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Excluded after 25+ years as SM

Distraught's picture

I need your help, advice, and support. My SD just got married and there was so much drama before the wedding. Let me say we have a good relationship at least I thought we did. She treated me as a friend and I  loved her as a daughter. Her mother hates me. I took part in the planning of the wedding, assisted with contracts, and made payments, etc. However, when it came down to the celebration, all of a sudden I was excluded.  The drama started with the rehearsal dinner.  She did not want me there. She did not talk to me about it but instead had me find out when I went to RSVP for the rest of my family and did not see my name. After the fact, she told my DH that the rehearsal was simply for the wedding party and this did not include outside family. That hurt. She also said the venue was extremely small and that her mother would be there and she did not want  drama. Of course I wanted to be part of all the celebration as I have been her SM for over 25 years. 

My DH decided if I was unable to attend the rehearsal dinner that he would not attend. This angered her, and she wanted to force his hand to leave me behind. She was very disrespectful to him and made him feel like he was not an adequate father. He stuck to his decision and ultimately she said I could come.

 We attended the rehearsal dinner and found out that all the reasons she gave for not including me simply were not true. The venue was large enough to avoid being on top of her mother and it did not just include the wedding party since there were spouses  and significant others of the wedding party in attendance. The fact is, she simply did not want me there. I don’t understand. I really thought our relationship was a good one. 

The day of the wedding she did not include me in any of her pictures.  At the reception she assigned her father to sit away from me. I feel blindsided. At first I was hurt, then mad, now I’m simply sad. I don’t know how to forgive her and forget what has happened. I don’t know what our relationship even is at this point. I feel like she was fake with me and I don’t want a fake relationship. I was all in as a SM and now I really don’t know if I should just stay out of her way and face that I saw her differently than she saw me.  I’m not even sure that I feel like having any relationship right now because I feel like it was all a lie. I also feel like I am in morning. This is crazy. Has anything like this happened to any of you?  Please help.  

Dogmom1321's picture

She has shown her true colors. SD wanted you to be involved when it benefit HER. Now that she doesn't need you any more, you have been "discarded". This is very common in people who have NPD. 

Something similar happened at SD14's 8th grade promotion ceremony. I have been in her life for almost 10 years, but to the extent she excluded me was surprising a little bit. 

My advice: SD is married now, living her own life, and making her own family. Don't pay her any mind and disengage. Don't fall for it when she needs help with something again (maybe babysitting grandkids or something like that). Actions speak louder than words. 

Winterglow's picture

I'm sorry, I have no advice nor experience to offer but wanted you to know that my heart hurts for you.


ESMOD's picture

Usually it's not just "one" issue that causes reversals like this.. was there anything that whispered of conflict during the planning stage?

Otherwise.. you have to know that the reasons were just excuses.. and it appears that either her mother demanded you not be there.. or she was afraid of some conflict in the smaller venue.. so wanted to avoid it.

The thing is.. I kind of understand her feeling that way.. being concerned her mother and you might have problems.. and that would "ruin" her experience.  But... you know what? put your big girl pants on and directly address that with you.  Hey distraught.. my mom is really making a big scene about you being at the rehersal dinner.. I just can't reason with her.. and I want you to know.. I appreciate all you have done.. but would you mind sitting it out to help me keep the peace?

I mean.. I have declined invites to the baby showers of my OSD.. was not going to be at some small event with her mother.. just no.  but.. she did invite me.. and I was in some of the photos at her wedding too.

I can't imagine how hurtful her treatment of you has been.. and even it her mom was behind a lot of it.. if she had been more mature.. she could have at least told you that.. that she was in between a rock and hard place with it.

I guess maybe her feelings about your relationship were not quite reciprocal.. which I know is sad.. and in the future.. I would be much more judicious with what time or effort I expend in her direction.


Toaster's picture

Dogmom1321 Advice:

SD is married now, living her own life, and making her own family. Don't pay her any mind and disengage. Don't fall for it when she needs help with something again (maybe babysitting grandkids or something like that). Actions speak louder than words.

I’ll add: When someone (finally) shows you who they are – BELIVE THEM THE FIRST TIME!

What the Mothership Cult-Leader wants – the Mothership Cult-Leader gets!

ESMOD wrote:

It appears that either her mother demanded you not be there.. or she was afraid of some conflict in the smaller venue.. so wanted to avoid it.

I'll add: Just remember, if the Mothership ever commands her brainwashed minion to take you out—don't take it personally. It's not about you; it's just cult business! Just another day in the life of a sleeper agent carrying out orders from the hive.

Listen to Dogmom!

Distraught's picture

No friction leading up to the wedding but yes I think things would have been easier if she had just talked to me. Instead she told my DH that she didn't understand what the big deal was if I missed the rehearsal dinner. 

ESMOD's picture

I'm sure it would have softened the blow if she tried to explain that she was trying to keep peace with her bio mom... but she didn't.. and hasn't said that.. so it's just speculation.. though.. I'm sure mom had a finger in it somewhere.

If she truly wanted to be kind.. sometimes you have to deliver bad news personally and apologize for making a tough call.. 

Because.. should SD stand up to her mom and defend SM? I mean.. it would be nice right?  but the reality is that the loyalty bind can and is strong.. and in the end.. Skids often duck the issue.

Trudie's picture are going through this. My heart hurts for you, I can't imagine being blindsided like this. Dogmom1321 mentioned that actions speak louder than words; this is sad, but true. File this knowledge away for the future and weigh what you are/are not willing to do for her. Personally, I am generally ostracized unless I can be of some use, so I have stopped dispensing services. I'm not interested in a transactional relationship. 

I am very interested to see what your husband has to say about this. I hope he is supporting you.

Blessings to you, I care.

Toaster's picture

Your SD was a Sleeper Agent

A sleeper agent isn’t just your average ‘skid’; oh no, we're talking about a real ‘skidmark’ of a spy, one who’s been embedded deep in enemy territory (a.k.a. Disneyland Daddy-cake’s house and the Evil Stepmother’s lair). This operative can ‘play nice’, keeping the peace and blending in, all while secretly biding their time. They remain dormant, lulling everyone, especially their target, the SM, into a false sense of security—until the signal is given. Then, it's ‘go-time!’ And their true allegiance to the ‘Motherland’ (a.k.a. the Bio-Mom or Shrine to the First Failed Family) is triggered. And when that happens, watch out! The transformation begins almost instantaneously—graduations, weddings, or any family get-together where the BM must be revered like a cult leader at a gathering of her loyal minions. That’s when the sleeper agent sheds their disguise, revealing their true colors in a grand act of loyalty to the 'Motherland,' throwing shade at the SM, (the mortal enemy of the BM) like the skid was throwing a javelin at an Olympic sporting event. 

Ask me how I know this.

So, all members of the First Fail Family, stand and raise your hand to hail, ‘Heil, BM! Heil, BM, Heil BM, may your reign at thousand years! Heil!

Long-term placement

Sleeper agents are the ultimate long-game players, willing to keep their cover for years, even decades, if necessary. They get bonus points when their target—poor, clueless Stepmom—believes she can win their love with showers of blessings and gifts. These ‘skid marks’ are pros at pulling the strings on their Daddycakes, who just wants to believe ‘the best’ about their precious spawn. And when it comes to the daughters, oh boy, they’re on a whole other level. As their mother’s savage protégées, these SDs (Stepmom's Doom) have turned deception into an art form. They expertly play the role of a faux-friend to the Evil Stepmother, all while harboring the same icy resentment they were spoon-fed from childhood.

AGAIN, ask me how do I know?

Conditioned to secretly despise Daddycake’s new wife from day one, they reach the age of accountability—the point where they know right from wrong—and guess what? THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT WHAT’S RIGHT AND TRUE AND MORAL! THEY DON’T CARE HOW WELL THE SM HAVE TREATED THEM!

 Instead, they double down on their toxic BM’s dogma, towing the party line with a grin that’s as sharp as a knife. THEY’VE MADE A CONSCIOUS CHOICE TO CARRY ON THE LEGACY OF HATE, LIKE THE DUTIFUL AGENTS THEY WERE TRAINED TO BE, BLENDING SABOTAGE WITH SWEET SMILES, all while the stepmom remains blissfully unaware of the conspiracy that surrounds her.

Deep cover identity

Sleeper agents? Oh, they've been crafting their elaborate false selves long before the poor stepmother even stepped onto the scene. Why? Simple survival tactics! They had to perfect those fake smiles and rehearsed niceties to make it through life with their bat-shit crazy BM, that’s why! They didn’t just become master manipulators overnight; they were born into the chaos, learning to duck, dodge, and deflect to survive their motherland's wild mood swings and unpredictable explosions.

These kids didn't grow up playing hopscotch; they grew up playing psychological chess! By the time the stepmom enters the picture, these sleeper agents are already experts in the game. They've got layers upon layers of armor built up from years of navigating their mother's emotional minefield, and they wear those masks so well, you'd think they were glued on. They’ve been in survival mode from day one, and now they’re taking those well-honed skills into their new territory, ready to play nice just long enough to keep everyone guessing!

Specialized training

Ah, specialized training—now we’re getting to the real meat of it! Sleeper agents aren't just any run-of-the-mill troublemakers; these are professionals! They’re often employed by enemy forces for espionage, sabotage, and, let’s be real, the occasional character assassination of their least favorite target—the stepmother. They've practically got a Ph.D. in causing chaos. Heck, they might as well be surgically altered to look like innocent little angels or, for all we know, be androids, clones of the BM, who switch from "sweet" to "sinister" faster than you can say, "What did I do to deserve this?"

Sleeper agents are masters of deception, skilled at cozying up to their targets with small talk and ‘false intimacy’ designed to pry open the stepmother’s world. Why, you ask? Simple—they're on a mission to gather intel for the cult leader and to make sure the first failed family never fades into irrelevance. It’s all about strategy: they know it's easier to lure flies with honey than with vinegar. So, these skids, with their manipulative charm, along with their ever-scheming cult leaders, are always angling for future resources like houses, inheritance, and anything else they can sniff out. The best way to do this? Act like they're the stepmother's best friend, smile sweetly, and play the part—until the moment they don't have to anymore. 

These agents undergo intense training in passive aggressive language skills, dysfunctional family culture, and the fine art of making the stepmother’s life as torturous as possible. They've learned precisely how far they can push those buttons, just enough to make you question your sanity while Daddycakes plays referee with a blindfold on. Think of it like this: a Pappa cat catches a poor, helpless mouse and brings it home. The Mamma cat sends her  kittens over to the Pappa Cat’s house, not for a cuddle, but for a life lesson in how to kill. The kittens poke, prod, and torment the mouse, and when that mouse turns to the Papa Cat for mercy, what do you think he says?

He gives that wise, all-knowing look (probably while licking his paws), and with a flick of his tail, he tells the mouse, "Well, you’ll have to deal with my bloodthirsty little darlings yourself. I’m just here to watch."

So on Steptalk you have friends that care! 

Dogmom1321 Advice:

SD is married now, living her own life, and making her own family. Don't pay her any mind and disengage. Don't fall for it when she needs help with something again (maybe babysitting grandkids or something like that). Actions speak louder than words.

I’ll add: When someone (finally) shows you who they are – BELIVE THEM THE FIRST TIME!

What the Mothership Cult-Leader wants – the Mothership Cult-Leader gets!


ESMOD wrote:

It appears that either her mother demanded you not be there.. or she was afraid of some conflict in the smaller venue.. so wanted to avoid it.

I'll add: Just remember, if the Mothership ever commands her brainwashed minion to take you out—don't take it personally. It's not about you; even if the SD murders you -it's just cult business! Just another day in the life of a sleeper agent carrying out orders from the hive.

Listen to Dogmom and Discard this sleeper agent for good! 

Trudie's picture

...but I know I shouldn't be. Ugh! I can see the truth to this!

In my case, I have no plan getting close enough where this situation could occur. Cordial. That's it. Period.

I just have to say this...everytime I see 'SKID' I think 'skidmark', like you mentioned in this post, please tell me that I am not the only one who thinks of underwear desperately in need of a trip to the laundry!!! I keep thinking 'what a bunch of poop stinks' when people refer to their skids! Or, as Mia would say, "poop-throwing primates"! You know, some days you just need to get a chuckle where you can!

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

This is artfully written and CORRECT. Nice one @toaster. We all really want to believe it can be different- it's NOT. Trust me I strived to be the best stepmom to exist and even I finally see it all for what it is now. Love this!

Distraught's picture

Wow, these responses have really opened my eyes. I did exactly what my DH wanted and loved and treated them like they were mine. In reality they never were nor will they ever be. I am so glad that I found this group. She has a sister. Fool me once...

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Yeah, biomoms don't want you to love them and treat them like they are yours. I too was punished for that with my SO's older son. With his younger son, i'm more in the role of a kindly adult. I help when i can and give advice, but i won't be parenting. The BM waged an unholy war against me for that and when the kids have to choose, they always choose the BM. They can't help it, it is what it is. This may be sexist but i think step*dads* are more likely to be accepted as a parent. Mommy Dearest just looms too large, no matter how much of a worthless cowbird she actually is. 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

A basic rule of step life is, you cannot trust your partner's judgment or version of reality. They are running an entirely different agenda, aka trying to create a Fantasy Family, and often only care about what's best for them. Many SMs have been assured "My kids like you, they really do!" when nothing could be further from reality. Step parents need to rely on their own assessment of the facts, plot their own course, and accept no b.s.

To thy own self be true, and leave the Failed First Family to their own poo.

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Right on - basic rule IS you cannot trust your partner's judgment on family affair and for seeing reality. I've mistakenly fallen for this time and time again thinking DH must "know better". Now I KNOW that I know better and to not let anyone try to blur actual reality. 

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Yes let this be your one lesson- turn your heart AWAY and pour your energy elsewhere. The SKIDs will come around again for round 2, but don't be at the door letting them in. Time to disengage. 

notarelative's picture

We were only married about three years when YSD got married. If you look at her wedding albumn you'd never know that I was at the wedding. Not one picture. There was only one picture taken of her paternal grandmother. Unfortunately it was a family picture that I was in. So no picture of grandma in the album either..

I was told that only the wedding party was going to the picture taking. So I didn't even get to witness it. 

I did get to sit with DH though. DH would have had a fit if I had not.

For the most part the wedding was fine. BM's family was fine. Just one strange remark. DH was divorced. BM had initiated the divorce and then just after it was final she died. DH and I did not start dating until after her death. The groom's mother and I were talking at the end of the night. I said something innocuous and the groom's mother remarked that no matter what I did or tried, I'd always be the other woman. It seems the groom had told her I was the cause of the divorce. Groom later told us he thinks remarrying after the death of a spouse (I was a widow) was disrespectful to the first spouse. YSD has been married about 20 years now and her husband is still a horse's ***.

paul_in_utah's picture

There's nothing to forgive.  You mean nothing to her.  As others noted, she was using you while you were useful.  Nothing more.  She'll "come around" when she needs you to start paying expenses once she has kids.

I strongly encourage you to drop the rope and protect your wallet. 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

And I'm sorry for your pain. Just want to add you're not alone - if you type "wedding" into the search box, you'll find puh lenty of horror stories from SPs who were exploited/shunned/abused/mistreated at weddings. 

Step dysfunction, whether covert or overt, often ramps up around big life events. Weddings - that female-dominated ritual - seem to be the worst. And our husbands always seem oblivious to the machinations going on behind the scene. 

My mother was shunned when HER stepdaughter married, put in the very back row of the "family" photos. However Mom, being no dummy and a British subject, had followed the tradition of sporting a chic (and VERY wide-brimmed) hat. Paired with Cadillac Red lipstick, she still stood out. 

For myself, it was only years after that I noticed twelve year old bridesmaid OSD looked like she'd sucked on a lemon in all my wedding photos. I was "allowed" to pay for the rehearsal dinner at OSD's first wedding, then seated behind a pillar that completely blocked my view of the ceremony at her second. The beat goes on, and now you're FREE to take some GIANT steps back from all things skid related.

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

This is the perfect opportunity to be set free- enjoy your freedom! Once you get a taste of it- you do NOT go back. Took me years but after a horrificly disrespectful dinner I finally set myself free and it's been years - I will NEVER go back. They lost me and I found me. Biggrin <3

Cath5213's picture

This is what I think would happen to myself later down the track, and I'm truly sorry that it's happened to you. Good for your husband for standing up for you and saying that he's not coming if you're not invited. How horrible that you're sitting in a different spot from your husband at the wedding reception and not be included in any of the photos. All in all, clearly what a crazy toxic person would do. I'm surprised it has taken her 25 years to show her true colours, and I'm actually glad that mine started showing their true colours now (after nearly 10 years), rather than stringing me along for another 15. 

I don't think that it is all stemming from BM feeling uncomfortable about the wedding. Also, disagree with what ESMOD is saying. It is SD's wedding, and it should be done with how SHE wants it, not with how BM wants it. Also, OP claims that the venue is not even all that small, and that there is plenty of space to avoid BM at the rehearsal dinner. So that's clearly a BS excuse. SD is getting married after all, this means she is an ADULT. And an adult should be capable of making their own decisions and telling other people how it is. If BM doesn't like it, she can sit it out, but she doesn't have the right to demand for father and his wife to do certain things, and SD, as an adult, needs to be able to put her foot down and say that to BM. After all, father & his wife aren't demanding anything from BM's side, so why should she? And why should SD be bending to all BM's wishes when it appears that her father & OP are paying for parts of the wedding too? I'm sorry but that is all just an excuse and just a way of SD to shift the blame to her mother when she is the one who is also contributing to all of this. We need to stop excusing stepchildren as if they are all little kids who aren't capable of making their own decisions. We need to hold them accountable for their own adult actions and adult decisions. 

If BM is uncomfortable, she can be the one to sit it out. ESMOD sat it out because s/he was uncomfortable. Any parent who is of a reasonably level mind would want the best for their children, and that includes enduring uncomfortable moments with their ex's side. And if they cannot endure it, then they need to take themselves out of the equation. If BM is uncomfortable and hence put pressure on SD to exclude father & his wife, and SD abides to this, that means SD is also crazy and toxic. Hold them to what they are. Stop excusing their poor behaviours like they are children who have no choice. 

If I were you, I'd take the time now to just lay low. Digest everything. Examine how you feel. Don't do or say anything rash. You are obviously very hurt and blindsided, and you would feel a mix of emotions from this point onwards. Anger, sadness, resentment, betrayal, and so on. It is all normal. Take the time you need to digest it all, and listen to your mind and heart. Talk to someone, if that helps. Find a therapist, if that helps. Tell your husband how you feel. Don't spare anything. 

Eventually, if I were you, I would slowly withdraw from the relationship that you have with SD. Start doing less, and start saying no. Don't do anything that you're not comfortable with, and don't go that extra length. Actions always speak louder than words, and she has shown you what you mean to her. So if I were you, I'd start protecting myself and I'd start the process of healing. If you still want to support your husband, do so. But you need to find the balance that works for you, so that you don't get hurt and blindsided once more. Take care of yourself first. Sending hugs!

Distraught's picture

You are so right.  She is an adult and I don't beleive for one second that if she really wanted me in pictures or at the dinner that as the bride she would have let anything stand in her way.  BM is very toxic.  I have not done anything rash although I have wanted to.  We still pay some of her bills.  Boy do I feel like cutting her off and probably should.  I will lay low and thank you for your advice.  I didn't have anyone to talk to so this has really helped.  

Winterglow's picture

Please stop that immediately! She's an adult, a married woman, she should be footing all of her own bills. ALL of them! Not only would I stop paying for any of her bills, but I would not give her any warning. Advance notice would only give her an opportunity to argue about it. She didn't want you at her wedding,  why should she get any of your money?

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Yeah...cut the financial cord. She's married- time to put those big girl pants on and pay your own way rather then off the backs of stepmom and daddy. 

Newimprvmodel's picture

At the wedding??  I would have demanded that and not cared about making a scene. I think your H needs to have a conversation with SD now. He likely will resist if he's like most. I think ignoring this would be hard.  Why not you call her and discuss it yourself?  Lay it out. And then never lift another finger for her.  
SDs can play nice until it gets a little tough then they exclude the B list.  My SD was very friendly to my big overtures at the start of the pandemic. My thinking was let bygones be. So I treated her and her new child like royalty. This went on until I found out that her baby's first birthday blowout bash included everyone except her father and I. And my offer to fly them all to visit us was met with "it doesn't work for us."  I have not had any further contact with her in over 5 years. 
A lot depends on H. Is he pissed like he should be??  

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

@Newimprvmodel - I totally relate to this story line but I really really highly recommend that stepmom does NOT confront SD...SD played her cards, SM got burned and nothing about a confrontation will achieve anything stepmom wants. Infact it will do the opposite and be used against her. SD did SM a huge favor- she burned her big time and now SM needs to lick her wounds, quietly go underground and STOP doing anything for SD. The real punishment is lost opportunity for SD and the real reward is freedom for SM...but it will take time for her to realise this. 

Distraught's picture

Ultimately, we rearranged the seating since it was all our family at the table and we did sit together.  This upset the bride and she sent the wedding planner over to our table to ask why we were not in our assigned seats.  (Rolling eyes). What was she going to do cause a scene at her own wedding.  But no he is not mad like he should be.  He (we) did not get a thank you for paying for the wedding or an apology for all her insultls leading up to the wedding. He is acting like nothing happened and saying that what did happen was her BM's fault and expects me to keep thiings the same. Whenever I talk to him about it he explains away SD's actions.

Newimprvmodel's picture

If I were you I could not be business as usual with her.  But it's hard for you to do given the past 25 years. I'd go with the flow until I had to go out of my way for her. In which case I would not. I have it easy because SDs all live out of state and H rarely sees any of them. 
I think the game plan is all laid out before us step parents arrive on the scene. The kids know which parent rules the roost by being a bully and alienating the kids to the weaker parent. Sounds like our H's exes are witches. These guys never say boo to the kids. I can tell you however my exH would have murdered our daughter if she ever ever did this to his wife now.  But our kids know it and would not dare insult his wife. 
A new chapter has been written for you. Hopefully you won't continue to be excluded like this although once the grandkids come it might change. I think you and H need to try and get on same page regarding how you were belittled and marginalized in a terrible way. 25 years?  I might actually have a conversation with your SD if I were you. Just horrible and why should you accept it? 

Dollbabies's picture

like nothing happened because he doesn't want to deal with it. It's a total and complete cop out that men pull all the time here in step world.

As for his expectation that nothing changes in your relationship with his daughter? SD treated you with flagrant disrespect and downright cruelty and he's expecting you to suck it up because it's easier for him that way.

But you know what? That's his problem. 

notarelative's picture

... she sent the wedding planner over to our table to ask why we were not in our assigned seats. 

Sending the wedding planner over takes a special kind of gall. 
I hope DH's family at the table noticed and were appalled.

I wonder if this is a story that appears on a wedding planner site. I can imagine the wedding planner writing about the incident and saying that she can't believe the bride asked her to do this. And that she regrets following the order.

Rags's picture

She has told and shown you who and what she is. Believe her.  She is an asshole and a POS.  Treat her as what and who she has shown herself to be. That said, do not stay away from her, anyone, or anything else in your family or your DH's family.  Be fully present, you and DH be at each other's side, be radiant, be happy. I truly hope you moved your seating card at the reception to sit by your DH and put whoever you displaced at the bridal party table just to send the message to your SD and her shit puddle of a mother what is what.

Her hurting someone else because her mommy is bankrupt of character, a failed adult, and idiot parent with some regressive infantile hurt fee fees makes SD more detestable than her idiot mother is.

Stop giving this POS waste of skin spawn a second thought.  You and DH live your best lives while sending the very clear message to asshat SD that she will be treated as the shit that she is.

Do not grieve her being a POS. Recognize what she is, make sure you keep her nose rubbed in her POS status going forward, and live your best life together with your DH.

He knew his asshat daughter is a POS and he told her that his wife would not be excluded. It is refreshing to see a SParent married to a viable adult with spine, balls, and confidence.  Sadly, it is somewhat of a rarity.

Never forget that living well and living your best life is also the both the best example for those who matter in our lives and is the best revenge against those who are toxic.

Live your best life and rub the noses of the toxic opposition in that revenge making sure that you and DH are living well fully in their faces.

I would.

Have fun!!




Distraught's picture

This is helpful because actually I was thinking every time she came over just to go in my room and stay out of sight. But, you are right I need to be present and not let it affect my happiness. Thank you.

Dollbabies's picture

have to be kissy-face with her. And you don't have to be the hostess - that can be one repercussion of this episode. What's he going to say? I expect you to wait on my daughter because if you don't I'd have to have to do it? You know, because you're the female and I'm God?

Distraught's picture

My catering days are over.  As a matter of fact, I am no longer going to pay her bills.  She has 30 days notice.

Winterglow's picture

30 days notice gives her plenty of time to go behind your back and whine to daddy that she absolutely cannot survive without that money, to paint you as the awfullest evil stepmother that ever walked this earth ("look how much she HATES me, daddy!"), to   stir stuff up in your marriage and ultimately, to get him to pay for whatever she demands.

Cut her off now.

Trudie's picture

100% agree.

Trudie's picture

100% agree.

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

YAY!!!!!!!!!! I did this same exact thing when my SKIDs grew up, got married and were still acting like POS. You will feel unburdened and you will really really like having the extra cash on hand. DH and I got FANCY and started doing a lot more stuff we wanted to do ! SHE'S ON HER OWN - good riddens !

Albeit I agree with Winterglow - the sooner the better. 

Rags's picture

No notice. Re-key the locks immediately and tell her to GTF out now.  She is pressing booze on your 13yo.  TIme for this POS to go.

If your DH tries to intervene, you have more information about him than you should tolerate.

IMHO of course.

Harry's picture

I hope some new members will take a hard look at your story.  I feel so sorry for you..  you gut the right things in life to get back stabbed.  Now major disagreements...  No more money in any way or shape. No money.. no gifts for GK.  NO money to other SK. 

SD is an adult,, she made a adult decision. If other family members get hurt it's on SD.  BM wants to be a toxic bit%5   Then she can pay for everything lol. Only communication with SD it Facebook, ect  To let her know how you are spend her inheritance..on Fancy vacation, and restaurant. And adult toys. 
'Any body with SK you must understand what happen and don't get trapped yourself 

MorningMia's picture

This is horrific behavior and there might be "reasons" behind it, but there is no excuse for it. Yes, our experience was similar re: a wedding, but, believe me, I knew SD hated me long before the wedding day. lol. 
My DH used to say that his daughter felt "forced" to "pretend" not to like me in order to keep peace with her mother. BS. And if that were true, SD is a weak little hypocrite. Again, there is no excuse for this behavior unless someone has treated you horribly. 
Yes, feeling grief right now is normal. My suggestion would be to cut this little B out of your life once and for all. 
And I'm glad your DH stuck by you at the event, but he needs to open his eyes. I am so sorry! 

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

I had a similar situation with the wedding garbage - sometimes these big events unzip the truth. I spent time working very hard, expending an enormous amount of resources- then came the exclusion, the demanded apologies for made up sh**, public denouncments, the shunning in front of family and on and on....I was left feeling broken after that wedding. But I realized those feelings were OK- it taught me that these people are not my family and it also gave me the courage to look at things objectively and get OUT of swamp that they were all standing in. This was all topped off by a spectacularly disrespectful display at a dinner and I knew I was DONE. I don't communicate with them, I don't ask/see GSKIDs, I simply stay away. There's a point in life where ethe stepparent doesn't have to just give like an effervescent well, never recieving and constantly being rejected. It's just time to realize what and who they are - move on and life will be better...soon, just untether from this !


Rags's picture

I don't give any thought to them other than that they are the POS that they are. There is no reason for why they do what they do beyond who and what they are.

IMHO of course.

I am so sorry your SO took the stance of trying to make excuses and justifying that POS's behavior.  

Those making excuses for the POS spawn are as bad as the toxic opposition parent that pulls their strings.

IMHO of course.

Distraught's picture

How do you handle things when they come to visit?  I thought about simply staying in my room but it's my house. How do you not speak to them and deal with them in your own home? Oh and here come Christmas and yes even in her old age she expects and demands more than one gift. 

Dogmom1321's picture

Christmas for a twenty something year is in the past! DH can coordinate a gift if HE would like. I wouldn't even bother signing a card. 

How often is SD visiting? Does she stay overnight? Time for DH to take his relationship with his adult daughter elsewhere. They can go out to eat to catch up. 

Winterglow's picture

Just Don lift a finger for her. She's there to visit your husband, right? Let him do all the work for her, getting her room ready, entertaining her, cooking for her, cleaning up after her, and so on. You, on the other hand,will be polite and cordial and have a book on hand that you REALLY want to read your living room, your deck, wherever you want. This is YOUR home and she wi be your husband's guest. It's also up to him to take charge of the gifts from his own money. 

Keep telling yourself that you really don't care and go about your life as if she weren't there.

Alternatively,  you could tell your husband that, as you weren't welcome at her wedding, SHE is not welcome in your home 

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

This is good advice from @winterglow. I slowly unwinded from things- but a great TRICK especially in the beginning is to have "things to do" - you are making a meal for yourself, you are making cookies for your neighbors - you are doings things for you and for people you love so you can say hello when she enters but than leave to do the things you need to do. Wandering off is perfectly appropriate and soon your DH is going to have FOMO when you do that.

Recently, SKID came for a "spontaneous" visit 2 hours later than they had told us. We had plans with dinner guests coming over - I was able to make a quick "hello!" and then go straight into prepping for the meal. I didn't need to explain what I was doing or excuse myself - it's freeing. You can do this in every season too- spring, GARDENING! Even if you don't have a green thumb, put on some music and get out there. Summer, walks, books and sunsets! Fall, harvesting and decorating with pumpkins. Winter - cookies, baking - but for other people. Just create a scheduled routine of things you want to do - when they show up, it's not hard tough work that you take on, it's somethign you love to do. I always default to crafting. This will be much more productive than sitting there and being ignored or dealing with 2-faced behavior. 

MorningMia's picture

My skids are not welcome here. If DH wants to see the rude ingrates, he travels to see them. I will not be disrespected and treated like crap in my own house again--in fact, it won't happen outside of our home, either, because I will no longer see the skids elsewhere--and I finally stopped being fooled by the glimmers of "friendly" only when they needed something. People need to know that you will not allow mistreatment. As we say in here, what you permit, you promote. 

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

I am getting awfully close to this same reality @morningmia - I am waiting for a SKID to push it one more time in my home and give me a reason to ban. It's only a matter of time.  The other SKID is doing OK - I just keep my distance. 

MorningMia's picture

That's how it was here: One was banned, and the other was "ok." But the "ok" skid, rather than maturing as he grew older, grew more immature and leaped into the den of mama-induced toxicity. Of course, DH points out that this is because mama is
"insurance" for the mid-30s widdle boy. . . e.g. she's his mooching roost. Still, that doesn't explain or excuse why SS would be so rude to us unless she has a camera tracker on him with a live feed back to her, which wouldn't surprise me. lol. He's rude and mooching, so he's out, too. Hard to believe this skid was more independent and mature at the age of 17 than he is now. SMH. 

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

History repeats itself...considering both of our track records I am taking note about what happened to your "ok" SKID and watching mine with a careful eye. 

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

History repeats itself...considering both of our track records I am taking note about what happened to your "ok" SKID and watching mine with a careful eye. 

Rags's picture


Rather than retreat to your room, scent mark every square inch of your home and make the message loud and clear to the toxic POS failed family spawn that they are in your home only because you tolerate them in your home. That tolerance is second by second and based on them being able to STFU and behave reasonably.

Anything other than reasonable behavior you jump on with a full set of claws and rip them to shreds. Not physically of course. Intellectually, baring their immature idiot asses and the shit that they are, making sure they know that you know who and what they are.

A 20yo does not get the full meal deal Christmas experience. Particularly when they are toxic, entitled, and ill behaved.  Christmas is about your 13yo and making it a celebration for you, your DD, and your DH.  DH needs clarity that if his shit spawn pulls the usual crap that it will be game on and you will fillet them and run them out the door by the short and curlies.  Make sure daddy knows that a call to get the LEOs to escort her out of your home is an option and that the toxic spawn will be on an extremely short leash.

Daddy needs to be on edge and ready to pounce on them before you have to.


Never be a shrinking violet in your own life, in your marriage, in your home, or in your life.

Make the destruction of toxic your most ardent hobby.

Distraught's picture

I have to thank each of you for all this wonderful advice and support. Like I said before I didn't have anyone to vent/talk to, especially not anyone that would understand. I've received great advice but most of all support. To my future of being strong and moving on!

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

You got this. Smile Remeber, we are ALL familiar with these horrible behaviors and treatment. Stay strong and please when you start disengaging, impart your learnings / teachings to us too. 

Rags's picture

All of this heartbreaking toxic SkidMark crap is exactly why I am full frontal in their faces with their head in a headlock scrubbing their SkidMarked skivvies up their noses., or crammed down their throats.  Over, and over, and over again. If they are going lay down nasty stench they are going to smell it, eat it, live it and they are going to do it with their asses fully bared in front of anyone and everyone present. Family, friends, teachers, coworkers, fiances, future and current ILs, etc....  They choose toxic, they get full in their faces zero tolerance pain in real time. 

I know that many think that coddling, tender accepatance, welcoming, 2nd, 3rd, 4th..... nth chances, etc.... are the way to do. Nope. immediate consequences and escalating exceptionally painful misery works.  If a SKid is one of these, if their breeder in the toxic opposition is one of these, their pain, misery, and destruction is my fondest hobby.  When they cry and try to flip the script, out comes the full meal deal documented facts and anyone and everyone they try to gain support from gets those facts, arrest records, COs, PI reports, divorce hisoties, cheating histories, history of toxic manipulations.  They want to play games.... GAME ON!!!


I learned this reasonably early in my life.  At Military School there were some schlumps who would steal medals, ribbons, awards, or order them from mail order businesses and try to wear them.  When I recognized that crap, I would pull together the Standard of Honor Commission, initiate the investigation, and when the investigation proved the lies, we would have the liar pulled into the Mess Hall in their full dress uniform with their bullshit awards and their legitimate awards on full display, stand them in front of the Corps, read the Commission report, and implement the public stripping of rank, all awards including the ones they may have earned, and then read the Commissions recommendation to the administration to kick the POS out.  Some were kicked out, others wished they had been as they spent months marching in big rectangles wearing a heavy pack, carrying a heavy weapon, every spare minute of free time they had.  For those who had already qualified and signed it, the most painful consequence was being redlined from the Standard of Honor.  Signing was the culmonation of the first year of being a Cadet.  It was a big deal.  For those who pulled this crap during their first year, they could not sign.  That banished them to the purgatory of eternal New Cadet status.  Not something anyone would want.

The school culture was +'. Accentuate the positive. Recognize performance, honor, and integrity. Conversely, violations were dealt with immediately and brutally.  If someone was struggling, the culture aligned support for them.  Any number of Cadets who struggled got help and were mentored to be solid performers. The ones who worked harder at being toxic idiots.... }=) it was game on.  Shower parties, blanket parties, Rat Fucks (loud endless push up, sit up, little red chair sessions) until they crumbled into snivvling piles of protoplasm.  If they took the lesson and started stepping up, they were supported, mentored and led to success.

IMHO, these types of Skids and their HomeLand toxic parent should be faced with zero option but pain from the quality parent, that SParent, and life should be a sheer living hell.  They get, what the earn.

If the mate we choose cannot see their SkidMark failed family effluent for what it is, then the do-over is in order in a manner as painful and expensive as we can make it for them.  If they engage as our equity life partner matching our effort, our lives together will be outstanding and an example for the SkidMarks and their nauseating Mother/Father land of toxicity.  Living well is part of keeping the skidmarked skivvies firmly shoved down their throats for them to choke on and for anyone and everyone around them to smell the odiferous emanations of as that stench wafts through the lifes of anyone and everyone they try to suck into their cesspool lives.


Why would anyone tolerate this kind of crap?  Being a COD does not give anyone free reign to treat others as shit.  Nor does it religate the COD to the status of shit. Unless.... they earn it.  In which case... GAME ON!



Distraught's picture

I just found out that my other SD (older) offered my daughter (13) alcohol at the wedding and when she declined she pressured her.  She declined again.  I guess its not enough to mess with me but it appears they are trying to harm my child as well.  Wow, I really had no idea what I was up against.

Dogmom1321's picture

WOW! This sounds like something SD14 would do when BS3 is older. Can't say I'm too surprised. This would be the final straw for not having SD in the house. Offering my child alcohol? Nope, can't be trusted! No longer welcome in my house. 

I couple of years ago, I found out SD was saying some hateful things about my son online. That's the exact moment I drew a line in the sand. I haven't flinched on my boundaries since, but they are absolutely necessary to protect our own bio children. 

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Yeah...deplorable. It speaks volumes once again. Line in the sand. Wouldn't bw able to set foot in the house after that. DH & SD go meet somewhere else. 

Rags's picture

Time to press charges. Contributing to a delinquency of a minor should be on the rap sheet of this POS as soon as you can make it happen.


Make sure to celebrate your DD's maturity, confidence, and rubbing the OSD's crap right back in her face.

Great job mom.

How pathetic is an adult who gets their lack of character ass kicked by a 13yo.

Great job young lady. Well done.

Dogmom1321's picture

Yes on the celebrate part! Reinterate the facts that was SD was doing is illegal and a criminal activity. Stress to DD that SD (both of them) are not good influences since they are adults that break the law. Sounds like DD13 is already on her own good path, but it doesn't hurt to state facts about SD.