bloody pissed off!!
Well i've come for a rant, because a few people have told me feel free to do so!!! and i bloody need too!
I've had a lot to think about after writing my first blog, and now i'm starting to see im not actually the problem!
All the problems ive had this week are because of my partner neglecting to do so.....
1. he was supposed to get our female bitch and female cats neutered when he was on benefits. He never ended up doing so and now im stuff with a female bitch on heat and my male dog going mad trying to get to her. I also have kittens running around because the female cat got caught again which ive also been left to deal with.
2.when he was on benefits he repeatedly ignored letters from the council and this week ive had one bayliff come round for council tax arrears. so i sorted this out paid him an installment and sorted a payment plan. when he come home i got what the fuck did you let him in for!!!!!
3. ive also recieved a letter form the council about overpayment of housing benefit again because of him ignoring letters, this time its only addressed to him so i cant sort this one out. and if he ignores it which he probably will it'll be the second bayliff coming round!!!! and loads of charges piled on to to top it all off.
4. now he is actually working for the first time since we've been together (and not forgetting ive been working the whole time ive been with him and still doing most of the housework etc) he now feels he can do jack shit around the house. he comes in throws his work clothes on the floor. goes for shower leaves wet towels everywhere etc etc etc. It's no wonder his kids do fuck all!!!!
5. had his daughter here last night and already here room is full of rubbish, dirty clothes on the floor. loads of shit all over the lounge were she got ready this morning and as usual her breakfast mess left all over the kitchen. when he finally came home at about 8 he didnt go up and see her for about half an hour!!!
im sick of it all.
6. to top it all off he says work now want him to do 16.5 hour shifts as they are behind with work. so i told him= either u say u cant do it when your kids are here or they'll have to stay with their mum end off.
end off rant!!!! (feel better already
- aprtchrd's blog
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Rant away!!!!
Rant away!!!!
Don't you wonder sometimes
Don't you wonder sometimes how these guys survived before we met them? My DH is similar and there are days I wonder but then I hear stories of how his xw spent all their home equity on new clothes etc and I say "go figure". Some people have no idea how to live within their budget. We struggle but that's just because our budget is almost not enough to support three teens and two pets and 2 adults b/c I make barely above min wage
and yet I am a home health aide, going from home to home and my gas isn't reimbursed, etc. yuk.
Anyways good standing your ground but it seems you have more to clear up before your life is stress free.