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who else is getting plowed with ice and snow

purpledaisies's picture

I'm sitting here watch it snow on top of the ice we got. But at least we didn't lose power.

Only thing is I can't get a hold of child support since they are closed due to weather. I know my ex is here in jail for child support. I went through the prosecuting attorney so they have him. I stopped working with cs services b/c they were just not doing their job. He has a court date the 11th. I just want to know if I need to he there or what.


whatwasithinkin's picture

were getting rain here in Jersey and it is 55 degrees outside. It just scares me the thoughts of what this winter will bring to my state. it has been quite for far to long. and for me that means traveling in it as I work for a utility and me showing up is mandatory to keeping electric on for every one

twoviewpoints's picture

I think you're in the same general area of NW Arkansas that my SS is located. He's in Washington County and works in Benton County. I haven't heard from him since last evening but already then they were planning on a lazy home bound snow day for today.

It's just cold and gloomy where I live in Illinois.

purpledaisies's picture

Yep that's where I am. My dh had to work. He said the roads are really bad. I refuse to drive in this. Too risky

Sunflower1's picture

No snow, we did get some ice a couple days ago. I think the forecast is for eight-ten inches on Sunday, which means we will get one inch or eighteen :). Two degrees here, as of right now.

grow-a-nut's picture

I'm in IL. (SW suburbs of Chicago.) It is 16 here and my heat is not working. No snow or rain. I walk to work so I hope it doesn't rain or snow before 4.

kellyyy's picture

It rained ice all night and we lost power for six hours. I put us all in one bed and stayed warm until they fixed it.

Starla's picture

I'm stuck here bc of the ice storm that came through, can't get into my car! Been trying for 3 days now and I need to get into it... :?

Starla's picture

Yes the doors are frozen shut and I don't have access to get any windshield fluid which is the best bet. Its an older car and the seals need to be replaced. Going to ask DH to pick up some windshield fluid on his way back which I hope will be tonight or I'm calling triple A. Wink

hereiam's picture

What kind of car is it? When I had a Mustang, the locks froze all the time but it was a hatchback and that lock never froze so I could crawl through that way.

Drac0's picture

That only works if you can actually get the dispenser INTO the key/latch mechanism. It's still worth a shot though.

Starla's picture

Its a 94 Olds, I just found a small can of Lock Thaw. Would that break the ice on the seals of the door? I know its intended for the locks but they are working just fine you can't get in through the trunk.

hereiam's picture

A little hip action to the door always worked for me to break the ice around the doors. It may take several hits but it has always done the trick.