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Wonderful Wednesday!!

FTMandSM's picture

So yesterday was a great day, not only did we get the keys to our new place, but we found out that BM is 7 months pregnant with her 2nd kid!!! LMAO!! I love it! She is 21, living at home, works maybe 2 days a week, and the baby daddy is a felon from getting 3 DUI's in less than 6 months at the age of 21. Wait there's more, he changed his phone number so she can't get in contact with him because she is so crazy. (he was smart) He already has a son with another woman who just up and left. He lives at home with his parents. Bm and new baby daddy broke up because they got into a fist fight over an Xbox that she bought for him. Karma is such a bitch!!!! I feel really bad for this new baby being brought into a household where the Gma smokes pot and Gpa drinks. This BM is such a hot mess and i freakin love it!! }:)


hooha's picture

Hold up. Don't be so excited - it just means she will depend on your child support even MORE SO that she will nickle and dime you for everything possible - ya know... she will have a new baby to support. She will NEVER be able to make it on her own. Your monies will be even MORE necessary - and you know - it's never enough.

FTMandSM's picture

We thought that she will want more CS. It's never enough now with just SD. As of now, she has not taken SO to court for CS. SHE came up with an amount that we pay every week. She likes to have something to threaten him with. "I'll take you to court for CS if you make me mad one more time." SO calls her bluff everytime and says "please do". I wonder when she has this new baby, if she will finally take him.

Harleygurl's picture

Please tell me you have the amount and agreement in writing and are getting receipts for the money paid? She might be able to say he owes back child support if you all have paid in cash and there's no records.

DaizyDuke's picture

What is with these young women popping out babies... do they never learn? I was watching the new episode of Teen Mom2 the other night (I know guilty pleasure Wink ) and all but one of them them either had another baby or is pregnant with another baby. And then the one baby daddy's girlfriend is pregnant too.

Then you have my BM1 who is preggo with baby #5 with baby daddy #3 (who she's known less than a year) and does not even have custody of her 4 kids she already has, has no job, no house, no car.. but hey, let's have ANOTHER baby for everyone else to take care of, pay for etc.

I think China has it and done especially if you have no job, and no way to support a child. I feel bad for all of these poor children being born into this shit life.

Jsmom's picture

You better document that agreement, she can say you have not paid her and the judge will see it as a gift. You really need to go to court and get a CS agreement based on a calculator.

FTMandSM's picture

A gift?? Holy hell! This is definitely not a gift. I can't believe the courts would see it that way, we need to get this taken care of NOW! I'm glad I have access to experienced Sparents!

FTMandSM's picture

Thanks for the advice everyone! I didn't know she could collect back child support. We really need to look into him initiating child support. We only write checks, no dealing in cash. Sounds like we need to do this ASAP! Thank you all!!

kathc's picture

Yes, start writing "child support" in the memo field on those checks.

Save receipts for ANYTHING you buy for your SD--shoes, clothes, books, etc. Because the day will come that BM is in court, crying to a judge about how he does NOTHING and gives her NO HELP and she can't afford to pay it all. Then you slap down copies of all the checks marked "child support" and all the reciepts for clothing, etc. and let the judge deal with it.

Really, though, your DH should file for a CS/custody order. It'll go better for him if HE is the one to file so he can say he "just wants to make sure it's all legally correct even though he's been giving her CS all along on his own" instead of her filing and claiming he doesn't pay CS.

kathc's picture

Yes, start writing "child support" in the memo field on those checks.

Save receipts for ANYTHING you buy for your SD--shoes, clothes, books, etc. Because the day will come that BM is in court, crying to a judge about how he does NOTHING and gives her NO HELP and she can't afford to pay it all. Then you slap down copies of all the checks marked "child support" and all the reciepts for clothing, etc. and let the judge deal with it.

Really, though, your DH should file for a CS/custody order. It'll go better for him if HE is the one to file so he can say he "just wants to make sure it's all legally correct even though he's been giving her CS all along on his own" instead of her filing and claiming he doesn't pay CS.

FTMandSM's picture

I love your honesty and non taken...I know he did, which is really gross to even think about. :sick: I always ask him What in the hell were you thinking???? She is such trash. He says she didn't get crazy until after SD was born. The only person I feel for in her situation are her children. SD and this new baby.