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holistic VS Modern day meds

aburris81's picture

This is my first Rant! I have been in my relationship now for almost 3 years. The kids are awesome kids, the BM is a loon. The five year old is allergic to everything, the doctor (which fired the BM)repeatedly told us to give our son a daily allergy med, which I do. I suffer from season allergies, my dogs have allergies. We live in DFW, (we have some of the worst allergy seasons) this is just a part of life. BM on the other hand wants us to use all holistic meds that just don't work. I understand if we are all holistic and ate clean that these meds help. Also there has to be exercise and vitamins given on a reg daily basic routine. This is not how things work, we all eat out 5-6 meals a week just at my house, and we are never home. We run our own company. BM is always not home either; there is so much fast food. I don't believe that the holistic lifestyle is going to work and have not seen any signs that it is going to work. Yet she tells the five year old that I am poisoning him, and he shouldn't take anything that I give him. Even though the last remedies she gave her son put ulcers in his month aggravated his digestive track. I researched the herb she was giving him and it should not be given for human consummation. In the raw form it takes only 15 berries to KILL a Child. She rubs oils on the kids even after I have asked her not to because they give me migraines. The oils are to cure his ADHD.

What do I do with this lady; this is just today’s issue with her? It is always something with her! I could write a novel about how she uses the pawns (children). How do I handle her? She can’t even get along with the 5 yr old because he reminds her of his dad. (she will punish the five yr old for being like his dad)


myspoonistoobig's picture

I don't know if you can really do much. Sounds like she needs to be educated about appropriate use of holistic remedies, for one, but she probably won't be very receptive to it if you do it.

And there is no holistic remedy that fixes all allergies. There are only ones that help with the symptoms, and even then, it's not a fix for everyone. The only reason I use anything holistic for my seasonal allergies is because they are ONLY seasonal and the prescription meds don't work for me. Sad

What is she putting on this kid?

overworkedmom's picture

Depending on the court and judge she can be taken for child neglect. If she is ignoring doctors orders she is in fact harming the child!