Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water....
Last night of my vacation and I'm out with friends (a married couple I have known for years) and in walks a co-worker of the male part of the couple. He sees us and comes over to say hi. My friends invite him to join us. (Now wondering if it was a set-up situation, lol.) This guy is totally awesome. Very attractive but not in a 'I'm so hot, every woman wants me' kind of way. He has the best voice and the most infectious laugh. We hit it off big time. My friends decide to call it a night since we'll be getting up early for one last boat ride. I wasn't quite ready to head to my cottage and Mr. Wonderful asks if he can hang out for a while with me. I figure why not. I inform him that I have to go back to my cottage briefly and take the dog out for his last walk (potty trip) of the night. Mr. Wonderful wants to come with, so I say OK. My pup seems to really like this guy. Good sign, lol. They play ball for like 30 minutes, pup finally does his business and I take him back to the cottage and catch up with Mr. Wonderful back at the Inn. When I walk in, Mr. Wonderful is on the phone so I quietly order a drink and take a seat. He finishes up his call fairly quickly and we start talking about all kinds of things. Really nice conversation. Nothing too personal, just basic stuff. He tells me that he's having a great time chatting with me and asks if we might catch lunch tomorrow. I apologize and say no, b/c of the boat trip, then decide to ask if he'd like to join us instead for brunch. He accepts. Conversation still good. BUT... I notice that his phone keeps making this dinging noise and he keeps checking it. Finally he excuses himself for a moment and I see him making a call. Now, I don't know if it's past experience or what but, his call seems pretty intense and I'm starting to feel a little uncomfortable. About 15 minutes later I get up to go to the ladies room and when I return, there's Mr. Wonderful sitting back at the table. Not 5 minutes later his phone rings and he proceeds to take the call. I try not to listen but, he is right there in front of me. Eventually he hangs up and apologizes. I wave it off and then he begins to to explain that it was his 12 year old D who is upset b/c BM didn't buy her the leggings she wanted for school and now she doesn't want to go to school b/c all of her friends are going to laugh b/c they all wear the same style..... blah, blah, blah! All of a sudden I picture Xh sitting in front of me and I'm really not sure if I'm going to pass out or toss my dinner, lol. I obviously wasn't good with poker face b/c he asks if I'm alright. He said I suddenly looked pale. (That Sir, was the blood rushing from my head.) Before I can stop myself, I am laughing uncontrollably. I mean seriously mentally unhinged kind of laughing. I finally manage to pull myself together and Mr. Wonderful asks me if there was something funny about his D being upset? He asks this with a super serious look on his face. I immediately start giggling as I root around for my wallet, take out my money, slap some money on the table for my drinks, get up, and proceed to walk away from the table. No goodbye, no see ya tomorrow, no nice meeting you...nothing. I can actually hear his voice trailing behind me as I leave... 'What, you don't like kids?'
LMFAO! :jawdrop:
Just when you think it's safe to go back in the water.... you realize that it really never will be.
Of course I called friends to tell them what happened. We all got a good laugh out of it and I know that I dodged a bullet! LOL.
- AlreadyGone's blog
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His daughter sounds like a
His daughter sounds like a drama queen...no fun there.
Whew, that was a close
Whew, that was a close call. Nice move you did too. 2 thumbs up!
Hilarious! And what's really
Hilarious! And what's really funny is that guys like that think that taking all those calls from their kids make them good dads.
Good job seeing the red
Good job seeing the red flag!!! Too funny....
This is hilarious! I was
This is hilarious! I was having a really crappy day until I came across this post! Thank you for making my day! Your response was awesome!
Oh Ladies! Every time I
Oh Ladies! Every time I rehash this interaction in my mind, I can't stop giggling out loud. I am glad that my experience brought a few smiles to all of you too. I honestly can not even comprehend finding myself back in this type of situation again.
As I walked back to my cottage, I stopped for a moment, looked up at the sky and asked, Really????? I was greeted by the dog and I shook my finger at him and told him he better get more discerning about men or he might be sleeping in the doghouse for good. He looked ashamed to have let me down, so I left it at that, lol.
My friends reassured me that this was not a set-up. Purely coincidence and we all had a good laugh about it again. I'm thinking the single life is my best bet for now,