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Stay Klassy, SS11

boogeymom's picture

Why is it that SS11 insists on stripping down to his boxers the second he hits the house and never putting clothes on again, even at meal times? I don't want to see all that. I've started telling him now at 11 that I don't want to see all that because it'll take him until he's 25 to actually listen, but apparently this is no big deal to DH. He tells him one time to go down and put some clothes on for meals, SS11 naturally pretends like DH doesn't even exist and does exactly what he wants to do, the end. Trying so hard not to care, but really? Some day this kid will hit puberty (hopefully soon because his screechy voice is super irritating and I need for it to deepen before I go deaf), and when it happens, I REALLY won't want to see all that. I will then begin to withold food from SS11 myself until he comes to the table dressed and I will adopt a "no shirt, no pants, no main floor" policy for the rest of the time. Am I off-base to think this is trashy, at least when it comes to being at the table?


sonja's picture

Youd think this habits would be cause dad did the same, I just dont get it. Kids need to have clothes on all the time, even more so when theyre not just with their parents. Completely inappropriate! Ive been trying to teach DH that he needs SD5 to understand she isnt to run though the house in panties with no shirt on. I know they get into habits that are no big deal when they are little, but Ill be teaching my own kids to be clothed from early on. My BS2 isnt never running around in just a diaper!

doll faced sm's picture

Is he hot for SMom? :O

Ow! Got it bad, got it bad, got it bad,
I'm hot for Smom!
I've got it bad, so bad; I'm hot for Smom!

boogeymom's picture

God, gross, doll faced! Yeah, no, DH definitely does NOT walk around in his underwear. I told him tonight that I was going to start whitholding food from him until he gets dressed because for God's sakes, he's not 3 anymore, he's 11! I don't get it, he used to wear clothes before, but ever since he's just decided to become completely slovenly, he just doesn't bother with it. I'm not having it, it's official.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Gross. My SS14 is athletic, and feels that this entitles him to forego wearing a shirt at home and...well, pretty much anywhere in the summer. Freaking seriously? I finally told him that I can't make him wear a shirt, but he's not to come out of the bathroom or his room without one on. I realize it's not that big of a deal, he's a boy, etc, but ya know what? I don't want his stinky teen pits all over my furniture. I don't think it's that unreasonable that he could wear a shirt in common areas. What if I just took my pants off and rubbed my butt cheeks on something that everyone else uses? See? Gross, huh?

boogeymom's picture

That's more my point, I guess, the stinky pre-teen grossness. SS11 has a total tendency to stink, and BM has a total tendency not to make him shower ever. Plus SS11 is NOT athletic and has a total spare tire starting to form because of his lack of athleticism. It's just the principle to me, wear some damn clothes!