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I agree with this so much

momsome's picture

copy this link into your browser for those that are step parents. I agree and wish it were that simple. We have full custody for 9 whole months. How am I not playing the mother role for my Sks their Bio mom gave them up to be with her boyfriend and moved to far away. She see's them every other weekend and has them 3 months out of the summer. She is good all that I try to instill in them that is good she tares down in 3 months when the boys are at home with us, we teach them to get a long, to love each other and that we are a family that loves each other. They get to their moms house and its no supervision she spends her time with her boyfriend, she allows her boyfriend to be mean to her kids, she makes them do things they dont want to do, I mean the list goes on and on. I've had other blogs about this. But I dont care I love my boys and always will no matter what!!!


silentnites's picture

That is a very good link. Thanks for sharing. My skids are grown adults now, but there is so much truth to that. I have 3 skids. The oldest lived with us full time 24/7, from the time he was 8 yrs old until he moved out at age 22. The other two lived with bm and we had them eowk (generally quite a bit more) and we had them a lot in the summer.

My skids are great too, but I was different with the oldest than I was with the two that lived with bm. The oldest was in my care all the time and I made decisions based on that. I was mom. period. I didn't do whatever I wanted, but I did not check first with dh or bm, just raised him. If the school called, I took care of it. Dr. appt's the same. The younger two the situation was different and I never over stepped. If the sd that lived with me needed a haircut, she got one. If one of the other two needed a haircut I would take them if it was pre arranged, or if bm or dh. I did not make decisions though regarding their yes, I think it is different.

momsome's picture

thanks for the response you dont know how many women on here have been hard on me about how close I am with my 2 SKs I've been around them since they were little we having a special bond. True its different then if I had Bio kids but not very much. They love their mom and I promote that in my house that I am not mom I am only step mom. Even thought they insist that they wish I were their real mom and made me pinky promise that if their dad and I had a baby that i wouldn't treat them different. I've explained to them that of course there would be a little difference because I would be in full control of what their little sister or brother does and who they are around but they are ok with it. They just always say they want to stay with us and not their Bio mom and step dad. I wonder if it will change when they get older?..that worries me!!

snowdrop's picture

This same woman posted another article (that was on the steptalk board yesterday) that was quite offensive and off target. I liked the paragraph where she wrote:

"If you are a step that has custody, then that is a whole other ballgame. At that point, you are basically the mom. You did not give birth to that child, but you may as well have. When a step is with a child all the time, except for the odd weekend out, it is like you have an adopted child and when you have an adopted child, you don’t treat that child as if they are adopted, you treat them like they are your own. Your boundaries and rights are that of a mother, so all bets are off."

I appreciate the respect she's offering to custodial stepmoms, but I don't think that being a custodial stepmother is the same experience as that of a mother who adopted a child. When you adopt, you're THE ONE AND ONLY MOM (in the child's life). Your nuclear family is the child's only memory of a nuclear family. True, an adopted child may wonder about his or her bio-mother, but he or she does not KNOW and LOVE the bio-mother. I may be closer to my skids, know them in a deeper way, have a much greater impact on the people they become, and do more care-taking than BM. But that does not change the fact that they have a mother, she's just an uninvolved and neglectful mother. It's totally different than adopting a child.

Nonetheless, the author's point is not lost. Being a custodial stepmom is a huge role and deserves respect and authority. It takes more than biology to be a mother, it takes time, energy and investment. 300 days out of the year, I'm the female parental figure in the children's lives (they are with BM a total of about 65 days a year). The fact that the children don't call me "mom" doesn't change that. I don't need to bow down to BM or have "boundaries" about my involvement with skids because my involvement provides something maternal that they would not get otherwise.

I still don't like the author. I think she's probably a BM from hell in real life. I also think that her blog is an avenue for her to spew her bitterness. She has no idea what she's talking about and seems to seek an avenue to justify her spite and poor behavior. The author may not like to admit it but a non-custodial stepmom is also highly influential and important in a child's life. The author wants to dictate how a stepmother should behave and be involved. But the reality is that it's not up to a BM to determine the relationship between the stepmom and child... custodial BM or not, BM has no influence over it and the more influence she tries to assert, the more difficult on the children.

momsome's picture

I would have to agree. I've just caught so much flake about the fact that I have my SKs 9 months out of the year and BM gets them every other weekend. She wanted it that way. Basically just said take them, I would rather be with my boyfriend, she moved like 2 hours away from the kids, but still makes her demands and we have to do whatever she says or the courts see it as we are not co-parenting. I've been in my SKs life for a while now, They call me mom, my boyfriend refers to me as "MOM" and we are comfortable with it. At our house, they get encouragement, discipline, special time with me and their dad, affection, and most importantly LOVE!!!... They hate BM boyfriend, he treats them like crap, BM spends no time with them, always puts them down if they dont do what her boyfriend asks, the list just goes on and on, I just wish things were different and that we could all get along. I will never and have never tried to replace her, but when their here so often, I am put into the mother role, My SS (10) came home the other day and for the very first time of many had his first heart break. He called his mom to talk to her about it, she told him "you dont know what love is get over it, other than that how was your day?". He ran to me crying asking me why was mom being so mean to him and instead of putting her down I just told him that maybe mom was just having a really bad day, I got him to stop crying and he told me how he was feeling and I held him and cried with him, He spent the rest of the night smiling and having fun with his little brother. I guess the point I am trying to make is she thinks I am trying to remove her from their lives and make them forget about her, when she comes up often and NEVER do we ever talk bad about her we say nothing but good things about her in front of them (behind closed doors that's something different)..LOL..but then she wonders why the boys always want to come home to us. Its just sad. She expects to give her kids up and talk bad about me to them, when I do everything a mother should and would for this point its funny and I get more and more less worried about what she says about me. But I cant tell what the future holds and things may get worse or they could get better or even stay the same!!!