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I Guess CS Doesn't cover femine products

HappyCow's picture

DH picks up SD15 last night for a long weekend visit. When he walks in the door he pulls me aside and asks that I run out and buy tampons for SD15. Apparently, SD15 has had trouble every month getting these from her BM. How can a mom not pick up tampons? She has to go to the store at least once a week so why not just pick them up? It's not like they live in an area where SD15 can just walk to the store they live in the middle of nowhere. I will never understand this lady. Luckily, I have a nice stash in my bathroom I was able to give to her. Tonight, I am going to Costco and buying the largest box of tampons I can find to send home with her. Poor SD15 had to tell DH last night on the ride home that she only had 1 tampon left and would he please take her to the store.

On another note BM's meditation is not working and she is back riding the crazy train. It's funny though DH said last night when we were talking about it that he doesn't feel bad for SD15 because she always has the option of moving in with us but she chooses to live with the crazy.


Kes's picture

When I was 15 I bought my own sanitary protection, as did my two bio daughters - why can't your SD15 be responsible for this - she is well old enough?

overworkedmom's picture

She just said that BM doesn't live near a store. At 15 I wouldn't expect my daughter to buy her own tampons. Maybe at 18 but that is still young. Heck, I was 14 when I started my period- she is still learning her body at this point.

Kes's picture

So this is a 15 year old girl that NEVER goes to the shops? Hard to believe. Surely she gets driven to a mall, or can take a bus, once a month or so. Or even if she only goes every few months, she could still stock up. I certainly would not be impressed if my daughters wanted me to buy their tampax till they were 18.

overworkedmom's picture

Really? Hmm... I just figured that since I am my daughters mother that I will buy her general hygiene products, give her a clothes allowance, and generally help her until he is an adult. Tampons/pads aren't a luxury item. They are a necessity for women.

We are talking about tampons not MAC makeup and designer brand jeans.

bi's picture

ugh. if her bitch mom is anything like mine, she'll be helping herself to sd's tampons.

Totalybogus's picture

This is exactly what I thought when I read this. At 15 ALL girls are master manipulators. They hone their skills on their daddies before they go out into the world

overworkedmom's picture

Who cares when she realized. I am 30 and have looked under the sink and thought- crap! I only have one left! I guess I have to run to the store.

The difference is that I am 30, with a job and a car. I can do that. SHE CAN'T.

purpledaisies's picture

What I did was buy mine and my DD used mine. When she needed some she just asked. No big deal. If she wanted a different kind she asked and I either gave her the money or she went with me.

I'm sorry but I do think SD should have some responsibility she is old enough to keep up with needing them and when. I don't think her bm has ESP and SD gas to let her know if she needs them or go with her and get them.

bi's picture

my mom never bought what i needed, either. i had to use any few dollars i managed to get somehow (babysitting, grampa giving me money here and there cuz he spoiled me) to buy what i needed. i had a small sample box of tampons in the bathroom. when i needed them, they were gone. my bitch mom had helped herself to the few i had instead of buying her own, so i was then left to stuff my underwear with toilet paper. stupid bitch. i have never, ever let bd go without anything she needed. EVER. my mom didn't make sure i had pads, school supplies, nothing. i can remember being a kid and having really bad chapped lips, and she wouldn't even part with a dollar to get me chap stick.

had i ever had a real father and a sm, she would have been the bm from hell. always wanting more and more cs but spending it on herself. that's what she did with her welfare money. i always wanted to live with my aunt when i was a kid, and my mom would never let me go, even though it was clear that she didn't want me. i never understood. as an adult, i know that she didn't let me go because no way in hell was she going to allow her welfare benefits to be reduced. stupid lazy bitch.

sorry. went off on a tangent.

HappyCow's picture

I am sorry that you grew up like this. I think this is why I get so upset as the SM because I see that BM is such a waste of space and I don't want SD15 to go through the things that you did so try to step in and help when I can.

HappyCow's picture

Even according to BM she has been asking for them and each month this is an issue. When DH spoke to BM last night about a variety of other things he asked her (BM) about this and her excuse was that she has not had time to go to the store. However, she has time to leave SD15 with her three younger siblings to go shopping with her one friend. I am sure SD15 is telling her BM its just that BM doesn't care enough.

HappyCow's picture

BM said to DH last night that she has been asking for tampons for awhile and each month this is a problem. This kid can't go anywhere. She is stuck in her mom's trailer in the middle of nowhere with 3 other kids. For the posters that think she should pick these up herself-how? I know that she could have asked me during her weekend visits but who wants to ask SM for a box of tampons? I am just happy she didn't resort to stealing mine and sneaking them home with her. She asked her Mom who is responsible for getting these for her. I hate this women.

overworkedmom's picture

THANK YOU!!! I keep coming back to this thread too, I is just irritating my last nerve that people are saying that a 15 yr old girl from a rural are needs to walk miles to the store and buy her own tampons. She is 15, not 20 there is a big difference in the ability to work and drive here. Thank goodness her SM is taking care of a basic need.

hereiam's picture

I also keep coming back to this thread, commenting, then deleting my comments (while shaking my head).

I guess I was spoiled because when I was 15, my parents bought my tampons, deodorant, and even my toothpaste. :O

They fed me and gave me lunch money, too.

overworkedmom's picture

LMAO! You sure were spoiled! But in that case I was too. Sometimes, when I was really lucky, mine even picked up soap for me. Blum 3

Shaman29's picture

You're very nice to do this for your SD.

I used to be nice about these things, but when they all started shitting on me, I disengaged and refused to do anything for DH's kid. His kid, his responsibility to make sure she had what she needs. In fact, when she needed anything, I sent her to her father. It's not my job to take care of his teenage daughter or to clean up Uberskank's (BM) parenting failures.

Quite frankly, what would any of these skids, SO'S, DH'S, DW'S and BM's do if we weren't in the picture.

BSgoinon's picture

***SMDH*** I would never expect a 15 year old child to purchase their own sanitary products. Does she have to buy her own shampoo and conditioner as well, how about soap and toilet paper? Where is the line drawn? This not a bratty Skid asking for something completely out of line. She just doesn't want to bleed all over the place.

I am a little shocked by the responses here.

Anne Boleyn's picture

I seriously cannot believe people think that a kid with no job or transportation should go without a necessity or have to beg for it. That is sick. Yes, I get pissed that our BM let's them run out of supplies and makes us pick up the slack but certainly don't think SDs are rensponsible.

hereiam's picture

Oh, this is nothing. There are some past threads about deodorant and bras that you would need a bottle of vodka to get through!