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It's Friday!

stressed-mom's picture

So let me start by saying.. DH took a job back in Aug. working almost 80 hours a week. I work 40, go to school full-time, and have 3 darling kiddos hanging on my every move 24/7. Today may actually all be falling into place.. BS8 is at my parents until Sunday. SD4 is with BM2 until Wednesday. Almost there.... Now, SD8 is suppose to be going to her "Papa's" (BM1's father, BM1 is a POS and has only actually spent a total of maybe 12 hours around SD8 in the last 2 years). Anyway, This is probably the first time in 1.5 years that all 3 children have been out at the same time. I can not contain my excitement. I have a appt tomorrow to get my hair cut, colored, and styled. I have made plans with a GF for shopping and lunch. Is it wrong for me to be so uberly excited over one day of no kids no DH? Probably, but I DONT CARE! I swear if SD8 messes this up for me I will loose it! She was suppose to go to her Papa's on Wednesday, but I know I couldn't have gotten that lucky. SD8 asked me for permission. I told her she had to ask her dad. I never give her permission to stay the night anywhere without consulting DH. Anyway, SD8 never asked DH, lied and said that she did and that he said it was ok. Needless to say Papa came and picked her up she then text DH from Papas phone and DH flipped out. The thing is, he would have said yes. That was already kind of the plan. The point that she did not ask him and that she lied and said that she had is what stopped her from staying there. So Papa brings SD8 home and SD8 has been home ever since. She is suppose to go today, but DH said he wanted to see her behavior first. She is a terror unless she wants something. Anyway, I leave work at 5. I am going to get ice cream and wine and when I get home she better not be there!


imjustthemaid's picture

I get very excited if me and DH get any time alone!! SD16 is usually gone all weekend. I do love my DD11 and BD4 very much but its actually very peaceful if DD gets invited to sleep at a friends house. Even if BD4 has to come to dinner with us, she is so well behaved you don't even realize she is there. We never get a night away without BD4! Now that would be nice.

Have fun!!

stressed-mom's picture

Well its 5 oclock somewhere... but definitely not at my fucking house. FML

stressed-mom's picture

I texted DH and told him to figure out what time he will be home, to feed himself dinner, because I didn't plan anything thinking I was by myself. Now I'm lockedin my room watching Yukon Men. Fuck it. IDC right now.