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Still laughing! What an idiot!

Last-Wife's picture

I get a call from Loca last night. She left a voicemail that she had been missing the boys, so decided to attend their bball game, and had looked it up on line. "I've been sitting in the parking lot for 15 minutes and no one is here! The game starts in 10 minutes! Where is everybody?" she whines in the phone...

I just laughed. And then ignored her call.

She didn't even bother to see the game wasn't at home, drove an hour to get here, when the game was actually in a town she would have passed 20 minutes before getting here! CLASSIC Loca!

She must have been desperate, because she called Loghead, and I know they haven't spoken in MONTHS. he was expecting a work call, so answered, and it was her... he gave her the directions... told her to turn right at the stop sign.

It's a left!

Loghead was at the game. She showed up, so she eventually got there. PITA 18's girlfriend said she was late, was grumpy, didn't even talk to the boys, and left before it was over.

Ah, the week I've had, I needed that laugh!


sandy1234's picture

HAHA Unorganized idiot! That's what happens when you last minute decide to show "support" for your kids at functions. Things get rushed and you make mistakes! If she really cared that much she would have planned it out on not such short notice.