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SD20 continues to try to hone in on my family

Elizabeth's picture

I can't figure out her angle here. When my nieces were little, DH and I used to keep them quite a bit and so they spent time with SD. She is right in the middle of their ages. But once my brother moved the family an hour away, I rarely heard from nieces. Then SD moved in with BM five years ago, that should have been the end of it, right? Wrong, evidently.

Brother and I have talked before and he admits the reason my nieces pulled away from me when he moved is that SD told them they had to pick her or me and convinced them I was "mean" and they should pick her. I told him that was the wrong decision on their part, and he agreed, but what can you do? I have moved on.

So unbeknownst to me youngest niece is in alcohol rehab. And evidently SD20 went to see her. Then SD immediately texted DH and told him niece was in rehab and that she went to dinner with my brother and niece's mom. I know why she did this. She was gloating that there was something about my family that I didn't know but she did.

I talked to my mother, and she also knew about niece being in rehab and had even gone to see her, but she didn't tell me because niece didn't want a bunch of people knowing. If that's the case, she needs to pick her "friends" better because SD20 of course is going to blab anything she knows, it makes her feel superior.

What I can't figure out is why SD20 went to see niece. They have not seen each other face to face for years, they weren't that close when SD lived with DH and I. So what is in it for her? (She doesn't do anything without an ulterior motive.)


Elizabeth's picture

I don't hate hearing anything. No one told me because it was not their secret to tell, it was niece's, we are not that close any more, so not surprised she didn't tell me. Niece is not an adult, she is still a minor living with her parents. Not sure what you mean "get over it." Nothing to "get over" except SD20 texting DH to gloat over the fact that she knows MY niece is in rehab and I do not. My family is now "pissed" that SD20 let the secret out when niece did not want it known.

ENuff's picture

Sounds like a diversion tactic ~ I bet dollars to donuts that something questionable is going on in SD's life. It's the old look at this ~ n I am kit that bad of a person.

Some people just love drama ~ stirring up the pot. Trying to grandiose their involvement ~ of being a supporter.

Elizabeth's picture

I think this is a lot of it to be honest. I told DH straight to his face that if niece is using SD20 as a role model, she is looking in the wrong place, and he agreed. SD20 is pretty much a barely functional alcoholic. She attends school (not great grades) and WAS holding down a job a month ago, not sure if she still has the job. But she has been drinking since she was 13 and drinks most weekends to the point of being violently ill the next day. So yes, perhaps she is trying to play nice to show how much "better" she is. She has been committed once to a mental hospital herself, nobody gloated over her about it...

ENuff's picture

Ahhhh sounds like she has experience in the rehab life. Maybe trying to show her the ins n outs of rehab life ~ trying to give your niece advice ??

Elizabeth's picture

Eh, SD's was just a 72-hour psych hold for threatening to commit suicide when BM took her cell phone away for bad behavior. Not sure she can give niece much advice based on that experience. Unless it's to not be a moron and tell a doctor you're feeling depressed in an effort to take a jab at your mother and make her feel bad enough to give the phone back. That one sure backfired on her!

ltman's picture

What they don't know in reality, they fill in with bullshit. Tell brother to have sd20's access blocked while his kid is in rehab. Sounds like she's the type that will try to subvert your niece's progress.

Elizabeth's picture

Oh, no doubt SD20 will try to drag niece down. But she was "polite" and "pleasant" when they saw her, so they have no idea what she's really like. Like the time DH and SD and I went to dinner with my parents and my dad, who is the most laid back and mellow guy you will ever meet, said something SD didn't like and she went home and posted online calling my parents "fags" and other crap. Polite to their faces, digging a knife in their backs.