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Do You Have A Normal List Of Things You Cannot Mention ???

Sweetnothings's picture

I don't just mean the skids or BM, which of course, can cause problems.

What I mean is a list of topics that are a no go with the DH, which are really just so general but you can SEE the DH beginning to get uncomfortable with .....

We were away recently for a break and we saw a lot of young adults / students working in the shops, bars, cafes, and I commented what a good Summer job opportunity, learning early about being responsible, earning a little money, plus our own experinces doing this years ago, etc, etc. DH gets uncomfortable real fast, and changes the subject, so I guess this is another one of the normal things to add to the List..... Sigh !!! Perhaps DH thinks I talk about these things on purpose ?? That I'm having a dig at the Adult skids, I dunno ??

What's on your list ??


oldone's picture

Not really. DH never matches these things up.

It's funny to hear DH go off on women who are too stupid to use BC. Helloooo - this was "Perfect Pam"'s normal mode of operation. But not one word can ever be spoken bad about her.

DH will also have strong opinions about addicts, etc. Again he has convinced himself that SS27 just drinks too much at times. Even SS told me he was an alcoholic.

queenofthedamned's picture

:? I find this a little perplexing. Maybe my relationship is abnormal, but there is NOTHING in the world that I wouldn't talk to my FDH about. We talk a lot, about everything (in fact we stayed up way too late last night shooting the shit, and I am paying for it today). I guess I just wouldn't want to be in a relationship with a man I have to walk on eggshells around.

Sweetnothings's picture

Just because DH has a problem with these things doesn't mean I do ! }:) We talk about everything too, it is just interesting to see his reactions to certain what I consider normal topics, etc. I don't walk on eggshells, who would want to live like that ??? In fact, like a huge percentage of people on here, the only thing we really row about are the Adult skids !!

queenofthedamned's picture

Wow I could have written exactly this! You guys sound a lot like my FDH and I. I tell him how lucky I am every single day.

Anne Boleyn's picture

This made me laugh. I could have written this, even down to the Chinese food detail. I can't count the times I walked in to see a dirty plate/bowl/glass in the sink that the skids dumped there and I just look at FDH and say "Um, the dishwasher is dirty..." And he rolls his eyes.

Anne Boleyn's picture

We can't talk about people letting their little kids act up in restaurants. FDH makes excuses like "Oh the poor people have so many kids and can't possibly keep them all quiet". Then I launch into a discussion about how my mother managed to keep 4 kids perfectly behaved in public--it's a matter of decency. And if you can't manage that many kids you shouldn't have more than one or two. Of course, he hates this because he's basically saying that his kids were allowed to act like jackasses in restaurants when they were little, which should come as no surprise to anyone.

oldone's picture

I don't ask questions about SS anymore even if I hear them having a conversation on the phone.

Our neighbors asked him last night how he is and his standard answer is "I'm sure he's fine haven't heard otherwise." I heard him saying something to SS that implied SS needs a new job or that his hours are getting cut back.

I don't walk on eggshells but I try not to bring up SS - 1 - because I really don't care and 2 - It is certainly not pleasant for DH to have such a pathetic son.

Elizabeth's picture

I just had never, ever point out DH's hipocrisy regarding SD's behavior vs the rest of the world.

Perfect example:

DH came home from work talking about a woman who was pregnant by a guy who already had a kid and was moving in with him. She was 20, the guy was 26, DH just thought this was all wrong.

So I asked him how he would feel about a 19 year old dating a 26 year old who had SIX kids with FOUR women. He was appalled. I pointed out it was SD19 (he didn't know about it). He got a whole lot less appalled real quick. Poor SD, she's just naive, she could do better, etc.

misSTEP's picture

Anything to do with any of my ex BFs or any guy, really. BM was the town bicycle and his self esteem is still in the crapper in that regards.

Anything that I feel is dreaming about the future but he feels is stressful and me expecting him to do something right at the moment.