge didn't buy it and ordered no support to no one.
Here we are one year later.

First bm picks up SS13 in her new Chevy Malibu (with the $2000 Bugatti rims that she made sure to brag to him about) and tonight at the exchange she is in a Lexus. Ss13 says she's had that car for a while and that a friend gave it to her when they left the state.
My questions:

1- you can't pay child supporter because of your $60 a week job? Wtf? Clearly that's BS!
2- you won't fill out finAncial aid forms for your son who is trying to get into private school? Clearly, you're hiding Another income source

CAnt wIt roll the court date when the child support agency shows bm's history of money-making along side her history of lieing in court about what she makes.

Hope the judge slaps her with a hefty support and some back support since she's been lieing.


simifan's picture

I wouldn't hold your breath we proved BM lied for 1 1/2 years. The court did nothing - not even a slap on the wrist & ordered no back support to cover the time period she lied about.

step off already's picture

I should clarify that she claims that her and her gf are just "best friends" and only claims her as her gf when it works in her favor.

She's also quite the cheater.

And heck she very we'll may be an escort.

stuckinthebay's picture

Well it doesn't have to be under the gf name. Maybe BM parents help? Even if it was a rental, that shits expensive. So pathetic. Can't help take care of your kids but hey I'm driving a fancy car!

step off already's picture

Hey, not only am I driving a fancy Lexus (that apparently she's had for a while) but she also just bought a new car and bragged to SS about how expensive the rims were.

She. Is. Ghet. TO.

SS has to feel bad. She said she is constantly promising him things, then never follows through and tells him how she doesn't have any money.

Very pathetic.