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Update to the Bat Drama and SD15 Step Dad kicking her out

HappyCow's picture

If you read my last blog (thanks) you will know that DH was on his way to drop off SD15 back at the Bat's house so she will no longer miss any more school. Bat texts DH that she went to the school and unregistered SD15 and according to the registrar all DH would need is SD15 birth certificate to register her at the new school. DH texts back that he can be at the school in 10 minutes and they can all talk about it together. DH arrives at the school and surprise NO BAT. DH speaks with the Vice Principle at the school who informs DH that no SD15 is not unrolled and in order for her to be unrolled that they need confirmation from her new school and yes, BAT will have to sign the paper giving DH primary custody. Obviously, Bat lied to DH in the text. DH gets the names and numbers of the guidance counselor at both schools to figure out the next step. VP is very nice and understanding according to DH. He has dealt with Bat before.

DH then proceeds to text Bat to let her know that he spoke with the VP and told her what he was told. He texted he was on his way to her house to talk this over and work it out. SD15 cannot miss any more school. SD15's current school is 5 minutes from the trailer. When DH pulls up no Bat. DH stays in the car and SD15 goes into the house to ask where her mom is. Her Step Dad tells her that Bat ran out to do some shopping and that she (SD15) no longer is allowed in his house and that she no longer lives there and she needs to leave.

DH isn't sure what to do now so he heads the 1 hour drive back home. DH texted Bat to let her know what step dad had said and can we please resolve this for SD15. He also threw in a text about her avoiding them especially her own daughter when they really need to do what is best for the both of them. Bat texted back that he is making a big deal about nothing and she will be in school by the end of the week.

What is wrong with BAT? She knows what needs to be done but isn't hearing it. We are not asking for anything other than permission to enroll her in school. We have multiple texts from Bat that say she doesn't want her anymore.

DH is calling to speak with the attorney today, the guidance counselors, principles, and anyone else he can speak to try to get this resolved. And please before you jump on the "go for full custody" band wagon we really cannot afford to go to court and retain an attorney full time. We are trying to do this as easy and affordable as we can. If someone out there knows of an alternative to costly court battles please let us know.


overworkedmom's picture

Ask for a mediation session first.I know that in VA you have to do mediation before a court hearing anyway. They are mandatory. If everything is resolved in mediation then you don't even have to go to court, the judge just signs into effect on the court date.

HappyCow's picture

I suggested this last night to DH. The issue will be getting Bat to agree to it or to even show up. I guess I will start researching now.

overworkedmom's picture

The court will serve her with a subpoena to show. She will have to show. And since you have those texts and emails, and the sdad kicked her out you should be fine and only about $30 out of pocket.

HappyCow's picture

Thanks, I was worred it would be a lot more and it probably will knowing our luck. I will have DH run it by the attroney today.

overworkedmom's picture

Honestly, I have never had an attorney for my custody cases with SS or my bios. I did it all myself. Tell DH to stop shelling out the $, go to the court house and file himself. Seriously, it is $30 in VA and that is to pay the server. The mediation is court mandated and no charge. Only go back to the lawyer if the mediation doesn't work.