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Has anyone noticed an uptick in "shock-trolls" lately?

uptohere's picture

It seems there is an absolutely UNBELIEVABLE story posted here every day or two now.

Gory, shocking details that most people would cringe to type out -- always by brand new members.

Maybe it's just me 'cause I'm jaded and sick to death of bullshit..... LOL


sandy1234's picture

I have noticed a lot of new members posting things with horrible, as you said "gory", titles, but I don't really read a lot of the negative posts. I have noticed though and it does seem weird

uptohere's picture

I know. I realize I fed the troll(s) by even blogging about this. Like I said, I'm extra cranky. Smile

oncechoosetosmile's picture

There was someone a few month ago claiming that her skid had pushed down her puppy dog the stairs and it died, and she made it so believable that many of us changed our profile pictures to dogs (that was after we all had monkeys as profiles:)))to show our condolence.I even cried about it.That was until her stories became more and more bizarre and we finally learned it was all totally fake.Why do people do this?I have no idea, maybe boredom, attention seeking etc.But it is really the wrong thing to do.After all we want to support real people and don't need to waste energy on fake stuff.

sandy1234's picture

I know, the fact alone that it made you cry upsets me over the fakers on here. Why try and get that kind of intense emotion from those who are already dealing with emotions that are similar from situations in their own lives?

RandE559's picture

Wow! Really, I am a couple weeks new to this site and have found it therapeutic up until this point. I guess I have mixed thoughts knowing there have been fake posts as you all say but appreciate the heads up at the same time...

notagain2012's picture

I guess I haven't gotten good at telling which ones are fake! People never cease to amaze me though....

What a shame though, to have nothing better to do than make up crap for attn online.

Missymoo's picture

I'm new but been reading for a while . And IMHO I do think there is some serious shit stirring going on. I had a hunch and two of the 'dramatic' people have been joined for exactly the same amount of years and weeks as well?! There was also someone that blogged about 20 times in one day and then got all abusive. Now has totally disappeared.
However there are still a lot of very decent people and good advice being given, a
As in life you just have to trust until you are wronged- it is strange some people would go to such lengths. Hopefully it's not malicious, more attention seeking.