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Ranty rant rant about Catherine of Aragon (BM)

Anne Boleyn's picture

YSD has been having major issues for the last several months. She's never been an easy kid and I've always felt her parents let her get away with murder but she's seriously out of control lately. To put it into perspective, she's basically been out of school since Christmas. She's now in the Hospital Homebound program and it's being chalked up to what she's saying is severe social anxiety. She's hardly doing her work in this program. I believe her that she's having some major anxiety issues but I also firmly believe that a complete lack of parenting / excuse making has led us to this point. (I could go into detail about this but won't right now)

When this all started, the school counselor recommended she see a therapist to get some help with her. So FDH took her to the children's hosptial to see what they thought since was just diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes two years ago. They said she's OK physically and had her see a counselor there twice. But that counselor is more there to assist with feelings over medical issues and that's not what was apaprently the issue.

So, at my strong bidding, FDH finally took her to a therapist. The first visit was basically the therapist telling BM and FDH that she needed to be parented more (bedtimes, consequences for not doing school work, computer off an hour before a SET bedtime). Well those two blew that plan within 24 hours. After lots of arguments, I got FDH to see that those things are important regardless of what BM does in her house, which is NOTHING. Slowly but surely, we are getting there in our home. The problem is that she's not here most of the time and BM is basically letting her stay up all night on the computer, making more excuses for her,etc... It's maddening.

In addition, FDH took her to her pediatrician a couple months ago who put her on some meds which are basically not being taken.

So fast forward to last month and the counselor was no longer on FDH's insurance. So he gave BM a list of other available counselors. BM is barely working now and when she does, it's from home. FDH had done all the other appointements, doctor finding, etc.... so he asked her to handle this one.

Four weeks later and she finally takes her to a new therapist today. And it was a disaster. She emailed FDH (which he sent me) and told him the details and basically, it did sound like a bad therapist and she was smart to leave. But the best part of the email was this line "We need to get her to a real doctor!"

Seriously, lady? You've sat on your ass since Christmas and have done squat. You didn't follow the good advice from the 1st therapist. FDH took the kid to two different medical doctors and you don't even make her take her prescribed meds. You fall asleep early and let her stay up all night on the damn computer. There are no consequences for any of her actions. It took you an entire month to call this new therapist who you didn't even interview. Yet, you now think that "we" need to get her to a "real doctor". Who the ef is WE? He's doing his part, lady. Now do yours and help your damn kid instead of blaming everyone and everything for this insanity but yourself.

I am going to lose my shit.


Shaman29's picture

I'm sorry....I am such a history buff that I'm just in awe over the Catherine of Aragon comment.

Keep an eye out for any bitches that go by Jane Seymour.

Anon2009's picture

Very sad that bm will not get this kid the help she's screaming for. Catherine of Aragon may have been a thorn in Henry's side towards the end but I do believe she would have gotten Mary help if her situation was playing out today. Or at least enlisted attorneys and advisors to try to persuade Henry to allow her to get Mary help. In fact, I'm sure Catherine, Anne and Jane all would have tried to help and support their kids.

Anne Boleyn's picture

I feel like I'm doing the real Catherine a disservice by using her name in vain this way. I also didn't steal any husbands so I am selling myself short with my user name.

I just wish she'd do what is right. Everyone in the family is suffering because of this, especially her other kids. What a mess.

bearcub25's picture

I would like to take a guess on why BM is doing this.

OK, I am going to tell me my guess on why our BM would do the same kind of things. She is too lazy to take care of it. She knows that if she doesn't do it/'does it half assed, then her knight in shining armor can come in and fix/save the day.

The 'WE' part of it is just to make her look good to your DH/DSO and her self.

bearcub25's picture

I would like to take a guess on why BM is doing this.

OK, I am going to tell me my guess on why our BM would do the same kind of things. She is too lazy to take care of it. She knows that if she doesn't do it/'does it half assed, then her knight in shining armor can come in and fix/save the day.

The 'WE' part of it is just to make her look good to your DH/DSO and her self.