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SD20 continues to be a taker, not a giver

Elizabeth's picture

All of her posts online yesterday relate to her and what she got. Not a word about what she got BM or BM's mom, whom she spends a lot of time with. But posts about how BM got SD a gift for Mother's Day (eek, hope there's no hidden meaning there) and BM's mom bought SD's favorite kind of cake for Mother's Day. Did you all know Mother's Day is a gift-getting holiday for your stepkids?!


Elizabeth's picture

I am petrified she will turn up pregnant, as BM has "said" SD20 cannot live with her and DH knows SD20 would live with us only over my dead body, so then DH will start feeling sorry for her that "she has nowhere to go" and shuttle even more money her way, not to mention that will be his first grandchild. Ugh.

I ran an estimate a while back and figured out, based on what I "think" this man makes and the number of kids he already has, plus the fact that he hasn't stayed with any of his four BMs, what CS SD20 will get will be less than $150 a month. And who will have to/want to pick up the slack? DH!

RedWingsFan's picture

^^That's what I'm thinking. Why give a gift to your daughter for Mother's Day if she's not pregnant or has kids of her own?

Disneyfan's picture

She's knocked up. My family gives Mom To Be cards and small gifts to the expecting moms in our family.

My guess us she's using Facebook to let dad know about her bundle of joy.

Anon2009's picture

Sd is pregnant. I don't even know her and I can just sense it. I feel so sorry for her child.

Elizabeth's picture

Well, and considering that she and boyfriend just broke up again, about their fourth breakup in less than five months of dating, maybe she told him she was pregnant and he ran like a deer, which is what he has done with all the other women in his life. I mean, he and SD have been dating for nearly five months and his youngest is less than a year old.