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BM and boyfriend have turned me into their personal F***ing assistant....UUGGGHHH

momsome's picture

because boyfriend is so busy I've taken on doing certain things to help take care of my SS. Now let me explain this. My SK are amazing they always call me mom almost have from the very beginning we have a GREAT RELATIONSHIP. which BM SERIOUSLY hates, But today she text and as when the boys have appointments that we need to let her no. Now here is the problem we have FULL CUSTODY during the school year she sees them every other weekend and they hate that. They always ask if they could live with us full time and we tell them it cant happen. BM would never go for that. but why in the hell does she need that info she has all of their medical information she calls up to the kids school to find out whats going on with their grades and teacher parent conference so why in the H**L do I now have to start sending her that information to. The sad part is when she ask's if we dont do it its back to court we go!!


oneoffour's picture

Just tell her that you will pass her request on to your BF and he will get back to her. Too busy does not give him a pass card for passing on his albatross aka BM on to you.
He was her SO/Husband and as he is no longer with her and she is entitled to the information she should get it. But YOU don't have to do it.

momsome's picture

yea I dont have a problem with that. But if she has all of their information we have given it to her, Do I have to go out of my way to give her EXTRA information she has called up to these places before and got the information but just doesn't want to do it this time