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SS: when can we open gifts?

step off already's picture

Yes. All the kids said that first thing this morning so why am I so bothered by dh and SS?

I tell dh that it's Christmas eve and SS still needs to take care of dd's gift for the kids' exchange. Dh goes and talks w SS and returns to say " he want to get her earrings"

I'm like...and... Do I need to spell this out?

Dh says that we can jut pick out earrings for her.

I say, "no. SS can I pick out the gift. And do you understand WHY we do this with the kids? It's to tech them about giving. And I'm. It sure if you've noticed but SS does not have a single gift FOR anyone under that tree. He needs some help with the spirit of giving"

Literally three minutes later, ds9 comes down and asks if the kids can open their gift exchange presents tonight because he "can't wait to see SS's face when he opens the gift he it him"


Nette5's picture

My SS17 has a job & has bought NOTHING for anyone for Christmas. SS17 also has communicated nothing about what he wants or needs & never uses what we get him anyway so F him!
My BS10 has put SO much thought into each gift, to the point of what labels to use & why, for everyone. It's a good thing we had extra this year, BS spent about $80 on 5 people.

over_the_rainbow's picture

Selfish kids are REALLY getting on my nerves this year too. If I hear 'I want' or 'can you get me' ONE MORE TIME everything is going back or being donated. DONE.

comfortablynumb's picture

Oooh my steps are the same. If they give, it's grudgingly, but their parents did not teach them the art of giving. I am thankful my parents did and that I teach it to my bios.

oneoffour's picture

One year my ssons wanted a PS3. They would DIE without one. So they asked us if we would buy them one in early December and they would give us all their Christmas money after Christmas. Ummm N.O!

First, anticipating money for gifts is rude and selfish and just awful.
Second, practice some patience. It is a virtue.
Third, how do you know you will get enough money?
Fourth, refer to 1 & 2.

But... their mother did the 'right' thing and bought the PS3 that they played the crap out of before Christmas. Come Christmas and their paternal grandmother/ my MIL sent them their Christmas money. Well they kept forgetting to take it to their mother. She called DH at work ranting about keeping the money from her. DH cut her off and told her that the boys are responsible for giving her the checks. He has never with held the money from them. So if she has a financial understanding with her sons then she needs to deal with it.

I just found it funny Christmas Day when they said "We got $200 each!" And I said "Wow! So how much was the PS3 and games your mum bought you?" About $385.....