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Why do I even try with BM?

step off already's picture

Since my exH and I have such a great relationship and try to co- parent our kids together, I sometimes fOrget that this will NEVER be the case with bm.

Dd12 has had an iPod fOr three years and exH and I recently had to discuss porn with her and why she shouldn't be watching it after I found she had been watching it fOr a few days. We consulted with each other and discussed how to best approach it.

Now ss13 receive his first iPod from us during Xmas. Against my better judgement, he took it with him to BMs Xmas morning. Now that I'm around to installing parental controls, I've found that he's been accessing porn non-stop starting day one - dec 25 at BM's home.

So I encouraged dh to do the right thing and alert bm, thinking she might want tO be aware and control her son.

Her response?

"that's why I didn't buy him an iPod. He's 13. You've always had lots of porn at your house and I told you to hide it..."



step off already's picture

Dh just responded that it began at her house, where he was obviously unsupervised, and she can do what she likes with the info. And that btw, she may want to monitor his online usage of the Xbox and who he's friends with as SS it is not allowed online xbox usage at our home.

HadEnoughx5's picture

DH has 2 ex- wives and I have an ex- husband. BM1, my ex and their significant others, DH and I we all get along great. BM2 is a freaking nightmare. If we bring up any negative behavior to her about the skids, it's all our fault.

What really gets me is when things have to do with the skids health. One skid get reflux. BM's response- it must be all the stress in your house, that NEVER happens at MY house. The DR. gave skid some meds and BM refused to give it to skid.

I think these BM's see everything as about them. If something is happening with skid, then it has to be DH because they wouldn't want themselves to look tarnished. But these BM's can't stop thinking about themselves long enough to do what is good for their child. So Sad Sad

step off already's picture

Yep. She took it as an invitation to fight.

"that's why i didn't buy him an ipod"

Oh really? Not because you wanted to purchase him socks instead, right you cheap, lazy excuse for a mother.

She thinks everything is about her. She abandoned the boy for a good 7 years of his life and has only been seeing him EOWe for about a year and a half now.

Self-centered does not BEGIN to describe this woman.