My Vent: Uh Oh - I'm THAT bio mom
First of all, my ex and I have always worked together very well in regards to co-parenting. We each now have new spouses as of the last 6 months.
My ex just texted me stating that he was not going to bring BS9 to his practice today so that they can go celebrate new wife's bday in the city. This is after he alerted me earlier in the week that he also scheduled new wife's bday party at his home on Saturday so he won't be able to make it to DD12's first softball game and that I'll need to take her. (It's his weekend with the kids).
I know that organization is not his strong suit and I try to send him outlook reminders of special events and email summaries of upcoming events, etc. He knows that he can always ask me for help if he needs it during his custodial time and vice versa.I know it can't be easy for his wife to deal with his forgetfulness (as it was for me), never mind having to deal with a BM that is always "helping".
Today made me upset though and I had to let him know. I want them to celebrate as a family, but I also don't want my kids to miss out on their things. I could have (and did)let one thing slide - as with the Saturday event. But adding in another celebration tonight was a bit much for me to take.
I know that his wife is in her early 40's and has no children of her own, so she comes from a VERY different place than I do with three kids of my own. I get that. But come on. Do we NEED the kids to give up their things so that we can celebrate new wife's bday two days in a row?
Set me straight. Am I right or am I right?
JK - I need to hear it from both sides. So let me have it.
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I am with you on this one.
I am with you on this one. Some others may not be, but I don't even care if it is BM's bday, if SS has practice, he needs to be there. Tomorrow is BM's bday, she gets to get up at 530 to have SS at the field by 7 for an 8am game... HAPPY BIRTHDAY }:)
Too funny my exdh did the
Too funny my exdh did the same thing. They claimed it is his wife's "bday weekend". It is bull shit. You can do what u need to do for your kids and party at night.
My understanding is that they
My understanding is that they are going out as a family tonight and tomorrow all the friends and family are coming over to their house to BBQ and celebrate.
I would have loved to take DS to practice, but ExH only told me an hour before practice starts, "I hope it's ok if DS misses his practice..." and I work an hour away from our home, so it wouldn't have worked given his timing.
his time is his time.... you
his time is his time.... you don't have say over how he chooses to use his time... I understand the annoyance. But I think you need to stay out of it.
Not in total disagreement
Not in total disagreement with this. Prior to my signing the kids up for anything, I discuss it with him and we figure out if it is doable with our schedules, etc.
I would not be bringing up the issue if it wasn't for the two misses in one week - both seem to be last minute and due to poor / no planning on his part.
I don't DISagree with this.
I don't DISagree with this. But I think two nights in a row... for the same event, causing this kid to miss TWO of his own events is maybe a little overkill... maybe?
I think there has to be an equal balance.
Just to clarify, DS is
Just to clarify, DS is missing practice tonight and I will be taking DD to her opening day parade and first game tomorrow since he planned new wife's party during her opening day.
He's just a poor planner and extremely forgetful - which is why this is happening. Trust me. I've lived with him for 14 years.
Oh... well maybe they are
Oh... well maybe they are having dinner tonight since DD won't be at the party tomorrow, so they can have at least one event together.
I understand your frustration, but I also see both side of the coin on this one.
Well my first thought was
Well my first thought was also that in making his new partner's birthday a priority over a routine child commitment, he was demonstrating the kind of respect and appropriate priorities most of us want from our partner. But I also agree with the OP that doing it twice over the weekend and at short notice is going a bit overboard, unless its a red letter big birthday like 40. Are the children actually taking part in either of the birthday celebrations?
I'm going on the record
I'm going on the record saying I'm with you. I believe that kids have responsibilities...if they are on a team, they need to be there.
I have always felt this way. I think the kids' needs/activities/requirements should come first.
Do the birthday another day.
HOWEVER... something recently happened on here where the dad's kid has an activity that happens to be when his GIRLFRIEND's (not even spouse!!) birthday celebration was planned.
Hands down, posters thought the SM was in the right and the father was called every name in the book...including SELFISH and an ASSHOLE.
So, Steptalkers, why is that situation the stepparent is RIGHT and SHE must come first, but in this case the stepmom needs to take a backseat? Because she's not a poster on here? (Well, she could be...just hasn't posted this yet.)
I COMPLETELY AGREE kids have obligations.
I don't think dad is right at all. BUT.... and this is a BIG BUT, he has a right to a family event too. Since DD has an actual GAME the time of SM's bday party, I can SORT OF understand doing a fmaily dinner the night before with everyone there. Although, I don't see why it couldn't be planned AFTER PRACTICE... I mean, the sun still sets at 530(ish) so practice can't go THAT late.
I think this is comparing
I think this is comparing apples to oranges.
In this case the OP is just irritated with her exH's poor planning. She's not putting down her foot or denying anyone their good time. And by posting this story in the first place, she is double checking her reaction as a BM.
In the other case, a party was planned out (with invitations) three weeks prior to the H&B dinner. Her SO had already committed to her party and at the last minute changed his mind. Not only that but he expected her to change her plans to accommodate his child. Which was a pattern with him. I still think the H&B dinner was the last straw for that poster and had nothing to do with the skid. I think if that this was the first time it happened, she would not have been so upset. It had to do with the way her SO made her feel all of the time.
I'm not of the opinion that the world revolves around kids. My parents put our needs before their own, but not our wants. Our wants were addressed when those wants were deserved by our own behavior. Bad behavior meant we didn't get what we wanted.
I wasn't raised to believe their lives revolved around my own. Yes...occasionally I missed things, or my parents missed events or performances due to work, life, siblings or other obligations. However, I did not turn out to be a murdering psychopath because my parents had other things going on from time to time.
I've seen a lot of kids raised over the last 25 years by parents who made them the center of the universe. Those kids are now out in the world assuming when they say jump, everyone else should say how high. A lot of parents have raised a lot of spoiled kids simply by putting them first 100% of the time. That is not how the world works and it would be better if their parents taught them that little fact of life before they are out on their own.
I'm just irritated, as it
I'm just irritated, as it really just comes down to exH's poor planning. He feels bad that he is missing his daughter's first game. She's always played baseball and this is her first year playing softball so it's kind of a big deal for her, she's nervous, etc.
I was totally fine with taking DD tomorrow, as I'll be there anyway.
It was just the kicker to get a last minute text asking if DS could miss his event tonight. I usually don't care, but it's two things in two days.
And the Bitch BM in me doesn't like to see my babies miss out on things because of Dad's new wife- but of course, I try to rise above those feelings as much as I can.
Side Note:
ExH texted me an apology stating that it was his poor planning and communicating that led to this weekend's poor scheduling. He's a good guy and wants everyone to be happy and I know that.
>>>ExH texted me an apology
>>>ExH texted me an apology stating that it was his poor planning and communicating that led to this weekend's poor scheduling. He's a good guy and wants everyone to be happy and I know that.
At least he admits it
Sorry, go DH! lol... wish my
Sorry, go DH! lol... wish my husband would do this.
I think it's no big deal to
I think it's no big deal to miss a practice especially at age 9. If he never gets the kid to practice that's different but if he wants to miss this time to celebrate his new wife's bday as a family then I think that's fine. He is modeling for your kids that you should respect and cherish your wife.
I would withhold judgment and
I would withhold judgment and see how things progress from here. If this is just this once - fine, it is her birthday, it's once a year. If it is going to become a pattern - the kids have to miss their events regularly bc dad and SM need to be elsewhere and are taking them along - that is different. Right now i would give dad the benefit of the doubt.
I am not giving my ex any benefits anymore because he demands that my kids make NO plans for his weekends. They love him and feel really torn. A) it is not clear what weekends he wants them, tomorrow is his weekend, by my calculation, but not by his and
how do you not show up for games if you are on the team? He seriously thinks that both have to drop everything so as not to make his life difficult. He lives 50 miles away. In the last 5 years he came to ONE game - because my son BEGGED him for hours. That kind of approach turns my stomach. He can prioritize his marriage all he wants but that is the WRONG message to send to the kids.
Childless SM here - of course
Childless SM here - of course my birthday comes before anything the stepshit wants.
welcome in my world!!!!!! My
welcome in my world!!!!!! My ex is mocking me around like this all the time.We always stick with our committments for the kids and if we need a carer we get one, or we offer politely to swop. Arsehole thinks he can do whatever he wants , his weekend with the kids or not. We are talking about fair play here, it does not matter if you are a BM or SM- but someones unacceptable behaviour towards his committments!! The last thing happened to me in regards of arsehole was that we took the kids last year happily for over 5 weeks when he travelled to Europe.That was all sweet even though we covered for two of his kids weekends.When he returned we asked him to cover for US for 1 week (only !!)in March to go to Fiji.I told him I would only book those dates if he is ok with those dates.After he agreed in writing we booked finally back in November.Last week I sent him a reminder for the times we will leave and he told me straight forward he would simply NOT take the kids after all , regardless of what he said before (even though I have it in writing).He is "busy at work". :jawdrop: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See, this is what I mean, it is totally irresponsible behaviour to do that to the other parent.We have never done anything like that to him and would never do that to the children anyway.
I dobbed him to his gf , who had no idea and convinced him that he can't behave like this.Now they are taking the kids after all, because she is a nice and decent person.Ex is so lucky being the most stupid f.....tard !! I only hope that Karma gets him.
Some men are really just that
Some men are really just that forgetful.
DH scheduled a seminar for his work on my birthday and had announced it before he realized what day it was. He facepalmed himself but I just laughed it off. A birthday is just not that important to me but I know people who would have freaked the eff out if that happened to them.
He also scheduled a seminar on his brother's birthday and that was a fiasco because his brother and his wife care about stuff like that.
Sigh, so disorganized even though he makes his own calendars! Sometimes he'll tell me we're having dinner with his family... even though I have a midterm that night that I told him about constantly. Not sure if it's just forgetful or careless.
Update: ExH texted me this
Update: ExH texted me this morning stating that DS9 is sick and throwing up non-stop.
...something tells me this is going to put a damper on New Wife's birthday party today.
Well, the party was called
Well, the party was called off and new wife actually stayed home with DS9. ExH brought DD12 and DS10 to the park this morning for opening ceremonies. We had to return to the park in the afternoon for the game; I took DD with me for some girl time and he went home with DS10.
Again, my ex is extremely disorganized to begin with. He has ADD - literally. It was just a scheduling mistake because he didn't think ahead about the kids' games and I'm sure new wife planned the bday events without thinking.
I appreciate this woman greatly, as she is a big part of my children's lives. She still does a LOT of things on her own and is actually getting ready to travel out of the country in about a week. I will occasionally see her at an event for the children and I know that she has provided a ride when ex needs assistance. So I'm greatful that he has her.
Ya. I'll have to send her a
Ya. I'll have to send her a special note for her birthday. I feel bad for my hormonal flare up but it was really just an irritation that I had with my ex and his lack of organizational skills.
I sent a nice note when they got married (we even attended the wedding) and hope that I'm a decent if not GREAT BM for her to deal with.
(The claws coming out is just a physiological reaction that I have not yet been able to overcome quite yet. Evolution is a SOB).
My goofy DH scheduled SD to
My goofy DH scheduled SD to have her wisdom teeth out on my birthday once (SKIDS lived with us full time). We changed that appt real quick. So I can see your exH not managing to schedule good.
You need to realize that the SM is going to sacrifice a lot over their relationship and if you let the SKIDS feel they entitled or encouraged to stomp all over her feelings because they want something SM will grow to hate your kids. Has SM ever come to a game or practice, driven them anywhere, watched them, helped pick out presents, made dinner lunch or breakfast for them? I doubt she hides from them and if she is new in the relationship at some point she will do things for them that are frankly not her job but she does to make things easier for everyone. I have sat thru so many freaking band shows, baseball games, skating lessons, cooked meals, driven places etc.
I get it is hard to let go but really think about long term affects because SM could be around for a really long time and you have no control over it at all. You want to teach your kids to respect other people and that includes SM no matter how irritated you are with SM.
Just my 2 cents, but I wish our BM had encouraged the SKIDS to be respectful of me instead of acting like I owed them something. I am currently disengaging from SD and DH is pretty fed up with her antics too. (our BM was a nightmare and at least you seem like you are trying to figure things out)
I dunno. I think this is a
I dunno. I think this is a situation very familiar with Parenting/Steparenting. Schedules get busy. One can not always be there for every practice & every game all the time (this goes for both kids & adults).
I kinda applaud the Dad in this scenerio!! Hes doing a great thing by including the kids in the BDay celebrations. Hes showing his kids the impirtance of their Stepmom & showing his new wife that she is important too!! We have had a few occurancrs ( as BM overly puts the skids in every sport/event/group she can!! Although, in our situation BM does this to give DH less time with his kids & yeah- shes admitted this so our scenerio is different). We have had situations occur where one of DHs kids has a practice on DHs weekend that he ends up having to not go to- as we had plans with the out-of-state skids to be able to celebrate my DHs retirement from the armed forces, or other events. Sometimes kids have to miss the very occasional game or practice. It happens to intact families as well & isnt the end of the world, it just is.
For instance, The skids are supposed to be at our place next wkend & I absolutely guarantee by Wed BM will have either had the skids call us or she will hv texted us because: skid9 wants to go to a bday party of his friends, skid11 wants to go to yet another boyscout wkend doing another snowboarding event (even tho hes done 3 already ON DHs wkend & SS14 inevitably wants to spend the wkend hanging out with his girlfriend (as BM allows him to everyday unsupervised!!)
For us its never ending and as we are out of state, BM will always find something that the kids can do on DHs weekends!! My point is-- the DH/skid relationship IS more important to their growth & development then some other things the kids would like to do & sometimes they will have to miss games, practices, etc in order to keep their relationship with DH intact. It just is. There is really no "fair" in life.
I personally feel that family BDays are far more important then a practice, etc. family events should always take priority. However--your Ex shouldve planned much better!!