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Two-and-a-half years later

Marianne's picture

Things with SD came to an ugly head a few years ago when SD literally told DH to choose! This after 15 years of abuse from her experienced by both of us, but me especially. Also 15 years of her trying to break up our marriage. I walked over to a neighbor's while they had the private talk she insisted on--again no support from DH. Then a miracle happened. I saw her car leave. Our lives changed at that moment. I knew that DH was done. Shortly after that scene, we sold everything, put all assets in both of our names with survivorship, and moved 2000 miles away. I wake up in gratitude every morning. I don't think of SD at all now. We are over. DH is doing better starting last week. He called SD after a year and she didn't pick up, text, or call back. He told me that it was his last attempt. We both are at peace now. His conflicted heart has settled into enjoying the peace in our lives now. It took us years to arrive at this place. I wish the same peace from toxicity to everyone on this forum. You all supported me in my darkest hours and years. I feel like a miracle happened for us (me.)

Harry's picture

2,000 miles away.  Thank goodness your at peace.  Just remember you, we all have a bit of PTSD from all of this 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

There IS life after stephell. My DH are in a similar situation, and have been No Contact with his eldest for over thirteen years. We didn't move, though; in fact, she lives only six miles away.

People on the outside might judge, but it's important to note this is for our PROTECTION. Savor that hardwon peace, OP.

Harry's picture

But you deserve a life of your own.  You don't need to have a SK control your life     Hope your new home is great abd you have a full fun life.