anyone have experience with aspergers
My ds19 I do beleives has this. I'm only asking as he is having trouble with college and getting a job. He is very over whelmed and has no friends. If he gets over whelmed he just doesn't do it. My question is is there any programs that help him with his transision to college and a job to have a successful life?
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Has your child been diagnosed
Has your child been diagnosed with this and/ or been treated/ received therapy?
My DS10 has been diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum with a high likelihood that his ultimate diagnosis will be aspergers. They do not classify children under a certain age with aspergers.
He has a very advanced vocabulary, is excellent with math, building and electronics. He could care less about playing with others or how they perceive him and he I very blunt and direct which can be embarrassing, to say the least. Ex: mom, you're not so fat anymore, mom, did you see that funny looking baby?
He is unaware of how hi begvuor effects others. He will walk around the house in his underwear because it is "much more comfortable".
I have to talk with him often about things he can do web he is alone in his bedroom / bathroom vs things tht are appropriate when he is around others. I also have to explain in great detail why certain things he thinks and says can be hurtful tO others and that he shouldn't say certain things out loud.
THis child is a true joy but quite quirky. He follows directions EXACTLY and will take things very literally.
I anticipate he will find something to study in computers or science where he can work alone for long hours at a time.
They removed the aspergers
They removed the aspergers diagnosis from the DSM or so I thought. What will that do to these kids or the ones that need the diagnosis now?
My son is about to be
My son is about to be reevaluated and from what I understand, the Psychology Association (or whatever governing medical body makes these decision) is in the process of seperating aspergers from bein classified as an being part of the autism spectrum and it will be its own seperate diagnosis.
I don't think they should
H has not been diagnosed but
H has not been diagnosed but there is more to his behavior than I discribed. He has this thing where he will come up to and stare at you while being 2 inches from your face. He is very smart. I do think it is a mild form but none the less q form. I have read up on it. He was diagnosed with adhd but he is not hyper at all. He used to not be able to sit still but now he can. He would get so over whelmed with doing everyday things like home work or cleaning his room. I found that we he does one thing at a time like one math problem andcthat is all he can see he is better and when cleaning his room I would tell Jim to pick up his cars then see me. It went on like that til he was done but a lot of the time he'd have a melt down.
He was never diagnosed b/c by the time I realized what it could be we basically had it under control. GE is doing great with everyday things but he hates change so I get the feeling that the thought of a job and college is too much for him.
I was thinking that if there were a program to help him navagate this transistion he would be fine once he got into it.
Oh and yes I have had to have
Oh and yes I have had to have the talk with him about aproperate behavior about what he can and can do in the living room but in his room PR bathroom. He doesn't take social cues either completely obilvious to them. As I said he is much better now but that is from years of me working with him.
Thank you yes that is what
Thank you yes that is what I'm talking about. But I'm in ar not AZ. I will check to see if they have one here.
Thank you. I did a Google and
Thank you. I did a Google and found this and ill call tomorrow. I want to thank everyone for the help
The first thing you need to
The first thing you need to do is get him diagnosed. Once he is diagnosed officially, he'll have a much easier time getting the services he needs. He will get the services he needs at school much more easily once he's officially diagnosed. He will be able to receive help and services in terms of finding a job from your state much more easily.
Once I got diagnosed as an adult, I was able to get services that have really helped me. But the key to getting them was getting an official diagnosis.
Yes I know but since dh lost
Yes I know but since dh lost his job we have no insurance so I thought if I could contact a program they could help him with that. Thanks
Aspergers is on the autism
Aspergers is on the autism spectrum. just higher functioning. Alone it is difficult to deal with and often goes along with other issues such as depression, OCD, psychosis, and anxiety. My SS15 is diagnosed with aspergers at 6 years old and also is depressed and has OCD. He washes his hands excessively, won’t touch public door handles and does everything in pairs. The depression is because his social issues caused by the aspergers means he has no friends so he is depressed and isolated. He doesn’t dress like a normal teen as aspies often have physical sensitivities and do not like to wear certain fabrics, he won’t wear shoes other than sandals, won’t wear jeans or pants because he feels the fabric is too thick and restrictive. He also has audio sensitivities and complains everything is too loud for him which is normal for asbies as well. He doesn’t like music with words. He has no concept of personal space, I have woken up from a nap to find his face inches from mine so I can totally relate. He is incapable of empathy or thinking of others, everything is about him. He rambles on with conversations that are strange, often inappropriate and he doesn’t get it. He doesn’t think he is doing anything wrong or strange and if anything is others that are off. He has issues making eye contact and physically while being quite large is very uncoordinated. He has a tendency to flap his hands and he pinches his nipples when he gets excited. He is exhausting. And while everything I describe sounds like a lot, it’s all quite normal for aspergers.
As far as treatment goes, it varies from state to state. In California, the Regional Centers offer a lot of supportive services and have many state contracts so they serve a variety of clients from infants through adult hood. Some colleges in our area also have supportive services specific for autistic students, all have services for students with disabilities. Some with aspergers may even quality for social security benefits. Many aspies have issues with school and grades due to social and developmental issues even though he is very intelligent. He becomes obsessed with certain subjects and studies up on them, for a while he was obsessed with anything Korean. Korean food, people, the country, their music, their cultures, their history. He was held back in kindergarten and almost didn’t pass 8th grade. Because of his oddities, he was bullied and teased at school so he shut down, wouldn’t do any work or interact at all. It got to a point where the school didn’t want him in the classroom because it was such a distraction. So they sent him to a one on one at the school district. It is difficult to succeed in a "normal" school environment. The special school he will be going to, paid by the district is affiliated with The Help Group. They specialize in therapy schools and autism. Many of these schools have programs that assist their students with transition after high school. As a young child he received assistance at the Drake Institute.
There are also support groups in my area for parents and caretakers of children with aspergers. That’s a good place to start to gather referrals. Good luck, it certainly isn’t easy. Some days I don’t know how I deal with him. He brings out the worst in everyone around him. He cant help it. He needs psychotherapy, behavioral therapy, psychiatry, special education and case management.
I bet you have heard all
I bet you have heard all about it!!! lol. I know more about Korea than I ever expected and have had to eat Korean bbq more than I would like to.
Yes my son hates to wear
Yes my son hates to wear certain things and when he gets fixated on a subject he has to learn everything about it. Weird things too like one time he studied everything he could on farettets. I don't know why. He was depressed in grade school we helped him through that so I don't think he is now. He loves the library as he looks up all kinds of stuff that most people wouldn't think about unless they wanted to get into that or was going to need that info. He used to shut his eyes real tight and open them then repeat. It was like a tick he had. He never was good in school but every one told me he was very smart. His hand writeing is like a 1 St grader. He even doesn't capitalize the first platters of his name.
The thing is he doesn't talk
The thing is he doesn't talk he keeps to himself so when some asks a question that most of us would have to look up he will answer then we are shooked he knows that. Like when we got a farrette hwcatarted to tell us all about them but we had no idea he was studding them. He said he looked it up at the libraway before we even thought of getting one.
Oh and he used to bite
Oh and he used to bite himself when he was mad. He would also put his hands over his ears if it was louder then he thought it should be. No one else gave the noise a second thought.
He also can't swallow pills. It was the worst struggle in my life when they put him on adhd meds so I stooped that as it was worse then dealing with him then to get him to take a pill.
My SS13 has ADHD and
My SS13 has ADHD and Aspergers, is in a social skills group, which has helped him tremendously. My BS28 has ADD, is not focused and becomes extremely overwhelmed. Both of them are unorganized, forgetful etc.
I'm thankful that DH and I were able to get SS13 into a "group" setting to help him and he goes every two weeks. My son know's he has ADD, but chooses not to deal with it and is going no where fast. It's very difficult to watch because I know he needs help