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Jodi Arias Vs. BM. Vs SD.. Update

LaMareOssa's picture

I talked to DH yesterday...Before I could finish he cut me off. I told him I was doing some reading about borderline personality disorder and that it can be genetic. He tells me "I know, and I hate it, but SD is just like BM. I see it. I've seen it. She is just like her mother." DH goes on to tell me that SD has a lot of the same traits that BM has minus the violent outbursts(thus far). I told him I'm glad that he sees it and that he is aware that we have a problem.
I told him that we might need to think about different therapy. He agreed. He said that SD does the same things that BM used to do when they were together. He said he hopes we're wrong about it and that she is just having trouble/depression, but he isn't getting his hopes up.

I'm glad he can see it and is not in denial about his daughter. He also went on a rant about her behavior and he told me that SD won't be getting special treatment(like slaps on the wrist, no punishment) if she does have a problem. He said that is a lot of the problem; BM's family coddled her[BM] and wiped her ass up until she was arrested at their home for assault when she was 34 yrs old. He said that SD will not tear our family apart.


Anne Boleyn's picture
