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Dispatches From the Road...

not your momma's picture

So, I took a temporary job in Atlanta, which means that I will be living down there for four months, while my SO and his demon spawn will be home in PA. This is going to be a tough few months - my SO and I aren't codependent by any stretch of the word, but we tend to not do well when away from each other. Other than a 5-day stretch when he went on a work trip, we haven't spent the night apart in 2 years. So this is a little weird...

What worries me, though, is that I am thoroughly convinced that the demon spawn (the two oldest, for anyone following along) are going to take this distance as an opportunity to convince their dad that life is better without me there. My SO has sworn up, down and sideways that, even if they try, he will never be convinced, but still I worry. These kids have a history of bad behavior (and at 16 and 20, I need to stop calling them kids). With SO's last girlfriend, the 16 year old created a fake facebook, posed as a woman and posted suggestive notes on SO's timeline. Now, SO doesn't check his facebook often. I mean, if he checks it once every 3 months, that's a record. So he had no idea about these posts until his last girlfriend flipped out on him. So, I wouldn't put it past the little sociopath to try something equally as stupid with me. Really, he's dumb enough to try the same trick.

Ugh, I'm rambling right now.

SO said he's worried that I will remember what life is like without his little sociopaths trying to dictate life, and that I will come back from Atlanta and promptly move out. I've assured him this won't happen (if only because it would be difficult to find an apartment with 4 cats lol). "Plus," I told him, "I remember VERY well what life was like before I started dating him, and I miss it everyday." He's worried I will meet someone else, who doesn't have kids, and will stay in Atlanta (also not an option, considering I just moved my mother to PA).

I worry that he will fall victim to the manipulation of his 2 oldest kids. That they will put him on a dating site and have women showing up at the house for dates. I worry that he will agree that it is better without me there (even though I know it's not, and he has gone into great detail about how much better life is with me there).

Maybe it's just because I'm exhausted after driving for 9 hours. Maybe I'm just insecure. Maybe I have something to worry about. My gut is telling me that these little shits will try to pull something.

The only thing I know for certain is that these four months are going to be excruciating with SO.


realitycheckmom's picture

Sad have you thought about skyping every evening or something? That sucks to be so insecure because the people around you who should be supportive are so evil!

not your momma's picture

I console myself with knowing that the people that MATTER (SO, his 2 youngest, my mom and my twin sister) are all super supportive, and that is moderately helpful.

As for skyping, I wish. SO doesn't own a computer (he uses mine), and he's technologically challenged, too. I thought about getting him an iPhone so we could do face time, but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be able to figure it out...

realitycheckmom's picture

Sorry about the skype and LOL about not figuring out face time. Is it that hard? I have an HTC smart phone, no more iPhone because I am old and need a bigger screen to see things. Smile

not your momma's picture

It's not hard lol. You push a button when you select a contact. But, still. He's...challenged lol.

Disneyfan's picture

If he decides to end the relationship, that decision is his alone. His kids can't make him do anything he doesn't want to do.

not your momma's picture

That's what I believe. And he swears he's in this for life. I have to strengthen my faith in his word...

not your momma's picture

My SO says to me all the time that he's waiting for me to run off screaming. I'll admit that I've been tempted. And yes, I think the biggest concern (for me, at least) is that his kids will pull some stunt. Still, though, we're both so committed to this that it is hard to imagine them being able to do anything that would pull us apart. So maybe I need to just simmer down and calm my mind...

clydella's picture

Distance is hard on a relationship, it's tough already and then throw in a couple of evil skids and it's enough to drive a person crazy with worry. I hope you keep your faith and love in your SO strong and that it's get you thru the 4 months.

If his kids pull anything he needs to call them on it, right then & there, let them know he will not tolerate them trying to sabotage his life and happiness.

Good Luck, hope your time apart passes quickly!!

not your momma's picture

Thank you! I hope it passes quickly too.

And I think he will call them on it. He's ALMOST as fed up with them as I am, at this point...