Crazies/ Nastiest things BM has done:
Building off another post today (Lists of things showing they never moved on)
Let’s start another entertaining string!
List some of the craziest/ Wackiest things the BM (or for those with off the deep end ex husbands) have done!)
I’ll start.
1) BM found out through a friend of DH’s that he was dating me. She called him up demanding he turn over to her:
-A copy of my driver’s license
-A copy of my SS card
-My address and phone numbers (home, work, cell) for the previous five years.
-She was adamant this was all needed, and she was entitled to it due to their CO, to perform a background check on me since I was around HER kids.
DH and I had gone out to dinner twice when she made this demand. I had never met the kids. He had not met my kids. No, she did not get any information. Not even my first name. This is when she went out, forged his name on a car loan and bought herself a new car on his dime. I still do not know how she avoided prosecution since DH signed all the forms stating the application was forged, that he did not purchase the car and did not agree to be her cosigner. The car was repossessed (took a lot to get that off his credit).
2) When DH and I hit six months of dating, we introduced each other to our kids and introduced our kids to each other. BM found out and filed paperwork with the courts. Yes, she tried to have him found in contempt for custodial interference: for not seeking and obtaining her permission to introduce HER children to me. Her petition to the court was denied on filing. DH found a copy of the denied filing, years later, when he went to the court house to look up specific wording on a judgment.
3) DH and I had been dating for some time when her next phase started. SD(now)18 was recruited to be her helper. At odd times, but always at the start of a skid week, or right after the skids left and returned to their BM’s house, random women’s clothing would be found around DH’s house. DH found underwear, bras, sweaters and even a pair of shoes. He knew they weren’t mine or his daughters. So he threw them out. BM’s plan apparently was for me to find her clothes in DH’s house, believe him being unfaithful and cause us to break up. When this failed, she told SD to bring her clothes back and was pissed off when she found out DH threw them out. Stating he had no right to throw her property away and threatened to take him to small claims court to make him pay for said items. (She never filed)
4) DH and I become engaged. BM becomes enraged.
She filed for a change in custody, based off “significant change in circumstance”. So right before the wedding we got to go to court. And listen to the judge tell her that her EX HUSBAND getting married did NOT make him an unfit father and custody would not be changing. (DH was awarded attorneys fees). While waiting for this court date: she attempted to move back INTO DH’s house to ensure I was not spending the night at the house. When DH refused to allow her to move in (DUH) she attempted an emergency hearing.
Original divorce decree stated she had six months to move out of the house. She moved out in six weeks. To her way of thinking she still had 4.5 months she was allowed to live there. Her emergency hearing was denied.
5) The day after DH and I got married, she filed paperwork for a CS increase based off my income. My attorney mailed hers a copy of the Florida Statute that clearly states step parents are not liable for any form of child support and her attorney dropped the case.
6) Using the skids cell phones, on my plan, to call her internet boyfriend… for 52 hours in one months time. Then called DH screaming when I killed long distance on the skids phones.
7) When DH sold his house, sent him a certified letter that he owed her “half” the profits and if they weren’t paid within 30 days she would sue. She wasn’t paid, she sued and lost as the house was solely in his name.
Demanded “I” buy sd18 a car when she turned 16 “You can afford it, you have to do it.” (Note: my kids paid for their own cars… this did not happen)
9) Attempted to forbid my disengagement with the skids.
10) Threatened to take DH to court for CO contempt because I cancelled the skids cell phones. And the CO said reasonable access by phone. Mind you, she was talking to DH on the house phone when she made this threat.
11) Accused me of abuse for refusing to wash the skids clothes.
12) Had the skids steal my house key and let herself and the skids in while I was at work to do their laundry. While in the house she went through my closet and dresser, was trying on my clothes and even had a good look through my jewelry box. I walked in on her and she ran with the kids when I dialed 911 to report a break in. She did steal the kids cell phones off my dresser.
13) Broke the restraining order 6 times ( I think, it might be more). Resulting in multiple raccoon eye mug shots.
14) Called my electric company and phone company, impersonating me, and had the electric and phone shut off at my house.
15) Called DCFS and reported that we had the skids in the house, and had no electric
16) Called the cops for a welfare check of the skids, that she was allowed reasonable access by phone… and our phone was shut off.
17) Called the department of revenue, impersonating me, and told them my employer was cheating on tax payments.
Reading back on this list: DH better be damn glad I didn't run for the hills!
- just.his.wife's blog
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What the actual fuck did I
What the actual fuck did I just read? I hope this lady got arrested for harassing him!
BM is out of state and has
BM is out of state and has been since she was 6 months prego, but distance doesn't stop the crazy.
1. At the risk of someone recognizing me--DH and I own a martial arts school. The first court date, BM's exSO (the one she cheated on DH with, and who tried to convince DH to do the right thing and marry BM) showed up to practice with us (that's how all of us met). The last court date a year an a half later, he showed up as well. Then somehow got into our apartment while everyone was hanging out (I cook, and carry food for after class from the apartment into the hang out area) and was on the phone with someone (I think BM) until I walked in and he hurried out. He asked other people if "all these things" (stuff in our apartment) was DH's. He is no longer allowed here.
2. For about a month after DH first court ordered BM to submit SS to a DNA test, he found 8 nails, consecutively driven into his tires, twice a week. He changed his tires like four times. He has no other enemies.
3. "Someone" sent a card that has a bullet on it for father's day with DH's name written on the bullet, and "hope you rot in hell" on the inside.
4. Tried to kill herself when DH said he didn't want to be with her.
5. When he explained to her exSO he never loved her, her exSO was startled and asked "Does she know that?" "She should, I told her all the time.)
Er, that's just a few. I have a couple more but my fingers are getting tired.
-shrug- I guess I'm so used
-shrug- I guess I'm so used to it that only some real crazy can make my jaw drop (like the one above).
So anything that can be solved with effort, we don't pay that much attention to. Even crazy.
In an effort to get DH (BF at
In an effort to get DH (BF at the time) back, she gave her 5 year old daughter an OTC med that she knew she was allergic to, causing her to have a seizure. Need I say more?
WTF These chicks are crazy!
WTF :jawdrop:
These chicks are crazy!
I... have... no... words...
I... have... no... words...
OMFG what a nutball
OMFG what a nutball :jawdrop:
Wow, other than the fact that
Wow, other than the fact that she got pregnant BEFORE marrying him, we could be talking about the same woman!
The craziest thing SHE has
The craziest thing SHE has done. Well... just about everything she does is crazy.
Personally, I think DH is more crazy for not wrappin it up.
Personally, I think DH is
Personally, I think DH is more crazy for not wrappin it up.
This! A thousand times, THIS.
By the time my SO impregnated GUBM, he knew FULL WELL that she was batshit crazy. He should NOT have stuck it in without protection or believed her dumb story that having an inverted uterus made it impossible for her to get pregnant. When he first told me that, I googled it and said "gee, according to all these medical sites, all it does is make childbirth harder, NOT impregnation." Bet he wishes he web searched that shit NOW.
Hahahahahaha, inverted
Hahahahahaha, inverted uterus. Men are so stupid!
Seriously, one of my
Seriously, one of my coworkers had the same problem. She got pregnant, and delivered her baby via C-section just fine. She busted a gut laughing when I shared that tidbit with her, though.
Oh gee, reminds me of our BM.
Oh gee, reminds me of our BM. I will tell you sometimes there is nothing to stop crazy from lying off their butts to get impregnanted--as shown below by our BM.
(BM was in her 40's, DH in his earl 30's) During the first time they went at it, DH pulls out a condom. She says she's allergic to latex. Okay, he doesn't want to because he's afraid of STD's and her getting pregnant. She claims she has Crohns for which she gets a blood test every three months and it's clean. Also for Crohns, she's on medication (methotrexate) which is fatal to a fetus. Okay, they go at it. A week later day she tells him she's not on the Crohns med anymore, so he stops because he doesn't want her prego. She assures him she is infertile because she has a messed up cervix but he's still not convinced. Next day she says she's back on it.
When she find out she's pregnant a month and a half later (yup, a single cycle for a woman who claims she is infertile--because supposedly her doctors said so and she tried to get pregnant by three separate men in her 20's and 30's) she says it's a miracle she didn't go back on that pill.
Now, here's the doozy: when MIL went to visit SS, who lives with BM who lives with GBM, she finds out from GBM that BM does NOT have Crohns. She has IBS... yep, irritable bowel syndrome which is not the same as Crohns, nor is it anywhere near as severe. Most people don't take medication for it and if they do, they get over the counter ones--none of which include methotrexate.
However, and here is the big however--she was supposedly taking a pill everyday according to her exSO--he was given the same Crohn's story.
Anyone want to take a gander at what she was actually taking?
My bet is birth control. She actually doesn't like kids (as evidenced by how she'd throw a tantrum and shit talked a 10 year old girl for taking attention away from her at a gathering GBM had.)
Now, that's not even the end of how far she will take this lie. So because DH was not sure when to go out there for the birth, she requested her doctor induce her, and gave DH the story about how she's contracting but her messed up cervix, which she reminded him made it "impossible" for her to get pregnant, wasn't thinning or dilating, so her "doctor" is scheduling an induction.
So he goes out there at the scheduled time. She's in labor three days. Nothing happening. Well, his plane was scheduled to depart and he and MIL had to leave. Doctor comes out and says "I told her it wasn't a good idea to induce now, but it would progress a lot faster if she wasn't so controlling."
So. There it goes. How do I know? I was privvy to his and her email exchanges for the last three months which she wrote, in writing, about all of that--reminding him she "didn't know" she could get pregnant. Yeah. When you deal with this level of crazy, I would think anything less than a therapist would be taken for a ride.
Wow. If she did
Wow. If she did have Crohn's, she would get regular blood tests, but, they would not be checking for STDs/STIs, they'd check her chem panels and blood levels to see how her body was handling being on methotrexate. Not whether or not she caught something from a sexual tryst, hahaha. And while methotrexate is part of a chemical abortion cocktail, and might make it harder to get and maintain a pregnancy while being on it, you can still get pregnant while on it, though it's not recommended. Jeez. But, she didn't have Crohn's anyway, what a winner!
And speaking as someone who DOES have Crohn's, I want to smack the hell out of her for overinflatiing her IBS to the status of Crohn's - yes IBS can be life disruspting and debilitating at times, but, it's usually managed through diet and lifestyle changes, NOT super damaging medication like methotrexate (chemotherapy) or biologics (what I'm on) that suppress the immune system or surgery. *smh*
Ugh, when MIL relayed the
Ugh, when MIL relayed the story to us, you could see DH was going to blow a fuse. I thought he was going to get an aneurism! She had asked GBM how BM was managing her Crohns now, and GBM gave her a funny look and was like--BM has IBS, she doesn't have Crohns?
It actually wasn't even severe--she still eats what she wants, and evidently she just gets the occasional stomach ache. Still drinks beer and downs them burgers and ribs.
Thank you for clearing that up, I guess it's one more thing she lied about. She said it was fatal to the fetus. Shakes head.
If she were to take
If she were to take methotrexate, and continue to take it after getting pregnant (were that to happen), the possibility exists that the pregnancy would not sustain itself, or, that it would sustain itself and the baby could risk deformities and other physical development issues. It's one of those "do not try to get pregnant while on this" drugs for a reason. It just wreaks havoc on your body, so, imagine what it would do to a growing baby that was still in utero. I've never had to take it, but, I know plenty of Crohnies who have and, ugh, I don't know how they do it at all (I mean, I guess if I were faced with the choice of that or surgery, I'd jump at the methotrexate). But it is a form of chemotherapy, so, yea.
And, yea, she deserves a severe smack down. I'm grimacing right now reading that while she does have IBS it isn't even severe. I would KILL to have even severe IBS over Crohn's any day. Especially because I get a form of IBS due to my gluten allergy and lactose intolerance. To know that all it would take is avoiding eating something and I'd be OK and not suffer damage to my intestines? I'm surprised your DH didn't slug her - I would have (projecting? I think so haha).
And HAHAHA I read this to my
And HAHAHA I read this to my SO and he said "How did he not know she was crazy? All the signs were there?"
" offense SO but you were with GUBM for 6 years before you both created knew she was crazy beyond a shadow of a doubt and yet, here we are."
I think he would have totally
I think he would have totally beat the crap out of her, had she been here instead of states away. I recall thinking "I've never seen that shade of green on a person's face before.... or that big of a vein pulsing at the temple."
LOL that's the thing! She lies so fluently that it's only AFTER that you find out you've been thoroughly screwed. She's good at being normal at it until her plan fucks up and she derails. So it was only after she got prego, told DH that he needed to marry her because kids need both parents, and he said no, that all of this stuff came out.
Sigh. On the plus side, we've both gotten REALLY good at telling whose an underhanded crazy and whose not.
Haha, I guess there's the
Haha, I guess there's the silver lining of dealing with all the batshit crazy BMs. We get good at spotting crazy from a mile away. it's helped me immensely in navigating my way through the social circles of hell that exist at my current school. I run from the crazy before they enmesh themselves into my life, haha.
BM stays out of our life but
BM stays out of our life but when I was married to my exh, we had to deal with the craziest BM of all!!
1. She followed us in her car to our house. She jumped in my car and attacked me. ExH grabbed her by the hair and pulled her off of me, this resulting in her hitting her head. She calls 911 crying saying I hit her, cops come, she is freaking out like a maniac screaming how she doesn't want me around her 5 yr old daughter (who was watching this entire scene) cops handcuff her, arrest her, I spend the weekend with her daughter, she sits in jail for 3 days because it was a holiday weekend!! Ha ha!!
2. Because of the scene and arrest she is charged with neglect on a child and her and her DD have to undergo therapy for 6 months and to have zero contact with us.
3. Tried to file in court that her DD couldn't come to our house because we have a cat with fleas (cat was an indoor cat, no fleas here)
4. Tried to file in court that I was not allowed near her DD. This did not make it to court.
5. Upon finding out I bought a brand new car, she tried to take exh to court to demand he buy her a brand new car. Didn't work!
6. She didn't want us to go to the dance recital so I went behind her back and bought tickets directly from the dance school. We got first row, she got 20th row!!
7. Showing up at our door, while I am 9 months pregnant, begging exh to please go to counseling to try to make it work between them. Um, hello?? Did she not see me and my belly standing there??
8. Showing up at our door, half naked asking if he likes her new body. Ewwww! It wasn't good!!
9. I showed up for the Kindergarten graduation, she freaks out in front of everyone, eye twitching, screaming if I got a job yet (I had just been laid off from my job but had another one lined up) She was so mad I was a SAHM for a few weeks!!
She did a million gazillion other things that were crazy but I got her back. I was extremely bored at work one day so I broke into her email which gave me her password. I went into it and redid her resume saying things like occupation: prostitute, goals were to be the best blow job giver, past experience well you get the idea. I made it so everyone could see it and even applied for a few jobs!! She never knew it was me and I changed the password and all the personal info so she couldn't even get back in to delete it!!! I still crack up laughing when I think of this!!
Isn't that the truth with
Isn't that the truth with wrapping it up. I can see DSO and BM having 1 child, BC fails and mistakes happen. But I can't believe he lived with this craziness for 15 years and impregnated her 2 more times.
He is really paying for it now and has 6 more years of dealing with her.
GUBM is a never ending source
GUBM is a never ending source of crazy, but, nothing trumps the most recent crap.
GUBM unenrolled SD from school and told SD to lie to SO about it so he wouldn't try to stop them. Because GUBM fancies herself edumacated enough to home school her lying snot of a daughter without materials or internet access.
She really truly is. Found
She really truly is. Found out that she's been out of school since the beginning of the month, too. So the crazy just keeps coming! Because SD has been telling SO all about all the fun she's been having at school now, all the friends she's been making and having lunch with (so...GUBM and her loser boyfriend?)
The state gets involved
The state gets involved because failure to provide adequate education constitutes neglect in NJ.
I'm not sure? She has other
I'm not sure? She has other family members in NJ (GUBM's mom, loser brothers, 90% of SO's family) so I'm not sure if they would put her with one of them, or, send her to us. And I'm not sure if we want her with us at this point (I had posted a blog all about this, but, it didn't go through, so, I might repost to explain further). And you're right, her mom isn't fit enough to raise a fruit fly let alone a human being. She couldn't properly care for a rock.
Ours is not crazy. Severely
Ours is not crazy. Severely depressed at times but always meaner than a junkyard dog.
Older SS died. She held the funeral before notifying DH. Actually she never notified DH - he found out about it third hand after the fact.
That is terrible
That is terrible
That is downright heartless.
That is downright heartless. What a POS.
To me the worst part is that
To me the worst part is that DH defended her. She was "too upset", etc. No she's just a mean ass bitch.
...he...defended her?? That's
...he...defended her??
That's up there with SO defending GUBM driving drunk with SD and someone else's kid in the car. "Oh, she's not a bad person, she was just distraught over her brother's death" OH HELL YES SHE IS.
That's some Jerry Springer
That's some Jerry Springer shit, right there. And totally something our BM would do.