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Opened DH's eyes a bit more this weekend

Elizabeth's picture

SD20 said publicly on the Internet: My family has screwed me over my entire life.

I told DH about it this weekend. He asked to see her account (at last). I showed him exactly where she had said it, he wanted to know when. We had a talk.

I guess he ended up giving her money for her birthday even though she'd lied and gotten more than $100 out of him just the week before. He "said" he'd make the ill-gotten money her birthday present, but he caved.

I guess he even asked her again between then and now (one whopping month) if she needed money and she turned him down. I'm still trying to figure out that one.

Anyway, I told him I think she's growing down instead of growing up. You're talking about a 20-year-old who is getting two-thirds of her college paid for. Who gets extras (things and money) from her father EVERY MONTH. Who has always gotten everything she wanted: car (check), iphone (check, more than one actually), GPS (check), laptop computer (check), summer camp (check, several years), club volleyball (check, several years), private school (check, five years), desktop computer (check, daddy took a loan from his retirement account to pay for this want), expensive clothes (check, Victoria's Secret, Hollister), expensive tennis shoes (check, TWO pairs), transported to and from BM's house when she wanted to visit friends in our town (check, multiple times), expensive dinners when the rest of us are eating McDonalds (check).

But he has "screwed her over her entire life." Um, OK.


Elizabeth's picture

I know, you're right. It just burns me up to see her throwing crap like that out there when I KNOW it has been the opposite.

dontcallmestepmom's picture

My DH's 3 adult babies put this kind of stuff on Facebook all the time. His daughter does it the most often. It is disgusting. BM is the "friend parent" who never had rules or boundaries. They barely had anything growing up because she was a gambler. These "kids" watched DH work 6 to 7 days a week to put food on the table. They may have not had much, but they always had food and clothes and love from DH. He attended every school IEP meeting (all 3 were classified), and he was the one who took them to the doctor and dentist. None of it was ever enough. Now that he has stopped handing them cash and buying things (after he and BM split, he was giving them way too much), they want nothing to do with him. There are still constant requests and hints, but he is staying strong, as all 3 have been horrible to him. They KNOW that he was a great dad, but Facebook is their way of trying to get him to feel bad for them. Luckily, he does not pay attention. It would bother me more if it was making him feel bad, but I think he just disregards the crap now. I think he is finally realizing he will never make them happy unless he gives them money and allows them to live on his couch forever-they won't work.

Your SD sounds like a spoiled princess who will never be happy, no matter what Daddy does for her. Hopefully, your DH paid attention to what he saw. I hope he wakes up!

Elizabeth's picture

I don't know if he'll ever wake up, honestly. The whole time he's seeing in black and white that SD wrote this, he's talking about how she's "always really really grateful" for everything he does. He's so delusional! She didn't even contact him on his birthday, he admitted that to me. And I didn't know "really really grateful" means you send daddy a text saying "thanks" when he gives you money.

TASHA1983's picture

I am soooo grateful that my BF has a brain and a backbone when it comes to skid/bm. I am not 100% sure how he was BEFORE me but I do know that since we have been together skid gets $100.00 for b-day & Xmas and NOTHING more. When bf has him EOWE & 2 hours every Wedn. they do things that DON'T cost much, if anything. He doesn't give BM anything extra, just the 920.00 a month he pays for CS each month.

It blows my freaking mind how ridiculous and plain stupid these "parents" are to spoil their kids literally ROTTEN out of guilt or laziness or whatever the case may be. These so called parents are to blame for the useless, selfish, entitled generation that is now upon us! THANKS ASSHOLES!!!!

Keepsmiling's picture

My dh had the exact same thing happen to him. She blocked both of us and most of the family from her FB page. Oops she forgot to block some of the family. lol Talk about passive aggressive. She is 25 and married. When she didn't get a response from daddy she unfriended me altogether; but daddy dear is still blocked. It never stops.

Drac0's picture

QUOTE: "SD20 said publicly on the Internet: My family has screwed me over my entire life."

You know, I am the type of guy that if someone is going to accuse me of something...I'd immediately spring into action to validate that statement.

I'd take the car, run over her iPhone on the way to Las Vegas to gamble all her college tuition while drinking Vodka shots out of her tennis shoes.

There! *NOW* you can say I screwed you over...

Elizabeth's picture

Draco, I would love it if my husband would take that tack, but he never will. I am that way with my OWN kids, but not him. BD9 was throwing a fit this weekend, so I took away her iphone (just a play one, no service). So she said she hated her life, so I took away the computer and TV privileges. So she said she hated her life again so I had her picking up dog poop in the back yard. Eventually she stopped saying it, maybe she got smart?

hismineandours's picture

I don't know if its part of being a cod? I really wonder- my ss15 lives in a fantasy world in which he believes he was horribly mistreated in our home his entire life. I believe he truly believes this. I believe he truly wants to believe this. I just can't understand why. I can see the literally hundreds of pics we have of ss laughing enjoying vacations, his extracurriculars, holidays, wearing his name brand clothes, playing with his many toys, in front of the Xmas tree with his mountain of gifts. He was treated as my bios were treated. Plus he got extras from his bm. How on earth could he think he had it so bad here. I've confronted him a few times over the years and he never really has an answer-sometimes it's a shoulder shrug, sometimes an idk, occasionally some silly piddly made up excuse that translates to essentially being mistreated for 13 years of your life.

The only difference is my dh knows he's full of it. It took him awhile to catch on but he finally I'd.